Archived The Removal Of Anti-cheat

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Finally, someone made this thread! I'll be eager to see the results.
I hate the new anti-cheat plugin, no offense to the techs that had worked on it. It's insanely infuriating to say the least. When you get around 300+ ping and start running and/or jumping, you CONSTANTLY get rubberbanded back to the annoying NPC above you. Second, when you're trying to build, it gets in the way of building and jumping, making it really annoying and makes it to the point I don't even want to finish the build. Honestly, I think there is a better way to handle hackers anyways, as seeing there is probably almost no way to detect if someone is actually cheating or if it's just a faulty system banning players that are innocent.
This is possibly the only time I will ever agree with shep on anything even remotely related to pvp... but the only word I can really come up with to describe the anti-cheat is crap. And I mean that with the utmost respect to cayorion, but that's honestly the way I feel about it. It's legitimately inhibiting my ability to pvp well, with all the tp glitching, terrible hit registration, and such. It really feels like a half finished plugin that is in its alpha stage. I mean, the bans have gotten slightly better, I've only been banned a couple times since it's been "configured," but the constant glitches, the lag from the npcs, is just ridiculous. It's actually making me want to pvp quite a bit less on Massive. I don't know what was wrong with the old anti-cheat, but honestly I never had a problem with it. In all honesty I would legitimately rather have no anti-cheat and deal with the occasional hacker than have the current one.
I want to know the answer to this.. Compared to how many non-hacking people were tempbanned for no reason, how many actual hackers has this thing caught? I don't need names and I'm not requesting names or information on people so getting a number shouldn't be a problem. Also there MUST be a way to make that goddamn NPC 100% invisible. There is no reason that particles need to fall on me all the time and no reason it shows up every time I PVP or I use a darkroom.
Absolutely ridiculous.
1. MassiveAntiCheat - Criticals - Hacking is not allowed (10 Second temp ban)
2. MassiveAntiCheat - Knockback - Not taking Knockback (10 Second temp ban)
3. MassiveAntiCheat - KillAura - Nodus is not allowed (10 Second temp ban)

Does the Anti-Hack bot not know I'm too bad of a player to be remotely considered to be using hacks or a hacked client???
Remove this crap off the server now. This is not a question and I want to see it done soon, or I stop paying for premium. It is Extremely Inconvenient and it causes massive lag client side. @Staff
I honestly dont believe this Anti-cheat has caught an ACTUAL Hacker. its just gave annoying 10 Second bans which completely messes with pvp and ruins peoples /seen. and it dosnt only happen in pvp, it goes off when your: Dark rooming, Pvping, Building, Jumping, Sometimes even walking or swimming or falling. Im never really this upset about stuff, but im sorry, this Anti cheat is BAD.
Ohh, it's new, that's why I haven't heard of it. I guess I'm not around right now then, huh?
From what I've heard, this sounds terrible and should be gone. Hopefully before I get my account back. ;)
As it's been said already, I would much, much rather fight the occasional hacker than ruin the experience for everyone. My whole time playing Massive I have only encountered ~5 hackers in years of playing. Even then I don't think at it's current state the anti-cheat plugin can even catch hackers when I know it is being triggered from people who clearly do not hack (how do you separate a false trigger from an actual hacker?)
I speak for Lucifer and surprisingly even God about this. The anti-cheat plugin is garbage and God can't farm his damn crops without it banning him for breaking blocks too fast. It also makes Lucifer unable to kill anyone without being told that he's clicking too fast. Support your gods and vote for the plugin's removal! XD
It hinders building, creates lag, and makes the experience on massive bad... it definitely should be removed.
I find it absolutely hilarious how the AntiCheat serves to increase lag, hinder good players and totally pacify high ping pvpers, while at the same time not actually doing anything about the actual hackers on the server. Anticheat? More like Antiplayer.
I absolutely don't wanna rant about the Anti-cheat plugin but I would like to request an in-depth technical explanation on this addition, if not much to ask, from a staff member.

As everyone can read it has not improved gameplay for us, in any way (FPS drops, rubberband, laggier-than-ever pvp), although we have no idea if it is being effectively and accurately working by it's intentions.

I also can't tell how this is affecting PvP in Kitpvp, but the fact is that people can straffe around eachother, being close around maximum 2 blocks, and not be able to hit the opponent. I must say it was a bit disappointed when I fought at the new Kit :(

@MonMarty @Thortuna @Gethelp (sorry for the potential spam)
I don't think this plug-in gives any benefit to the server, in fact it's a hindrance to practically every player. PVP is really hard now because you keep not hitting and you keep getting banned for stupid shit. You can't even fucking dig a hole in the ground through gravel or sand without getting banned for some nonsense.
I wish for it to be removed. I tried some Kit today and the experience was absolutely horrendous. The part that kills it for me is the bizarre rubberbanding that occurs when your player falls or receives knockback. It's nearly impossible to guage where you will be banded to and a lot of times it causes an effect similar to those toys that are a balloon with a rubber band on it. You're the balloon you get hit and then get banned right back into their attack so you take double damage. It's also caused me to miss quite a few health pots because I get hit, throw them down, then immediately pulled away from the splash.

One pro I will state for the anticheat however is that a few people I had suspicions about before suddenly aren't that great at PvP. Coincidence? Perhaps, but you never know.

Even still I am in full agreement it should be removed.

Could we please get some kind of answer? PvP has pretty much come to a halt outside of kit (and has been ruining the experience within kit) because of all the glitches and bugs from anticheat. Personally, I really just don't want to PvP at all with the anticheat. Pvp has been quite a bit of fun recently, but I really feel that this is quite detrimental to the server's general health. Can the anticheat not be moved to a test server and be tested. I'm sure that quite a few people would be happy to help test it, myself included. But the anticheat just does not belong on Massive in its present state. It feels like a half-finished, crappy plugin that someone coded in their sleep (No offense to the tech department, but it really is that bad).
he is saying that some people were a little "too good to be true" and now its come to the surface that they possible were cheating because now they suddenly suck.
Not always true. To be honest, I was quite decent, even bordering on "Good" before they added AntiCheat, now I have to swing 5 times before a hit even lands. But yeah, I get what you are saying.
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So heres my two cents as a noob RP'er trying to do PvP. From a PvP basis I repeatedly lost 1v1's because the NPC constantly lagged me, and got in my way (Also because I'm terrible at PvP, but what I said above also applies). As an RP'er I frequently timeout with the addition on the AAC plugin. All in all I really dislike this new addition to Massive as has not performed as described.
Just so we're all on the same page, does anyone else get INSANE Hitreg lag with the addition of AntiCheat? Prior to AntiCheat i was getting really good hitreg (Good being a broad term, I do have 250 ping after all) but after the addition of AntiCheat I suddenly get really bad hit registry, meaning I can't hit people I'm directly behind when they run and I can barely hit players who are moving in any direction but forwards. Is this problem occurring with others or not?
So even though I'm not really a PvPer, I do try I'm just horrible, AntiCheat has been mucking things up for me as well. I have the wort time mining, I rubber band like crazy, cant use super breaker, stuff like that. I'm also annoyed by the fact that the damn AntiCheat ghost floats around your head after you hit or get hit by mobs, it's pretty annoying to have it in my way. The particles annoy me to no end, and it bothers my eyes to constantly have colored particles be in my face in dark areas, because making out color, in the dark while you're blind is probably one of the most eye-stressing things out there, other than reading in the dark. I can't use jump2, a trait I have become HEAVILY dependent on because I keep hitting the stupid ghost and it pulls me to the ground. I don't feel like it's worth using the designated mining area I spent a week digging out because I don't feel like being banned every 10 seconds because I broke blocks to fast. Last but not least, the fact that in order to sorta fix the rubber banding and all that crap by logging out and then having to wait to log back in bother me to no end. I used to change skins quicker than you can snap your fingers and now I can't so when I want to change chars in RP I actually have to wait. Why does there need to be a log in cool down? It's just stupid. Now to move onto how AntiCheat made my abysmal PvP skills even worse. I rubber band to much so I miss pots, E-pearls don't work some of the time, I can't hit anything cause of the stupid ghost, I rubber band like crazy when hit by other players. I actually wanted to try to PvP on Massive but with AntiCheat I can't even get better at PvP. I have to go on other servers to try to PvP and nobody on these other servers are willing to actually help me learn what to do.
Along with this about having a hard time mining/digging.. I know of two people who cant even regularly dig sand without getting banned. One of them got autobanned after digging sand too fast with an Eff4 shovel w/o the mcmmo drill, now this was before the first tweak so I figured that wouldn't happen again. But now yesterday another person got tempbanned TWICE while digging gravel with an Eff5 shovel no drill.

50 people have voted no... O.o Staff plis respond

Could we please get some kind of answer? PvP has pretty much come to a halt outside of kit (and has been ruining the experience within kit) because of all the glitches and bugs from anticheat. Personally, I really just don't want to PvP at all with the anticheat. Pvp has been quite a bit of fun recently, but I really feel that this is quite detrimental to the server's general health. Can the anticheat not be moved to a test server and be tested. I'm sure that quite a few people would be happy to help test it, myself included. But the anticheat just does not belong on Massive in its present state. It feels like a half-finished, crappy plugin that someone coded in their sleep (No offense to the tech department, but it really is that bad).
I want to know the answer to this.. Compared to how many non-hacking people were tempbanned for no reason, how many actual hackers has this thing caught? I don't need names and I'm not requesting names or information on people so getting a number shouldn't be a problem. Also there MUST be a way to make that goddamn NPC 100% invisible. There is no reason that particles need to fall on me all the time and no reason it shows up every time I PVP or I use a darkroom.
Also with this... (and yes I quoted myself here too)

The staff know, I mean how could they not with the incessant tagging. In the heat of the moment everybody is riled up about this. But if I know anything about change, its that if something is removed and replaced too quickly, there is a higher chance of the replacement backfiring and, most likely sucking worse than the problem ever was. And that's never fun. I'm sure the staff are working on how they want to handle this. We need to at least be kinda patient.
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Meybe erribudi is rilly jus a haxor...

(Jk jk lol)
To the staff that coded/worked on the plugin,
This isn't to say that the plug-in is terrible and you guys did a terrible job with it, but really, it's a great idea and I see what you guys are going for. We don't mean to be "harsh" rather about the whole matter, we are simply giving our opinions of the plugin, which I guess is good since it can definitely show what you can improve on the plugin, rather than having everyone complain about it. We know it's still in what anyone would call "Alpha" but I think it should have been improved more before implementing. I'm sure you all are working hard to improve and upgrade this anti-cheat, but if it was possible, to get rid of it as of now and let us going back to not complaining and having a terrible gameplay experience because of said anti-cheat. I myself find anti-cheat INSANELY infuriating and it honestly makes my experience less fun, I know it's a little thing, but really, it's a huge issue to majority of us daily players. I hope we can come up with something that doesn't scrap the plugin, but makes the community happier. This isn't just from a PvPer's point of view either, I've had the same issues with building, even just running around, being rubber-banded back constantly.
From a builders perspective... its very anoying.
I came to believe my mouse was broken. This due to me not being able to place blocks at some times.
But if its realy this new anti cheat plugin causing it. I say no to it aswel. If there is one thing an anti hack program shoulden't do, then it is limiting the gameplay experiënce we have had. This is an amazing server. I hate to see the joy it brings, being worn down by this.
Along with this about having a hard time mining/digging.. I know of two people who cant even regularly dig sand without getting banned. One of them got autobanned after digging sand too fast with an Eff4 shovel w/o the mcmmo drill, now this was before the first tweak so I figured that wouldn't happen again. But now yesterday another person got tempbanned TWICE while digging gravel with an Eff5 shovel no drill.

Also with this... (and yes I quoted myself here too)

The staff know, I mean how could they not with the incessant tagging. In the heat of the moment everybody is riled up about this. But if I know anything about change, its that if something is removed and replaced too quickly, there is a higher chance of the replacement backfiring and, most likely sucking worse than the problem ever was. And that's never fun. I'm sure the staff are working on how they want to handle this. We need to at least be kinda patient.
That's why a little post about it would help. We have always waited for changes in massive, but they're many times unannounced and that's the disappointment part in my opinion.

A little explanation would be enough to calm down the rant. But oh well.
First of all the MassiveCraft tech department is not the authors of this new anti cheat plugin. It is made by an external developer. While we would love to code everything ourselves we don't have enough time to do so and we must some times install external plugins to save time.

The reason we decided to switch anti cheat solution was that the old one we were using was not good enough. We testing playing with hacked clients on MassiveCraft to see what worked and what did not work. With the old plugin loads of hacks actually worked without any issues.

We changed to the new plugin and BAM. Not a single hack was possible anymore. It is very important to stress the fact that up till now quite a few hacks have worked on MassiveCraft. Nowadays however the hackers will immediately get kicked. This is an improvement for sure. Those of you that stated that the anti cheat does not catch hackers are 100% wrong.

I do however agree fully with the fact that there are too many false positives and annoyances right now. We change the plugin configuration continuously to make it work better on MassiveCraft. Our info department is currently working on identifying the false positives and why they happen.

The end goal that we are working towards are a server completely free from false positives but also completely free from hackers.
So I just updated the anti cheat plugin and manually tweaked a few configuration options based of some initial research. Please take a look and see if it works better now. Thank you.
First of all the MassiveCraft tech department is not the authors of this new anti cheat plugin. It is made by an external developer. While we would love to code everything ourselves we don't have enough time to do so and we must some times install external plugins to save time.

The reason we decided to switch anti cheat solution was that the old one we were using was not good enough. We testing playing with hacked clients on MassiveCraft to see what worked and what did not work. With the old plugin loads of hacks actually worked without any issues.

We changed to the new plugin and BAM. Not a single hack was possible anymore. It is very important to stress the fact that up till now quite a few hacks have worked on MassiveCraft. Nowadays however the hackers will immediately get kicked. This is an improvement for sure. Those of you that stated that the anti cheat does not catch hackers are 100% wrong.

I do however agree fully with the fact that there are too many false positives and annoyances right now. We change the plugin configuration continuously to make it work better on MassiveCraft. Our info department is currently working on identifying the false positives and why they happen.

The end goal that we are working towards are a server completely free from false positives but also completely free from hackers.
That is exactly the information we needed, thank you!

So I just updated the anti cheat plugin and manually tweaked a few configuration options based of some initial research. Please take a look and see if it works better now. Thank you.
Thank you once again! :D
First of all the MassiveCraft tech department is not the authors of this new anti cheat plugin. It is made by an external developer. While we would love to code everything ourselves we don't have enough time to do so and we must some times install external plugins to save time.

The reason we decided to switch anti cheat solution was that the old one we were using was not good enough. We testing playing with hacked clients on MassiveCraft to see what worked and what did not work. With the old plugin loads of hacks actually worked without any issues.

We changed to the new plugin and BAM. Not a single hack was possible anymore. It is very important to stress the fact that up till now quite a few hacks have worked on MassiveCraft. Nowadays however the hackers will immediately get kicked. This is an improvement for sure. Those of you that stated that the anti cheat does not catch hackers are 100% wrong.

I do however agree fully with the fact that there are too many false positives and annoyances right now. We change the plugin configuration continuously to make it work better on MassiveCraft. Our info department is currently working on identifying the false positives and why they happen.

The end goal that we are working towards are a server completely free from false positives but also completely free from hackers.
And I appreciate that. However, I would much, much rather have a few hackers than what the anticheat is doing to the server at the moment. Currently pvp is literally unplayable for myself and many others who are decent enough to set off the anticheat. Personally, I would much rather have a few hackers than no hackers but unable to play decently. And judging by the rest of the responses to this thread, most people agree with me.

Edit: I'll go ahead and play with the updated settings before I make another post.
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And I appreciate that. However, I would much, much rather have a few hackers than what the anticheat is doing to the server at the moment. Currently pvp is literally unplayable for myself and many others who are decent enough to set off the anticheat. Personally, I would much rather have a few hackers than no hackers but unable to play decently. And judging by the rest of the responses to this thread, most people agree with me.
I was wondering @Cayorion if there was any way to make the new Anti-Cheat player specific (hiding the NPC ofc, and here's why) - A lot of PvP'ers can record, and I think that there should be a system that if enough evidence is submitting showing a player that could possibly be hacking then the anti-cheat (NPC Should be invisible) could be put onto that player specifically in order to see IF that player is really hacking and if said player is then the appropriate punishment can be handed out. This solution if possible could make most pvpers happy with the Anti-Cheat and leave us with an effective system that helps detect any hackers. Please give feedback if I wasn't clear enough or why/why not this can/cant happen.

Edit : I dont know why this is a reply to your post Jes
up till now quite a few hacks have worked on MassiveCraft.
I can attest to that. I once had a guy in my fac who could somehow see what enchants wereon my items, and wanted them if he could 'guess'. I reported him and he got banned
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