The Regalian Welfare Foundation

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The Senate
Mar 31, 2018
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The (Not so) United Kingdom
Her Majesty's British Empire???
Littered across Regalia's notice boards, one may find one of many official-looking flyers, each painstakingly penned in a deep blue ink.

The esteemed pastry chef Fraulein Hinderofen presents…

The Regalian Welfare Foundation

Who are we?

The Regalian Welfare Foundation - and her founder, Fraulein Hinderofen - are dedicated to the cause of distribution of goods among the impoverished and those in need, as well as offering much-needed moral support and spiritual guidance. Fraulein Hinderofen believes that with the aid of Regalia's benevolent - of which she urges that there is no shortage - that she, and her associates, will positively affect the standard of living of the desperate residing in the city's walls -- and eventually beyond.

Regrettably, Fraulein Hinderofen also knows of the hardships of sleeping rough and silently wasting away from malnutrition, which she has experienced first-hand as a youth in Brissiaud, and as such recognizes the serious problem that is poverty. She pleas to all that are fit, able-bodied, and successful to give what they can to the cause, for the alleviation of unnecessary hardship means betterment of society as a whole.

Our Aspirations

As merely a humble baker, Fraulein Hinderofen is unable to finance her operation alone. With the aid of the generous, the Foundation will serve as a vessel for do-gooders, which will assume the position of distribution of donated resources, as well as a safe-haven for the impoverished, to which it will offer advice and support.

In the preceding months, The Foundation plans to purchase and maintain several plots of land around the city to construct vast shelters - which will gladly welcome the needy with open-arms -and localize the operation. Fraulein Hinderofen hopes that in these shelters, she and her associates will be able to provide free bedding and healthcare.

Furthermore, The Foundation aspires to host charitable events across the Crown City, which will provide entertainment - as well as an opportunity to support the cause.

Fraulein Hinderofen implores you all to to mail any and all generous donations.
Naturally, applications from avid volunteers are also encouraged.

Inquiries and applications should be sent via an IC letter (PMs or down below) addressed to Fraulein Hinderofen.

This is charity for the impoverished set up by my Sliz. I'm planning on hosting some nice lil' events in the Summer months.

This is not a scam

She skims her eyes across the text, slightly moving her lips as she reads, a smile creeping at their corners once she has finished. "Now this is somethin' I ca' ge' behind. I's abou' time someone thinks o' tha downtrodden," she mumbles. Selecting a bench in a quiet corner, she sits and begins penning her letter.

To the venerable Fraulein Hinderofen,

I would like to firstly thank you for your efforts to organize a sustained welfare resource for the less fortunate community of Regalia. It is too often that they are cast out of society's eye and forgotten.
Secondly, I express my desire to contribute my own services to your efforts in any way you deem appropriate. I am no healer, however I do have knowledge of basic wound care and how to treat common infections and diseases. I am also well equipped to supply you with tinctures and salves that I make for my household and would gladly donate these to your cause.
Aside from these personal skills that I offer to your service, I want to pledge myself to funding all of your costs for flour used in baking food for those in your care, and even for your own business, as a thank you for taking such a burden upon yourself.

Anise Malady
She skims her eyes across the text, slightly moving her lips as she reads, a smile creeping at their corners once she has finished. "Now this is somethin' I ca' ge' behind. I's abou' time someone thinks o' tha downtrodden," she mumbles. Selecting a bench in a quiet corner, she sits and begins penning her letter.

To the venerable Fraulein Hinderofen,

I would like to firstly thank you for your efforts to organize a sustained welfare resource for the less fortunate community of Regalia. It is too often that they are cast out of society's eye and forgotten.
Secondly, I express my desire to contribute my own services to your efforts in any way you deem appropriate. I am no healer, however I do have knowledge of basic wound care and how to treat common infections and diseases. I am also well equipped to supply you with tinctures and salves that I make for my household and would gladly donate these to your cause.
Aside from these personal skills that I offer to your service, I want to pledge myself to funding all of your costs for flour used in baking food for those in your care, and even for your own business, as a thank you for taking such a burden upon yourself.

Anise Malady
A letter from a certain keen Slizzar would be swiftly returned. The envolope was marked with a rather official-looking signature, penned oncemore in a deep blue ink.

Dear Fräu Malady,

Firstly, I am pleased to hear that we see eye-to-eye regarding the matter, and that you believe in our noble cause. It is encouraging to hear such enthusiasm from our volunteers.

Furthermore, I gleefully welcome you to the Foundation. You have shown unparrelled generousity in your donation; I believe I should be the one thanking you.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely, Fräulein Hinderofen.
