The Regalian Society Of Invention


Proponent of Anime
Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
United States (CST)
Expect this page to become a lot more complete and organized as the group evolves and grows via IC meetings and progression. (Side Note: Don't let the word 'invention' fool you, this pertains to any kind of discovery not just the stereotypical machines and contraptions that the word is commonly associated with.)

The Regalian Society of Invention's goal is to provide a safe haven for fellow inventors and visionaries. We assist our members in realizing their goals to bring new ideas into reality, and provide them with the experience and resources they need to take their first steps. Not everyone in our organization is required be an innovator however, there are also those who may simply wish to lend their experience, resources, or support for the cause. Our ultimate objective is to cultivate the great minds of tomorrow and to benefit regalian society for the greater good.

Joining is currently only limited to engaging in an IC conversation with Aewynn Alunova and learning about the formation of this new organization as well as volunteering to join. However this organization will go public in the near future to allow membership via forums and an arranged meeting with an organization official, as opposed to the current method. Rules and additional details will be added to this page later on.

Current Members
Aewynn Alunova (Founder/Engineer) - @Blanclour
Weber B. Auberdeen (Co-Founder/Engineer) - @jsmalls1324
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