The coming of the faithful to Estel was unheralded to most. There was no grand announcement, nor ceremony. Rather it was the quiet gathering of those practicing their faith under the Twelfth Creed and the Cannon Law of Holy Protection. Those dedicated to preserving and persevering their Faith of Estel. This ultimately was used to create the Lloa'felijiësse Regalío (The Regalian Parish of Estel). An attempt to gather priests and acolytes to attend to the temples under Holy Protection. To preform sacraments and services. And to offer spiritual guidance to those under their faith. While the Sancella watched over the faithful Unionists, it was the Parish of Estel that would strive to provide some of the same organization and guidance to those not yet ready to step towards the Spirit.
The Regalian Parish of Estel is an attempt at creating a legal Faith of Estel group. To act as an opportunity for Faith of Estel characters. To encourage theological and religious roleplay. Finally, hopefully we will offer the wonderful Sancella and other groups or characters like it something to bounce off.
Additional OOC Note:
I am aware that there is a Faith of Estel rewrite in the works. I have decided it would be a better idea to lay the groundwork for this group before the influx of characters that will bring. However, as more information becomes available expect changes.
- To upkeep the Faith of Estel temples covered by the Cannon Law of Holy Protection
- To preform sacraments and services for Faith of Estel members within Regalia
- To offer spiritual guidance and theological discussion to Faith of Estel members
- To (hopefully) act as a representative of the Faith of Estel and its members interests within Regalia
Priests (Ecllaseíástoi): The Ecllaseíástoi, or Priests, are leaders of worship. They are expected to understand the Faith of Estel and its practices. Enough to perform the necessary rites. And be intimate worshipers.
Acolytes (Ajocólloa): The Acolytes, or Ajocólloa, are expected to assist Priests in preforming rituals and organizing events. They are not required to have great understanding of the Faith of Estel, although some use this training to go on to become Priests. These members desire to be more active in the organization than regular Faithful.
Faithful (Ciernefei): These are regular worshippers who wish for sacraments or services. They are recorded by the Parish, but are not required to have an active role in the organization if they do not wish it.
Guests (Ness'allonisso): Due to the possibility of implicating oneself of heresy by practicing to a non-believer, all those not registered by the Parish are considered Ness'allonisso. Often called Guests, although a more apt translation would be Unknowns. Certain events may not be open to Ness'allonisso (beyond those pre-approved) and it is highly frowned upon to perform a sacrament to them.
Twelfth Creed: The Training of Faith
Seventh Creed: The Holy Confessions
It is not hatred we should harbor for those who have lost the way. For the steps to the Imperial Throne lie in front of us, and yet we may look away. But the only way to the land above, so pristine and pure, is up those steps. There is no way around, there is no way from it, and no matter how far we thread, those steps will always be ever closer. So too are those who have fallen from the righteous path, they envelop themselves in the fabrications of false prophets, but the people are born in a state of ignorance and innocence. It is the duty of the virtuous to convert and protect the lesser beings that need our guidance, not to utterly destroy them in fire. Let the gentiles who accept our word and confess their sins to Melennar be welcomed with open arms, not as a brother or equal, but as a lesser mirror of ourselves, yet to be brought into the fold with due time.The Canon Law of Holy Protection
There exist the permitted faiths, which are: Faith of Estel, Old Gods, Faith of Baskarr, Dwarven Dogma, the Allar life beliefs, Qadir life beliefs and Orc life beliefs which Regalia will permit to exist within its boundaries. Individuals of these faiths may freely practice their faith in their homes, or specifically allocated temples. Public profession of these faiths or attempting to convert good Unionists to these faiths is heresy. Additionally, any faith not on this list, is pure heresy.The State Law of Regalian Purity
Any and all Human citizens and noncitizens within the Regalian Empire are forbidden from maintaining sexual relations or marriage bonds with non-Humans. Any existing marriages that were approved before this law would be declared null and void by the state, and their offspring related to half breeds would be declared illegitimate and without rights to the Regalian State.The Imperial Law of Holy Face
It is forbidden to either deface, defame, criticize, nullify, deject, dishonor, destroy, reject, diminish or otherwise cast negative effects or intent on the Crown Rule, images of the Crown Rule, or the Crown Rule themselves, or the Imperial Spirit.![Ib5VSoM.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ib5VSoM.png)
Character Name:
Character Application: (Required for Acolytes and Priests, otherwise optional)
Character Race:
Skype: (Required for Priests, preferred for all others but not mandatory)
Additional information: (Want to send an IC letter, have any questions? Go nuts!)
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