The Regalian Fighter's Guild


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
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The Fighter's Guild was established in 306 AC in the wake of Government reform and the ongoing Dragon Crisis. The need for both increased revenue and skilled warriors in the Empire spurred the creation of the so-called Fighter's Guild; an organization where those who wish to swing a blade could find like-minded individuals, self-advancement, and work, with the ultimate goal of unifying those who use a blade to serve the Empire. The Fighter's Guild welcomes all, whether they be interested in pleasantry and combat roleplay, desire a natural progression of their Skills, or rise into a desirable position on the merits of their blade. A shift in leadership soon left three members of the guild in charge, those being Mateo Silva, Stéphan Valeur III, and Eyanaeil Faenin. They are currently housed in the Fang's Throng Lounge within the Regalian Park.

  • Members of the Fighter's Guild and their employers may not conspire, plot, or otherwise attempt to harm the Crown and his subjects, with the understanding that any amount paid to betray the Crown, the Crown will beat.​
  • Members of the Fighter's Guild may not break Regalian Law to a societally disruptive extent.​
  • Members of the Fighter's Guild may never usurp the rights of any Regalian Law Enforcement Charter.​
  • Members of the Fighter's Guild must dedicate a portion of their pay to the State to maintain their rights and must seek constant work lest they be fined and removed.​
  • Members of the Fighter's Guild must give a majority of their wealth (a personal weapon, or a prized possession) to the state if they are arrested for any reason, or break the Code of Coin.​

  • The right to wear A chest-plate up to plate armor of any kind. (arms/neck/head may not be armored)
  • The right to wear a chain-mail hip-guard. (legs/feet/neck may not be armored)
  • The right to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade.
  • The right to defend their patron(s) from aggression.
  • The right to perform and transfer citizen arrests on attackers against said patron(s).
  • The right to maintain headquarters within the City.

  • IGN:
  • Character Name:
  • Character Application: (Required.)​
  • Skype: (Do not post your username here, you will be contacted once accepted, but do note Skype is mandatory for communication purposes.)​
  • IC Letter: (An IC letter to the leaders of the guild as to why you should be accepted.)​

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These are the members within the guild. Approved mercenaries may either stay as Companions, which are freelance mercs, under the loose command of the Leadership of the Guild, or form their own Sub-Organizations (or merc bands) which are listed further below.
Leadership | The men keeping the guild in line.
  • Mateo Silva (@MrH_) - Head of Command | Overall leader of the Guild.
  • Stéphan Valeur (@Bertramqaz) - Head of Operation | Creating exposure for the Guild.
  • Eyanaeil Faenin (@Timisc) - Head of Finesse | Keeping the Companions in line.
Companions | Freelance workers for hire.


The Wandering Warband | A slum-dwelling band of hired thugs and warriors, less than honorable.
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  • IGN: DolittleGuy
  • Character Name: Shane Marth
  • Character Application: (Required.) boop
  • Skype: (Do not post your username here, you will be contacted once accepted, but do note Skype is mandatory for communication purposes.) Bert has it I believe.
  • IC Letter: (An IC letter to the leaders of the guild as to why you should be accepted.)
Dear Leaders of the Fighter's Guild,

Hello. I am a Claith who has for some time been acting as a house guard for House Viduggla. However with the recent loss of my home due to a fire, I'm in need of coin. I already am mistaken as a 'Merc' fairly often, therefore I might as well become one and make some more coin in addition to my guard wages.
Sincerely, Shane Marth
Character Name: Falik Nilayn
Character Application:
Skype: Yes I have it
IC Letter:

Dear Fighter Guild Leaders,
Hello I'm Falik Nilayn, and I was interested in joining the fighters guild. I'm a hard worker, and I'm a good fighter. I've been looking for work for some time now, and I thought that I'd give this a shot. I'm willing to fight, and I'm willing to travel where ever this job takes me.
Falik Nilayn
IGN: Walnoodle
Character Name: Seraphina Eroth
Character Application: Blarp
Skype: You gots it
IC Letter:
A letter in a light blue envelope would be delivered to the Fighter Guild Leaders or whomever. The letter itself would be written in a rather feminine hand.

To the Leaders of the Fighters Guild,

Greetin's, my names Seraphina Eroth and I'm obviously writing to you in concerns of joining up with the Fighter's Guild once more. I was once a merc a few months back and have been in numerous guard charters. I'm currently employed by the Noble House Peirgarten. I'm trained in the School of Tenpenny and as previously stated have been in numerous guard charters and have been a merc a few times.
If you need further information about me, Eyan knows me as we've worked together before, so ask him about me. I await your response.
Spirit Guide,
Seraphina Eroth
Guild Leaders,

My name is Lodewijk Boerefijn. Faithfully I have served the Crown in the past, now I serve those who are beneath it. My employment and fees for my services have proven satisfactory in the past and shall remain as such even now. I am efficient and loyal to my employers and the Crown. I feel as though my skills are of benefit to have registered, especially given the amount of bounties being raised by State and private entities. I pray this letter finds you well.

Lodewijk Boerefijn

To the leaders of the Fighters Guild,

Greetings, my name is Balric Cobsford, an Url of Ailor birth. I write to you to ask for admission within your guild, as an experienced fighter, tracker, and combatant. I am currently employed as a house guard for the noble d'Vaud family, and serving under General d'Vaud in the Cadar's Wings. I am also the Throng Keeper of the Fangs Throng, housed previously where you now reside. While making some extra coin is certainly appealing, I seek more to join as to be able to converse and socialize with other skilled fighters, and to hone my skills in combat. May this letter travel swiftly.

May the spirit protect,
Balric Cobsford
  • IGN: DolittleGuy
  • Character Name: Shane Marth
  • Character Application: (Required.) boop
  • Skype: (Do not post your username here, you will be contacted once accepted, but do note Skype is mandatory for communication purposes.) Bert has it I believe.
  • IC Letter: (An IC letter to the leaders of the guild as to why you should be accepted.)
Dear Leaders of the Fighter's Guild,

Hello. I am a Claith who has for some time been acting as a house guard for House Viduggla. However with the recent loss of my home due to a fire, I'm in need of coin. I already am mistaken as a 'Merc' fairly often, therefore I might as well become one and make some more coin in addition to my guard wages.
Sincerely, Shane Marth

Guild Leaders,

My name is Lodewijk Boerefijn. Faithfully I have served the Crown in the past, now I serve those who are beneath it. My employment and fees for my services have proven satisfactory in the past and shall remain as such even now. I am efficient and loyal to my employers and the Crown. I feel as though my skills are of benefit to have registered, especially given the amount of bounties being raised by State and private entities. I pray this letter finds you well.

Lodewijk Boerefijn

To the leaders of the Fighters Guild,

Greetings, my name is Balric Cobsford, an Url of Ailor birth. I write to you to ask for admission within your guild, as an experienced fighter, tracker, and combatant. I am currently employed as a house guard for the noble d'Vaud family, and serving under General d'Vaud in the Cadar's Wings. I am also the Throng Keeper of the Fangs Throng, housed previously where you now reside. While making some extra coin is certainly appealing, I seek more to join as to be able to converse and socialize with other skilled fighters, and to hone my skills in combat. May this letter travel swiftly.

May the spirit protect,
Balric Cobsford

IGN: Walnoodle
Character Name: Seraphina Eroth
Character Application: Blarp
Skype: You gots it
IC Letter:
A letter in a light blue envelope would be delivered to the Fighter Guild Leaders or whomever. The letter itself would be written in a rather feminine hand.

To the Leaders of the Fighters Guild,

Greetin's, my names Seraphina Eroth and I'm obviously writing to you in concerns of joining up with the Fighter's Guild once more. I was once a merc a few months back and have been in numerous guard charters. I'm currently employed by the Noble House Peirgarten. I'm trained in the School of Tenpenny and as previously stated have been in numerous guard charters and have been a merc a few times.
If you need further information about me, Eyan knows me as we've worked together before, so ask him about me. I await your response.
Spirit Guide,
Seraphina Eroth
Send me a skype request (Bertramqaz) and I'll add you to the guild chat. It's easiest for me to filter out spam requests if you say "Hi I'm Wump, you told me to add you for the guild" or something like that.

Character Name: Falik Nilayn
Character Application:
Skype: Yes I have it
IC Letter:

Dear Fighter Guild Leaders,
Hello I'm Falik Nilayn, and I was interested in joining the fighters guild. I'm a hard worker, and I'm a good fighter. I've been looking for work for some time now, and I thought that I'd give this a shot. I'm willing to fight, and I'm willing to travel where ever this job takes me.
Falik Nilayn

Pending until sheet is accepted!
Character Name: Falik Nilayn
Character Application:
Skype: Yes I have it
IC Letter:

Dear Fighter Guild Leaders,
Hello I'm Falik Nilayn, and I was interested in joining the fighters guild. I'm a hard worker, and I'm a good fighter. I've been looking for work for some time now, and I thought that I'd give this a shot. I'm willing to fight, and I'm willing to travel where ever this job takes me.
Falik Nilayn
Good winds to you,

My name is Lania'ah Kostaki, a Jenne Soganskian in pursuit of coin, fame, and doing benevolence onto our magnificent realm. Once upon a time, in my youth, I found myself rather honed in our traditional weapon: the Drixon Spear, but in due time of coming to age, I found myself outclassed by veteran fighters through sheer skill rather then prodigy. Therefore, I hope to find a skilled patron or a worthy adversary (in the most friendliest of terms) to hone my skills with.

Wealth beyond measure.
Good winds to you,

My name is Lania'ah Kostaki, a Jenne Soganskian in pursuit of coin, fame, and doing benevolence onto our magnificent realm. Once upon a time, in my youth, I found myself rather honed in our traditional weapon: the Drixon Spear, but in due time of coming to age, I found myself outclassed by veteran fighters through sheer skill rather then prodigy. Therefore, I hope to find a skilled patron or a worthy adversary (in the most friendliest of terms) to hone my skills with.

Wealth beyond measure.
Send me a skype request (Bertramqaz) and I'll add you to the guild chat. It's easiest for me to filter out spam requests if you say "Hi I'm Wump, you told me to add you for the guild" or something like that.
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Mathieu Celyreos and I am a warrior seeking work within the fine insitutions of the city. As an already experienced Mercenary and Pit Fighter within the lands of Farah'deen, I would love to put my Melaak skills to the test here, and see how I can aid whoever hires me. My training, as stated before, is within the School of Melaak, which involved the Drixon Spear, the Mastigo Whip, and a Round Shield. This allows me to move quickly around the battlefield and even, sometimes, disarm opponents with my whip, to then bring them close for my spear to pierce them. I do hope I can rejoin the Mercenary scene here, and earn a good amount of coin doing what I love.
Kind Regards,
Mathieu of House Celyreos
To the leaders of the Fighters Guild,
My name is Keres Victoria, a Griffer Duelist and Freelancer. Before, I use to work within the shadows, relying on my skills solely to survive and for regals - something I admit is not right and that I seek to change as I desire to become better than how I once was before. I will not elaborate on my skills as I would prefer to demonstrate them than simply write them down on a piece of paper, but I rely on swiftness and reflexes to strike, as well as keep an eye on my surroundings.
I hope that you consider my letter,
Sincerely - Keres Victoria
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Mathieu Celyreos and I am a warrior seeking work within the fine insitutions of the city. As an already experienced Mercenary and Pit Fighter within the lands of Farah'deen, I would love to put my Melaak skills to the test here, and see how I can aid whoever hires me. My training, as stated before, is within the School of Melaak, which involved the Drixon Spear, the Mastigo Whip, and a Round Shield. This allows me to move quickly around the battlefield and even, sometimes, disarm opponents with my whip, to then bring them close for my spear to pierce them. I do hope I can rejoin the Mercenary scene here, and earn a good amount of coin doing what I love.
Kind Regards,
Mathieu of House Celyreos
To the leaders of the Fighters Guild,
My name is Keres Victoria, a Griffer Duelist and Freelancer. Before, I use to work within the shadows, relying on my skills solely to survive and for regals - something I admit is not right and that I seek to change as I desire to become better than how I once was before. I will not elaborate on my skills as I would prefer to demonstrate them than simply write them down on a piece of paper, but I rely on swiftness and reflexes to strike, as well as keep an eye on my surroundings.
I hope that you consider my letter,
Sincerely - Keres Victoria

Send me a skype request (Bertramqaz) and I'll add you to the guild chat. It's easiest for me to filter out spam requests if you say "Hi I'm Wump, you told me to add you for the guild" or something like that.