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The Refusal Of Our Aid


Jul 11, 2018
Reaction score
Esteemed members of House Vaedra,

House Roox was aware of the distress that faced House Vaedra that dreadful day. We promptly extended a genuine offer of aid to assist in the efforts of finding Lady-Protector Cathrine Vaedra's sister and guard after the kidnapping and robbery. We believed, as fellow noble Houses, that in times of crisis, it is our duty to come together and support one another. Regrettably, it appears that our offer was met with silence from House Vaedra and, to our surprise, even from House Von Kelper as they arrived on the scene. We were more than ready to give our account of events, and aid in the search, but they ignored us and left our offer on closed ears.

Furthermore, it has come to our understanding that one of our esteemed family members, Baron Alistair Roox, who would have otherwise readily engaged in any necessary confrontation that could have arisen from the robbery and kidnapping, refrained from doing so due to his medical condition. Baron Alistair, as you may be aware, suffers from hemophilia, a condition that significantly impairs his ability to engage in physical altercations often without a medical professional on standby. Seeing the situation, there being a total of ten criminals by his eyewitness, and him alone at this time, it was the most logical choice he could have made for his well-being.

Count Estelar Roox did not show up until after this encounter was deescalating, and the criminals were making their getaway. We had firmly called for our house guards far before this, however none had shown up as this was too early in morning for a proper organized response.

However if Baron Alistair Roox or Count Estelar Roox had acted themselves, it would be vigilantism. Baron Alistair Roox is no knight or guard, nor is Count Estelar Roox. House Roox has broken no laws with this encounter, therefore there is no justice to be delivered. We abide by the laws of the Empire, that we stand loyally to. Not by the ignored laws the Knightly Orders expect us to break for their benefit. Do not accuse us of supporting illegal Occult, it is an insult to the Roox name and for all we stand for and have suffered through. Count Estelar Roox and many other Rooxs were once or are currently Red Hunters. Our household has a hatred for Vampires and alike as they have taken many of our kin from us. We now stand with the legal Occult as they have caused no harm to our family such as those who find themselves Afflictied. The legal Occult have caused less harm to us then the Purists who roam our city even.

We understand that in times of distress, emotions run high, and decisions may be made hastily. However, it is our hope that this serves as a reminder that House Roox stands ready to aid House Vaedra, not only in times of prosperity but also during moments of adversity.

House Roox, Signed by,
Baron Alistair Roox
Count Estelar Roox of Westmeer

With the usage of our name. We are not House L'Roox, but House Roox. We find this disrespectful to our entire household, as we are not Baron Alistair Roox's boutique and as for the fact we have lived beside each other for months.
A treatise with the Viridian Order insignia is posted beneath the announcement which responded to an announcement which responded to another announcement.

House Roox,

You did not call for Knights. You did not call for the Metropolitan. You did not call for anyone except your alleged house guards. Please spare the public this game of smoke and mirrors and say you clearly saw the event-- which you say you did in this document above- and refused to help beyond the easiest solution: calling upon your ill-suited and undermanned guard force which you knew would not come.

As for the rest of this document, citizens of our Empire, it is dry politic that only fuels the hatred dictats around the city already have. It is truly ironic that House Roox wants to create an even bigger rift than there already is to prove that their house is "innocent" of wrongdoing, despite continuing to do so above.

Stay safe, everyone. It is a tough time to be a Regalian. But we will persevere, as we always do.

Remember, the Emperor, wherever He may be, loves you. Serve the Empire honorably and you will be rewarded in full, and more.

Lord-protector Archard Rothe, sergeant-at-arms in the Viridian Order.