The Reason "incredible' Items Are Still Important In Voting

Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey
In the thread I posted a few days back (, a few people came to wonder something along the lines of "Why was MassiveArmor even added in the first place?"

While it may or may not have been thought out extremely, it has caused an extreme motivation to vote. We are already ranked 80 on minestatus (see below):
Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 2.28.00 AM.png

The two servers listed above us... listed for over a year... over two years.

Hell, our three months isn't really even three months. It's only been 5 days since the voting system was implemented. Heck, at this rate, in 3 months we would have as many votes as the top server on there...

Yeah, MassiveArmor needs to be removed. I got 44 positive ratings on that thread (the most of any thread in the feature & idea discussion) and not a single sign of anyone disagreeing. However, I still feel we need a motivating array of items to keep the votes coming.

As long as we make sure that the rewards do not go beyond the possibilities of the game, I feel we can push the rewards to a high extent to encourage this amazing speed we are climbing the server lists.
Spawn eggs as an item? Or perhaps spawners themselves?
Honestly, I think having Spawners wouldn't be a best idea, as you could have an endless supply of cows without having to breed and all that. I think to save the Economy with Leather, it should be replaced with like 6 cow spawn eggs or something lol
Another point that generally sums up my opinion is that someone who plays the game long enough, and efficiently enough should be able to still get more items than someone who votes 24/7.

Any other opinions on how items should be selected?
El Numero Uno

Any other opinions on how items should be selected?

The items selected for the higher tiers need to have worth. That worth can be in usability, funniness, rareness or simply being worth something in silver. When players see these rewards they have something to aim for and have a reason to vote every day, beyond simply loving the server.

However, the worth of these higher tier items needs to be balanced so as to not greatly affect the in game combat or economic status.

In the end, I think as long as there is constructive feedback and communication from the players about what they like, don't like and what they want, (as there has been already) everything should be all good in the neighborhood.
why don't we just give people who vote minor perks every time they someone who votes on all the websites gets premium for a day? or the person with the most monthly votes gets premium for the month? or just give people who vote some minor bonuses for a daily vote like a random item from a list, for example:
  • records
  • horse armor
  • decorative/useless but unobtainable blocks and or items
  • spawn eggs
  • funny items/weapons/armor
  • lore items/weapons/armor
  • scythes
  • etc.
and people who vote the most for every month get great prizes like:
  • limited premium
  • a thank you on the server home-page
  • a special item/weapon/armor set, for example: badge of dedicated, the massive scythe, the golden paladin set
  • a temporary home in regalia
  • etc.
I rather like the idea of certain mob spawn eggs. It's quite hard to find cows in the middle of a desert, but they would have to be quite rare.

To be honest though, I am quite happy with my rather 'useless' Old Silveredge Guard Uniform and other such lore related items. I would like to see much more vanity and lore related items. Things that don't serve much of a purpose other than to help immerse you into the world of Massive more, or look quite fancy.
I rather like the idea of certain mob spawn eggs. It's quite hard to find cows in the middle of a desert, but they would have to be quite rare.

Part of the game are the challenges. I once spent 5 hours bringing cows to the Alamut base in Ceardia.

Just because something is challenging and annoying doesn't mean that it should be made easier.
Part of the game are the challenges. I once spent 5 hours bringing cows to the Alamut base in Ceardia.

Just because something is challenging and annoying doesn't mean that it should be made easier.

I suppose, but if one were to only get a single cow spawn egg off the Tier 5, that's not quite enough to start breeding, which would encourage them to vote even more, yes?
I agree with Cowboy's POV, whenever servers add something that's unobtainable in-game, it often opens up the floodgates to other items. First its "just" cow eggs, then its "just" zombie eggs, then its "just" creeper eggs, until finally its "just" a mob spawner. Its the same thing as the old saying, "try to cook a frog by tossing it into a hot pot of water, and it'll leap out. But toss it into a gradually heating pot of water, and the frog won't notice the temperature changing and thus burn to death."
Simple spawn eggs like a horse or a cow and so on would be great substitutes for higher tier gifts wouldn't it?
A horse spawn egg could be very useful without harming the gameplay.
Simple spawn eggs like a horse or a cow and so on would be great substitutes for higher tier gifts wouldn't it?
A horse spawn egg could be very useful without harming the gameplay.

But since this is roleplay server, where on the earth would you see horse spawning from the egg???? xD
Just a thought: when someone is happy with something, in this case MassiveArmor, they don't tend to go on the forums and rant about it.
Simple spawn eggs like a horse or a cow and so on would be great substitutes for higher tier gifts wouldn't it?
A horse spawn egg could be very useful without harming the gameplay.
I demand a monthly gift of ocelot eggs for teaching kids what drugs can do to you :D