Official Vote Reward Suggestions Thread


Server Founder
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
This is the official thread where you can suggest voting reward items.
Suggest new items in the form of Essentials give commands here in this thread.

Links to understand the Essentials give command:
Some extra notes:
  • We support "unsafe" enchantments meaning that you can use impossible enchantment levels and enchant items that could normally not be enchanted (like cookies and pressure plates).
  • The player argument should be replaced with "{p}" which on the server is replaces with the name of the player that voted.
  • Do use a valid material name from items.cvs instead of an item id. This way people can read your command and immediately understand what type of item it is.
  • Use a bullet point list like the example one bellow for your suggestions.
Example (follow this format):
  • 16x Coal
    give {p} coal 16
  • 2x Ghast Tear
    give {p} ghasttear 2
  • {p}'s Head
    give {p} humanhead 1 player:{p}
  • Comrade Cobblestonovich
    give {p} woodenpickaxe 1 name:Comrade_Cobblestonovich efficiency:10 unbreaking:2
  • Pink Pyjamas Gown
    give {p} leatherchestplate 1 name:Pink_Pyjamas_Gown color:255,0,230 unbreaking:3 power:5 lore:This_pyjamas_is_classic_in_style_with_a_contemporary_twist.|Snug_yet_lightweight,_it's_ideal_for_lounging_days.
  • Zerphael Skull
    give {p} witherhead 1 name:Zerphael_Skull lore:The_skull_of_a_Zerphael_deamon unbreaking:10 protection:4 fireprotection:4
  • Massive Chestplate
    give {p} diamondchestplate 1 name:Massive_Chestplate lore:Massive_high_tier_diamond_armor unbreaking:5 protection:5",
  • "Breathie" Helmet
give {p} glassblock 1 name :"Breathie" helmet unbreaking:5 respiration:5 aqua affinity:3 lore:A_strange_device_built_by_a_particularly_clever_orc_that_allows_the_wearer_to_dive_for_extended_periods_of_time
Maybe to go along with the other skulls, something that has blast protection on it so:
  • Afflatus Skull
give {p} creeperhead 1 name :Afflatus_Skull lore: The_skull_of_a_Afflatus_deamon unbreaking:10 protection:4 blastprotection:4
• The Guardian's Wings
give {p} Leathercheastplate 1 name :The_Guardian's_Wings lore:The_wings_of_the_Guardian_shall_protect_you featherfall:10
Make a potion called Go-Go juice, drinking it gives your the ability to become honey boo boo temporary, giving a speed boost of speed IV and weakness II
  • Headband
    give {p} fencegate 1 name:Headband unbreaking:3 power:5 lore:This_accessory_is_great_for_adding_style_to_your_hair.
(( premium only item ))
  • Orcish Blade

give {p} stonesword 1 name:Orcish_Blade lore:A_Orcish-Made_Blade sharpness:3 unbreaking:2
  • Vampire Slayer
give {p} woodensword 1 name:Vampire_Slayer lore:A_Fammed_Killer_of_Vampires sharpness:6 unbreaking:2
  • Dwarven Axe
give {p} ironaxe 1 name:Dwarven_Axe lore:A_fine_Dwarven_Axe sharpness:3
  • Dúath Bow
give {p} bow 1 name:Dúath_Bow lore:The_Dúath_Bows_were_made_specially_for_the_Elven_Empire_Royal_Archers._These_were_retrieved_many_years_after_the_fall_of_the_fortress_in_which_they_were_made. unbreaking:4 power:4 infinity:1
  • Code:
    Slither's Tooth
    give {p} 1 shears name:Slither's_Tooth
    lore:A_tooth_stolen_from_a_dead_Naga._It_seems_awfully_sharp... sharpness: III
    [*]Maiar's Blessing
    give {p} 1 leatherhelmet name:Maiar's_Blessing
    lore:Scales_from_a_Maiar_rumoured_to_be_blessed_by_gods... aquaaffinity: V protection: II
    [*]Fragile Bane
    give {p} 1 goldenchestplate name:Fragile_Bane
    lore:This_seems_so_strong..._and_at_the_same_time_not. protection: VII blastprotection: V
Agni's Inner Flame:
Give {p} goldensword 1 name: Agnis_Inner_Flame Fa:5
lore: This_sword_is_crafted_using_an_agni's_inner_flame_centurys_ago_the_flame_was_so_hot_it_can_still_be_felt_today
  • Nedorian's Cane
give {p} stick 1 name:Nedorian's_Cane_Replica lore:Nedorian's_cane_has_a_great_many_attributes,_magical_enchantments,_and_other_bits_of_unpleasantness._Sadly,_this_is_only_a_replica. unbreaking:4 flame:1

Give {p} ironaxe 1 name:Fraxe
lore:A_mighty_axe_crafted_by_a_skilled_Dwarf_mage. unbreaking:2 fireaspect:1 sharpness:3
I am not to creative myself; however, it would be awesome to see some carnival stuff from DrFong. I think the server would love to see some lore items related to his funhouse and abusement park!
Hat of 4,000 charisma points.
give {p} leatherpants 1 name: Big_Boy_Pants color:Blue unbreaking:3 aqua_affinity:5 lore:I_Can_Be_a_Big_Boy_Now!
I am not to creative myself; however, it would be awesome to see some carnival stuff from DrFong. I think the server would love to see some lore items related to his funhouse and abusement park!

Stuffy Toy Reward
give {p} 1 brownwool name:Stuffy_Toy_Reward
lore:The_pins_are_even_still_in_the_bear... sharpness: I

Would this be good for DrFong 's vote choice or something?
Stuffy Toy Reward
give {p} 1 brownwool name: Stuffy_Toy_Reward
lore:The_pins_are_even_still_in_the_bear... sharpness: I

Would this be good for DrFong 's vote choice or something?

Yeah, I was thinking like a souvenir set from the abusement park, like the cheapo prizes and perhaps a clown outfit? I would not be comfortable creating the Lore for these items, but I would love to see them!
I have a large number of suggestions but I'll start off with potions


Drunkards Embrace: Nausea, Slowness, Lowered Jump
give {p} potion 1 name:Drunkard's_Embrace lore:You_are_going_to_regret_drinking_this_in_the_morning... effect:nausea power:4 duration:30 effect:slowness power:2 duration:120 effect:jump power:-1 duration:60

Stale Ale: Slowness, Decreased Mining Speed
give {p} potion 1 name:A_Stale_Ale lore:Looks_like_this_Ale_has_been_left_out_for_a_long_time effect:fatigue power:4 duration:120 effect:haste power:-1 duration:20 effect:slowness power:2 duration:30 effect:nausea power:1 duration:10

Dwarven Mead, Increased Mining Speed
give {p} potion 1 name:A_Dwarven_Mead lore:Crafted_in_the_finest_Dwarven_breweries effect:haste power:2 duration:60 effect:hunger power:1 duration:10 effect:jump power:-1 duration:120 effect:slowness power:1 duration:45

Blackout Brew: Blindness, Nausea, Slowness
give {p} potion 1 name:Blackout_Brew lore:A_rather_strong_brew... effect:blindness power:4 duration:30 effect:slowness power:1 duration:120 effect:jump power:-1 duration:60 effect:nausea power:4 duration:45

Eyes of the Tigran: Very long Nightvision and weakness
give {p} potion 1 name:The_Eyes_of_the_Tigran lore:Brewed_by_several_dubious_Tigran_alchemists effect:nightvision power:1 duration:600 effect:blindness power:2 duration:10 effect:weakness power:2 duration:800 effect:fatigue power:1 duration:100

Cloud Wine: Jump Boost, Hunger, Nausea
give {p} potion 1 name:Cloud_Wine lore:Dance_upon_the_clouds_tonight! effect:jump power:2 duration:60 effect:hunger power:3 duration:15 effect:nausea power:2 duration: 100 effect:blindness power:1 duration:10

Honey Mead:Hunger Regen, Nausea
give {p} potion 1 name:Honey_Mead lore:A_good_ol'_Honey_Mead_to_fill_your_stomach_and_your_spirit effect:saturation power:1 duration:30 effect:nausea power:2 duration:15

Blaze's Brandy: Very long Fire Resistance, Little waterbreath, weakness
give {p} potion 1 name:Blaze's_Brandy lore:One_sip_is_all_it_takes_to_set_your_heart_alight effect:fireresist power:1 duration:600 effect:waterbreath power:-4 duration:400 effect:weakness power:1 duration:500 effect:blindness power:1 duration:30

Strongman's Stout: Resistance,Strength Hunger, Slowness
give {p} potion 1 name:Strongman's_Stout lore:Are_you_sure_you_can_handle_this,_shrimp? effect:resistance power:2 duration:40 effect:slowness power:3 duration:120 effect:strength power:1 duration:40 effect:hunger power:1 duration:80

Curse of the Departed: Wither Effect
give {p} potion 1 name:Curse_of_the_Departed lore:All_are_to_be_damned_who_touch_this_drink_to_their_lips effect:wither power:2 duration:30 effect:blindness power:4 duration:30
I have a large number of suggestions but I'll start off with potions


Drunkards Embrace: Nausea, Slowness, Lowered Jump
give {p} potion 1 name:Drunkard's_Embrace lore:You_are_going_to_regret_drinking_this_in_the_morning... effect:nausea power:4 duration:30 effect:slowness power:2 duration:120 effect:jump power:-1 duration:60

Stale Ale: Slowness, Decreased Mining Speed
give {p} potion 1 name:A_Stale_Ale lore:Looks_like_this_Ale_has_been_left_out_for_a_long_time effect:fatigue power:4 duration:120 effect:haste power:-1 duration:20 effect:slowness power:2 duration:30 effect:nausea power:1 duration:10

Dwarven Mead, Increased Mining Speed
give {p} potion 1 name:A_Dwarven_Mead lore:Crafted_in_the_finest_Dwarven_breweries effect:haste power:2 duration:60 effect:hunger power:1 duration:10 effect:jump power:-1 duration:120 effect:slowness power:1 duration:45

Blackout Brew: Blindness, Nausea, Slowness
give {p} potion 1 name:Blackout_Brew lore:A_rather_strong_brew... effect:blindness power:4 duration:30 effect:slowness power:1 duration:120 effect:jump power:-1 duration:60 effect:nausea power:4 duration:45

Eyes of the Tigran: Very long Nightvision and weakness
give {p} potion 1 name:The_Eyes_of_the_Tigran lore:Brewed_by_several_dubious_Tigran_alchemists effect:nightvision power:1 duration:600 effect:blindness power:2 duration:10 effect:weakness power:2 duration:800 effect:fatigue power:1 duration:100

Cloud Wine: Jump Boost, Hunger, Nausea
give {p} potion 1 name:Cloud_Wine lore:Dance_upon_the_clouds_tonight! effect:jump power:2 duration:60 effect:hunger power:3 duration:15 effect:nausea power:2 duration: 100 effect:blindness power:1 duration:10

Honey Mead:Hunger Regen, Nausea
give {p} potion 1 name:Honey_Mead lore:A_good_ol'_Honey_Mead_to_fill_your_stomach_and_your_spirit effect:saturation power:1 duration:30 effect:nausea power:2 duration:15

Blaze's Brandy: Very long Fire Resistance, Little waterbreath, weakness
give {p} potion 1 name:Blaze's_Brandy lore:One_sip_is_all_it_takes_to_set_your_heart_alight effect:fireresist power:1 duration:600 effect:waterbreath power:-4 duration:400 effect:weakness power:1 duration:500 effect:blindness power:1 duration:30

Strongman's Stout: Resistance,Strength Hunger, Slowness
give {p} potion 1 name:Strongman's_Stout lore:Are_you_sure_you_can_handle_this,_shrimp? effect:resistance power:2 duration:40 effect:slowness power:3 duration:120 effect:strength power:1 duration:40 effect:hunger power:1 duration:80

Curse of the Departed: Wither Effect
give {p} potion 1 name:Curse_of_the_Departed lore:All_are_to_be_damned_who_touch_this_drink_to_their_lips effect:wither power:2 duration:30 effect:blindness power:4 duration:30

I honestly think all this is pretty cool, but of all things, I for some reason want to see this on that list;

Dreadnaught's Blood
give {p} potion 1 name:Deadnaught's_Blood lore:Ew..._I_can't_believe_this_stuff_is_helpful...
effect:invisibility power:1 duration:45 effect:blindness power:2 duration:50 effect:weakness power:2 duration:55

This potion could be pretty helpful for RP, but still make it hard to abuse in PVP. Besides, you would need to take your armour off to be truly invisible, you also are very blind, making a bow nearly worthles, and even if you did bring it into PVP, you would be doing a hell of a lot less damage than you originally intend, let alone the issue that someone just needs to see your sword to almost one-shot you. Of course, it would still need to be pretty rare, tier 5 sorta thing.
give {p} pumpkin 1 name:"Harvest_mask"
unbreaking:10 looting:5 lore: A humble mask to celebrate the year's harvest!
  • give {p} ironchestplate 1 name:Old_Iron_Chest unbreaking:4 protection:4 projectile protection:1 lore: An old, reliable iron chestplate
Next up. Fireworks
I'm still trying to find a few more good firework combinations if anyone has suggestions.

Color Bomb x3:
give {p} firework 3 name:Color_Bomb color:red,white fade:red effect:trail,twinkle color:orange,white fade:orange effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow,white fade:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:lime,white fade:lime effect:trail,twinkle color:blue,white fade:blue effect:trail,twinkle color:Purple,white fade:Purple effect:trail,twinkle color:white shape:large fade:white,black effect:trail,twinkle

Fiery Firework x5
give {p} firework 5 name:Fiery_Firework color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:orange effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:orange effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red,orange,yellow shape:star effect:trail,twinkle

Rasta Firework Man! x5
give {p} firework 5 name:Rasta_Time! color:lime effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:lime effect:trail,twinkle color: yellow,lime,red shape:star effect:trail,twinkle
Next up. Fireworks
I'm still trying to find a few more good firework combinations if anyone has suggestions.

Color Bomb x3:
give {p} firework 3 name:Color_Bomb color:red,white fade:red effect:trail,twinkle color:orange,white fade:orange effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow,white fade:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:lime,white fade:lime effect:trail,twinkle color:blue,white fade:blue effect:trail,twinkle color:Purple,white fade:Purple effect:trail,twinkle color:white shape:large fade:white,black effect:trail,twinkle

Fiery Firework x5
give {p} firework 5 name:Fiery_Firework color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:orange effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:orange effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red,orange,yellow shape:star effect:trail,twinkle

Rasta Firework Man! x5
give {p} firework 5 name:Rasta_Time! color:lime effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:yellow effect:trail,twinkle color:red effect:trail,twinkle color:lime effect:trail,twinkle color: yellow,lime,red shape:star effect:trail,twinkle

You guys might want to put your suggestions within [ code] [/ code] so that things like emoticons or bold don't interfere

Pretty much what you might also wanna do. .___.
Book of Lore Chapter 1X1
give {p} Book_Of_Lore_1 1

There would be like 8-12 chapters and the complete set would give out a basic history of the server from a lore perspective. I'd love something like that.

give {p} rum 1

Rum is just a placeholder for the various drinks sold at the Golden Willow Tavern. It would be nice to be able to start my own tavern with real drinks instead of fake ones. Would also allow people to enjoy getting drunk in their own town.
give {p} 2 Book and Quill
Lore: -
To promote the use of Books IG

Map of Regalia
give {p} Map (showing part of Regalia)
Lore: A map of Regalia to guide Visitors

The Undercity
give {p} Book (Guide for the Undercity, for example Points of Interests and Accesspoints to the Seewer)
Lore: A Guide for the Undecity, written by an adventurous Author
give {p} woodenpickaxe 1 48 name:Looter looting:10 sharpness:5
(note this would give the player an unrepairable (with vanilla anvill (base cost=4*10+5*1+3=48 ; info taken from: wooden pickaxe with 1/4 dura left with these enchants which allows a few kills with extreme loot (on average 5 items more then usual)

Dakkar Artefact
give {p} flintandsteel 1 name:Dakkar_Artefact Unbreaking:10 fireaspect:1 lore: An artefact recovered from the ruins of gana isha. It seems to be related to the Dakkar as it carries an intense fire elemental charge.
(hope that is roughly correct and lore , ok-ish)

Strange Block
give {p} Obsidian 1 name:Strange_Block Unbreaking:20 Protection:20 Power:20 Infinity:1 Flame:1
(none of these enchants have any effect on a block (sharp , fire aspect, eff, silk touch etc would have one) so its basicly just a named block.) Got reminded it can be used as hat by prems, therefore not having the effect I wished (being a troll the player item).
Strange Block
give {p} Obsidian 1 name:Strange_Block Unbreaking:20 Protection:20 Power:20 Infinity:1 Flame:1
(none of these enchants have any effect on a block (sharp , fire aspect, eff, silk touch etc would have one) so its basicly just a named block.)
Premium players can wear any block as a helmet, so the Protection 20 is way OP.
Noble's Garb
Give {p} 1 goldchestplate 1 name: Noble's Garb lore:Some_fancy_clothes_that_gives_the_bearer_the_right_to_call_others_pleb_and_act_superior.
  • Logs
    give {p} log 64
    (note: 3 of these , all log types except jungle, cause jungle us really common)
  • EndStone
    give {p} 32 endstone
    (note: this is to slowly introduce endstone as a building material, amount may need to be changed.)
  • Bottle of enchantinggive {p} 16 bottleofenchanting(this could introduce tradeable levels)
Special Item (would prob be in highest tier).
Note that the following item would require an admin handling it.
  • Lore requestergive {p} writtenbook 1 lore:A_book_which_allows_you_to_have_1_(one)_Item_of_your_choice_given_a_lore-text_of_your_choice_as_long_as_it_is_within_the_rules_and_not_against_the_server_lore.You_can_request_the_naming_every_xth_yday.
    (note this would require an admin to ask around once a week or every 2 weeks maybe if anyone wants to use it. Im stating the option with a few fixed dates in order to keep the burden/work which the staff would get through this minimal)
Just to be safe I would like the opinion of one of the rank3´s IF that would be a possible reward or if I should scratch ideas in that direction. MonMarty
  • Logs
    give {p} log 64
    (note: 3 of these , all log types except jungle, cause jungle us really common)
  • EndStone
    give {p} 32 endstone
    (note: this is to slowly introduce endstone as a building material, amount may need to be changed.)
  • Bottle of enchantinggive {p} 16 bottleofenchanting(this could introduce tradeable levels)
Special Item (would prob be in highest tier).

Note that the following item would require an admin handling it.
  • Lore requestergive {p} writtenbook 1 lore:A_book_which_allows_you_to_have_1_(one)_Item_of_your_choice_given_a_lore-text_of_your_choice_as_long_as_it_is_within_the_rules_and_not_against_the_server_lore.You_can_request_the_naming_every_xth_yday.
    (note this would require an admin to ask around once a week or every 2 weeks maybe if anyone wants to use it. Im stating the option with a few fixed dates in order to keep the burden/work which the staff would get through this minimal)
Just to be safe I would like the opinion of one of the rank3´s IF that would be a possible reward or if I should scratch ideas in that direction. MonMarty

cant we MAKE endstone?
give {p} woodenpickaxe 1 48 name:Looter looting:10 sharpness:5
(note this would give the player an unrepairable (with vanilla anvill (base cost=4*10+5*1+3=48 ; info taken from: wooden pickaxe with 1/4 dura left with these enchants which allows a few kills with extreme loot (on average 5 items more then usual)
With McMMO, there is a repair skill allowing you to keep enchantments with really good chances of succeeding and not downgrading.
give {p} book 1 name:Heavy_Book lore:Hitting_someone_over_the_head_with_this_does_about_the_same_as_trying_to_read_it knockback:5