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The Progress Done

May 26, 2015
Reaction score
As like before, winds would guide these papers across the city.
Greetings again everyone. It's.. been a hectic month for me to make a response, with getting injured a lot​
and other events, personal and otherwise. But.. that doesn't mean I haven't noticed it, that in this month, be it from across the city, the Yolteotl Troupe, the largest group of the Cahal affliction, has come to a end, with many of it's members now cured of the curse, now trying to rebuild their lives from a time their choices were dictated by a disease upon their soul.

But, that doesn't mean this is over, that I am simply happy and content with all that's been done. If I know​
one thing from living in Regalia, no matter how much things may chance, there will always be someone waiting to take the place of the fallen. There will always be other Cahal waiting in the shadows to take over, or those remnants from before doing the same. As well as those who will hide their true feelings for the soul-devouring curse and see it as a blessing.

That is why I say, we must always be vigilant for what might come the next day, and what might already be​
here, waiting for when the time is right. While all of us under the Estellon faith strive for perfection, can we truly say we our ourselves when a curse can control our actions we might take? I say no. For those who do read this and understand, I hope to spread the truth of this disease to prevent those from being turned, and if you wish, come find me so we may work together. While for those who might oppose me, know that I do not hold hatred for you, only wishing to help you also see the reality of the soul-devouring affliction, and helping you find your true self locked away, and the potential you truly hold.

For those deciding to read this again, thank you. May Sinnavei shine the truth, and in the fog, see a bright future for you.

-Argo Drresal

OOC Notes:
(Hey nerds, this is pretty much a second paper to Argo's previous callout post from before! If any Cahal or their sympathizers wanna come along and try to kick his ass for this, dm me and let's set something up! If those who do agree with Argo would like to talk to him, let's also DM and set some stuff up!)​
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"Sinavaal remains far more suited for Unionism than the faith which so enlivens the Cahal," Commented Miguel handing it to his interns. The young Emendeds nod at their Evitarian Boss, "A waste for a man such as this to follow such a faith, which exults in nelfin superiority, religiously justified slavery, and Cahalic foot soliders to say nothing of its promotion of Demons."

"The man is perhaps more lost than these former cahal if he continues to believe his faith pure, with or without cahal."
Sickly cyan eyes absently in the dark. Fractals of light and broken Nephiltech. Deep scars, carved by mechanical-living claws across the city. They all sing a single song:




Aeda sauntered farther into Floral Court with paper in hand. She'd rolled her eyes upon first seeing it, but soon she wore a growing smile. Pure-white fingers folded the parchment neatly in three and drummed upon it as she walked. Where there were lives to be rebuilt, there were always engineers.
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An Ordvaan hummed as they read the notice, piercing cyan gaze scrutinizing the parchment. A cackle followed, as they slammed an ancient gnarled stave into the ground before the notice board. Opalescent light flooded the scene as a being came forth from the long shadows it cast. "There are worse things to fear in this world than Cahal." The being whispered, reaching for the notice and… consuming it in a burst of pale pink fire. "I wonder what whispers this Argo Drresal has to say, hm?" The cloaked Yanar rasped, floating away on their stave with the pink and purple being in tow.