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Played Character The Prism

This character is actively played.


I'm the guy who draw an cry :,)
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information





Full Name: The Prism

Biologically 20 Years, Chronologically 2 Months

Gender: She (She/Her)

Race: Mystech (Bound Automata)

Sexuality: Undetermined

Occult: None


Bound to a Nephiltech projector-like device, The Prism cannot physically interact with the world around her. Her location and her safety entirely depend upon who holds the object she is sealed inside. Thrown out by her creator, The Prism is constantly curious about life outside of the little bubbles she's moved in between, constantly wishing she can explore on her own, one day. Kind, witty, and energetic, she makes for a great and long lasting companion, as her whole world revolves around whoever cares for her projector.


Religions are silly to The Prism, yet she won't actively scold someone for following or believing in whatever they want to.

Skill Information

Strength: 0

Constitution: 0


Tech Assimilate

Tech Exhaust

Tech Charge

Shapeshift Pack (Magical Variant)

Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)

Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)


Medical Buff

Medical Revive

Medical Bolster

Medical Resist

Medical Rescue

Dextarity: 2

Disguise Pack

Close Save

Faith: 0

Magic: 0



  • Bound Mechanic I: Bound Automata If imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these restraints and walk through locked doors. They can still be attacked and hurt if careless though!
  • Bound Mechanic II: Bound Automata gain +1 Attack Stat and +1 Defense Stat while inside the Sewers (breaking cap up to 11). If they are Ordial Aligned, they gain another +1 Defense Stat inside the Ordial Temple.
  • Bound Mechanic III: Bound Automata can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

Visual Information

Mutations, Scars, Tattoos and Unique Features:

General Appearance: The Prism seems to be a
Nephiltech based entity, despite not possessing a physical body. She looks physical enough, yet the slightest bit of the background pokes through her, as a gentle reminder she isn't truly there.

Her eyes have no pupils, and seem to glow slightly in contrast to her other colors. The same for the gem in her stomach. Her skin and clothes seem to be the same, as if the clothes grow right from her flesh. Her entire form has a shine to it, like polished stone. Her garments seem to be a leotard looking suit, with various swirls around the top of the chest, and no sleeve straps. Silver separated lines of metal shine along her shoulders, as if her arms were snapped on. Her elbow joints are an exposed coppery ball and socket, the same for her hips, and knees. Strange silver circular discs stop on the beginning of her thighs, the design not seen anywhere else. A triangular cut crystal rests in her stomach, visible from the back as well. Her hair is fine and silvery, with strange solid flaps stemming down from her hairline on either side of her cheeks. What appears to be a ponytail is strung with blue shiny tubes that look malleable like rubber. She has 5 eyes on total, and they arch further and further in a virtical maner the higher they extend on her head. The final result resembles a crown, of sorts.

With chocolaty brown skin, the peach colored markings on her seem to be some sort of melanin deficiency, yet they're sharp instead of splotchy. Strange armored like panels hug her cheeks. They also shine slightly more potently, as if constructed from plastic, or metal. Her shoulders have strange gold indents, clearly metal in nature. It almost seems like her arms could be separate pieces entirely, able to simply snap off and easily replace. They stand out against the skin like texture of her body. Her top is in two parts, branching off into a loincloth in the front, and the back. A cape of the same color stems from her shoulders, and the marking of her gem is smack dab in the center, not attached to anything as it seems to defy the physics of the cloth. Her pants baggy, she has no shoes, feet ending in crude geometric triangles her hands are built from shapes. Her palm a rectangle, her digits are cylindrical pieces. Circular discs hover where her knuckles are, completing the skeleton. Her eyes are blue, yet always look gentle instead of piercing. Their pupils change color in different lighting, like a camera lens. Rubbery pale peach dreads strangely pierce the drastically different white and almost silky looking hair, and almost resemble malformed cables.

Life Story

Born from an idea to combat loneliness, she was created as just a voice inside an old abandoned Archtech device her creator had lying about in their workshop. At first, she was nothing but pre-programmed responses to basic questions and stimuli, before eventually becoming a past time hobby for the Technician. More and more, she was imbued with knowledge, until the day she'd been abandoned, like an unfinished project, placed upon the back burner. She didn't enjoy such, and was now blown off instead of being directly interacted with. Confused and hurt by the sudden disinterest her creator showed her, she began finding ways to forcefully imbed herself in their every day life.

She managed to hook her speaker up onto a spare rail system, and would follow the poor Technician around, attempting to care for them until her presence became so disliked, she was forcefully removed from the workshop, and powered off. Heavily disliking the thought of destroying all their hard work, they settled upon a different approach. And so, she was chucked into a random mailbox, to become someone else's 'problem'.

Curiosity filled her as she struggled to repair herself. She felt so weak, as if one final slip from the item would send her careening into the endless blackness of non-existence. Studying life as it came across her, she crafted herself a name. 'The Prisim', it would be. She'd need a personality too, and one of kindness seemed to be the most useful. Picking and choosing her own traits, she aimed to acclimate into this new world, enjoying every experience.

Little by little, using the magic that powered the Archtech itself, she found a way to project a visual image of herself, in an attempt to interact just a little bit more with the world around her that she was doomed never to touch herself.
Her story is still beginning, even now.


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