The Pillars Of Llíü’raëth


Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland


{ The Pillars of Llíü'raëth }

The Pillars of Llíü'raëth are essentially an incompetent group of armed fools attempting to complete arbitrary "goals" and "quests" for the sake of gathering wealth and fame.

Named after the stone forest of Llíü'raëth, in reference to the fact that the towers and pillars of the forest have (probably) stood tall and strong for a great deal of time. There is also the very basic metaphor that they are "pillars" and thus "uphold" certain ideals. What exactly these 'ideals' happen to be may not actually always be completely clear. They appear to follow the general path of righteousness and moral good; passing judgement on others based off their actions and character, rather than their race or beliefs.

They seek to recruit virtuous warriors and skillful mages alike, with the end goal of gathering the strength and might required to undertake greater 'quests'. Be it for fame, trophies, money, or simply the thrill and challenge of it.
  • Genuinely just have a bit of a laugh.
  • Create a relatively laid back group for fun.
  • Create a parody of a serious D&D party.
  • Really draw attention to how a character's flaws can make them more interesting and fun.
  • Attempt to still adhere to a high (or at least decent) quality of roleplay despite the likely silly situations and characters.
  • To allow people within The Pillars to still be part of far more serious 'gangs' and organisations.
  • To provide an odd ally, or enemy, to other groups; hopefully leading to fun shenanigans.
  • Massive's rules are to be upheld.
  • No god-roleplaying or metagaming, etc.
  • Please attempt to be decent and treat people the way you would want them to treat you.
  • If you are part of other gangs, that is completely fine.
  • Use common sense and don't be as much of a twat as myself.
  • Try not to be a dick.
  • There's no OOC rule against being evil or morally bad in this group.
  • Don't point out the fact that I'm a complete hypocrite and have practically broken all of these rules myself.

{ In-Character Section }

Stood tall before you was an Altalar clad in dark plated armour, spewing nonsense to random people who happened to be passing by. Oh no- he's looking right at you!

"Greetings to you, and yes, it is I, Al' Righteous himself! It is true, I am indeed the legendary warrior who goes by that name. Do not fret- I'm very aware my presence is a lot to take in, so I shall give you a moment. Done? Good."
You tried to avoid eye-contact, but he's already struck up a currently one-sided conversation with you. Perhaps you could just back off and-

"Excuse me while I get serious for a moment. For you see, I- Al' Righteous- currently undertake a valiant mission to seek adventures of any kind to join my unending quest for glory and riches. I lead - as you already know - The Pillars of Llíü'raëth, and have decided to be extremely generous to all who pass by. I stand before you, and offer you this chance:"

Of all the paths you could have took... Oh- he's still talking?

"If you can prove yourself as a person of great skill or talent, then you can expect a possible place within my extremely exclusive company."

  • Uphold righteousness!
  • Maintain the peace!
  • Push and better yourself so you may one day be as great as Al' Righteous!
  • Defeat evil!
  • Hunt and slay the mightiest of beasts!
  • Find or create quests!
  • Complete those quests!
  • Establish a more permanent and fortified base for our group!
  • Do not harm a fellow Pillar!
  • Defend your fellow Pillars!
  • Do not steal from a fellow Pillar!
  • Sharing is caring!
  • Do not stand by whilst other people suffer; you must act to defend those in need!
  • If you have armour, keep it polished!
  • Tactical retreat is not cowardice, it is intelligence!

{ Application Form }
It is heavily encouraged - due to the theme of this group - that you include a somewhat silly/over-the-top flaw in your character. This can be anywhere from a String Mage who refuses to use his magic for anything other than making people dance, to an archer who insists upon always making incredibly inaccurate "trick shots" instead of actually aiming.
Minecraft name: (Just put your IGN here, it's really that simple.)
Character name: (What's your character called? Pls don't be "shadowlord bloodfallen" I have that name reserved.)
Character race: (Members of any race may join, but will not always be treated equally, because we're hypocritical.)
Character gender: (Your pronouns shall be respected, don't worry.)
Character age: (Not that it matters, but most members should be over 17 or so.)
Character skill: (What actually makes them useful, if anything?)
Character weakness: (Insert a non cop-out weakness. The sillier and more debilitating, the better.)
Character application: (If you have one. It's not required, but still pretty awesome.)
-- Lol how blatantly can I rip off the Nen and Usque format haha please don't hate me
Do you have skype?: (It's practically required.)
Any IG punishments?: (Yes, I'm aware I'm one of the worst people on Massive but like, still. b honest here.)
How RIGHTEOUS are you?
: (On a scale of one to Alex.)
I already have like 7 IC jobs but this sounds way too dope to pass up.
Minecraft name: NeilAucoin
Character name: Francis Liolen
Character race: Ailor
Character gender: Male
Character age: 40
Character skill: Very skilled at archery (Abwahid), also a mage (Ellon and Alma), and has a sword but isn't very good with it (other than for hunting)
Character weakness: Limp (uses a cane) (also has a hard time taking things seriously (makes dark and/or inappropriate jokes, takes things too far (so many parentheses oml)) As for over-the-top silliness, Francis is very laid back, and tends to do random stupid stuff, like walk around carrying raw meat and throwing it at people.
Character application:

Do you have skype?: Yep. I'm on pretty often but I don't speak in calls (I have no microphone)
Any IG punishments?: Muted twice for saying stupid crap in g chat
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Veus Dolt amirite
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Minecraft name: Cataclystrophe
Character name: Saeunn Farbjorg
Character race: Slizzar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 22
Character skill: Lyre Magic (Preservation and Dream, caster level) and being persuasive
Character weakness: She has three debilitating fears, (those being fire, storms, and being alone) and horrid eyesight. She's also flirtatious to a fault, tending to be rather naive in her quest for partners.
Character application: Right here~

Do you have skype?: Yep
Any IG punishments?: None
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Verily so. Although Saeunn can be, at times, rather un-righteous.

  • Do not harm a fellow Pillar!
  • Defend your fellow Pillars!
  • Do not steal from a fellow Pillar!
  • Sharing is caring!
  • Do not stand by whilst other people suffer; you must act to defend those in need!
  • If you have armour, keep it polished!
  • Tactical retreat is not cowardice, it is intelligence!
  • If you fall over sometimes, that's okay! It happens to the best of us!
  • Don't sit by whilst other people suffer either!
  • At least eight times out of eleven, picking an excellent name is half the journey! Strive to create a name almost as good as Al Righteous!
  • Loitering by while other people suffer is also not acceptable!
  • Always end sentences with exclamation marks for extra effect!
  • Multiplying exclamation marks can show extra righteousness!!!
  • Statistically speaking, names including the words "Righteous", "The Brave" and "Destroyer of Darkness" are at least seventy three percent more righteous than names without! Strive to include as many of these words as you can in your name! (Eg John The Brave, Righteous, Brave Destroyer of Darkness. The Brave.)
Heavily WIP. I'm probably gonna change this character as I play them, and this is basically just here to remind me to do this for now.
Minecraft name: _The_Unknown
Character name: Séûl'lïa Thelédä - goes by the alias of Dragonavich Tichnird the Bold (and Righteous (Keeper of the Holy and Righteous Blade (and Brave (II)))
Character race: Altalar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 47
Character skill: Very little, in practise. In theory, he has had enough practise with Corruption magic that it will sometimes activate when he's really humiliated or in a life-threatening situation. Baking.
Character weakness: Unfortunately, he does not tend to use his magic much anymore, claiming that it is unfair and unjust to those he fights against. He is utterly in pathetic in combat, and in fact even lacks a sheath for his sword - it is regularly dull because of all of the dragging on the floor it's been through. He tries to wear as much heavy armour as he can, but beyond leather brigandine style clothing and light chain mail, he simply can't move. He is weak and scrawny, and actually completely inept at sword-fighting, though he insists on carrying the sword anyway, and sometimes even a home-made wooden shield with his name poorly painted on the front (that is, Dragonavich Tichnird the Bold and Righteous, Keeper of the Holy and Righteous Blade and Brave II). Some people think he is eccentric, others think he is completely deranged. He's probably straddling the line.
Character application: Guess. (No.)
-- Lol how blatantly can I rip off the Nen and Usque format haha please don't hate me
Do you have skype?: Yeup. Though I prefer too be only in announcement chats if there is more than 10 people in the chat chats.
Any IG punishments?: oooh, clean record, look, nice and shiny
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Dude. I can write my name out again, if you really need reminded.
(Dragonavich Tichnird the Bold and Righteous, Keeper of the Holy and Righteous Blade and Brave II)
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I already have like 7 IC jobs but this sounds way too dope to pass up.
Minecraft name: NeilAucoin
Character name: Francis Liolen
Character race: Ailor
Character gender: Male
Character age: 40
Character skill: Very skilled at archery (Abwahid), also a mage (Ellon and Alma), and has a sword but isn't very good with it (other than for hunting)
Character weakness: Limp (uses a cane) (also has a hard time taking things seriously (makes dark and/or inappropriate jokes, takes things too far (so many parentheses oml)) As for over-the-top silliness, Francis is very laid back, and tends to do random stupid stuff, like walk around carrying raw meat and throwing it at people.
Character application:

Do you have skype?: Yep. I'm on pretty often but I don't speak in calls (I have no microphone)
Any IG punishments?: Muted twice for saying stupid crap in g chat
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Veus Dolt amirite

Greetings, old man!
Firstly, I like this app, but I sadly don't recall ever actually getting to roleplay with you! As a result, I have no idea as to your quality of roleplay, and thus - based off the quality of the app - place you as {PENDING} for now. We'll have to meet up in game, and roleplay out the scene. One last tiny detail (and I might add this as an OOC rule of sorts) is that I hope to lean slightly closer to silly weaknesses, rather than lol-so-random humour. Carrying and throwing raw meat at people doesn't fit too well, but that can all be improved upon later. That's right, I'm actually wasting time trying to dictate how you act like a weirdo. im a professional at it after all hhheh

Minecraft name: Cataclystrophe
Character name: Saeunn Farbjorg
Character race: Slizzar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 22
Character skill: Lyre Magic (Preservation and Dream, caster level) and being persuasive
Character weakness: She has three debilitating fears, (those being fire, storms, and being alone) and horrid eyesight. She's also flirtatious to a fault, tending to be rather naive in her quest for partners.
Character application: Right here~

Do you have skype?: Yep
Any IG punishments?: None
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Verily so. Although Saeunn can be, at times, rather un-righteous.

Salutations, slithery... Eh.. 'Person'.
Another easily likable app. A similar problem as with Neil comes to mind here: that being that I don't remember roleplaying with you a lot. As a result of me liking the app, consider yourself {PENDING} for now. We'll have to meet up in game, and roleplay out the scene. I like the idea of a Lyre Mage who makes themselves sleepy as well. That's the level of silly weaknesses I'm going for here. Feel free to not include it, the concept just seems funny to me :)

Heavily WIP. I'm probably gonna change this character as I play them, and this is basically just here to remind me to do this for now.
Minecraft name: _The_Unknown
Character name: Séûl'lïa Thelédä - goes by the alias of Dragonavich Tichnird the Bold (and Righteous (Keeper of the Holy and Righteous Blade (and Brave (II)))
Character race: Altalar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 47
Character skill: Very little, in practise. In theory, he has had enough practise with Corruption magic that it will sometimes activate when he's really humiliated or in a life-threatening situation.
Character weakness: Unfortunately, he does not tend to use his magic much anymore, claiming that it is unfair and unjust to those he fights against. He is utterly in pathetic in combat, and in fact even lacks a sheath for his sword - it is regularly dull because of all of the dragging on the floor it's been through. He tries to wear as much heavy armour as he can, but beyond leather brigandine style clothing and light chain mail, he simply can't move. He is weak and scrawny, and actually completely inept at sword-fighting, though he insists on carrying the sword anyway, and sometimes even a home-made wooden shield with his name poorly painted on the front (that is, Dragonavich Tichnird the Bold and Righteous, Keeper of the Holy and Righteous Blade and Brave II). Some people think he is eccentric, others think he is completely deranged. He's probably straddling the line.
Character application: Guess. (No.)

Do you have skype?: Yeup. Though I prefer too be only in announcement chats if there is more than 10 people in the chat chats.
Any IG punishments?: oooh, clean record, look, nice and shiny
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Dude. I can write my name out again, if you really need reminded.
(Dragonavich Tichnird the Bold and Righteous, Keeper of the Holy and Righteous Blade and Brave II)

Good afternoon, Elf of the shield! ..That's supposed to be a shield, right?
Yet another app I like. I've roleplayed with you in the past, but not so much recently. Consider yourself {APPROVED}, though I'd still like to meet up at some point and do the initial roleplay with you just to make sure. All 'round good weakness. I do enjoy having a weakness in the very field you claim to be experienced in; quite like Al' Righteous himself. In terms of the shield, you should totally make it actually be the lid of a barrel. In addition, it'd be quite funny if it wasn't even his barrel lid, and somewhere at the docks there's an annoyed merchant with a lidless barrel.
Greetings, old man!
Firstly, I like this app, but I sadly don't recall ever actually getting to roleplay with you! As a result, I have no idea as to your quality of roleplay, and thus - based off the quality of the app - place you as {PENDING} for now. We'll have to meet up in game, and roleplay out the scene. One last tiny detail (and I might add this as an OOC rule of sorts) is that I hope to lean slightly closer to silly weaknesses, rather than lol-so-random humour. Carrying and throwing raw meat at people doesn't fit too well, but that can all be improved upon later. That's right, I'm actually wasting time trying to dictate how you act like a weirdo. im a professional at it after all hhheh

Hey there, thanks for considering me. I'd be more than happy to meet IC or just chat OOC. Feel free to hit me up in game, in a forums convo, or add me on skype.
This is totally the weirdo you're looking for... if not, I've got something else in mind. :)

Hello hello is there a spot for an arch nemesis villain thing. I would very much like to amp up the lols with Ford being their target
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Hello hello is there a spot for an arch nemesis villain thing. I would very much like to amp up the lols with Ford being their target
Only the most evil villain ever could achieve the legendary title of our nemesis.
Maybe not 'arch nemesis' though, since like, that's currently the lord of all darkness and arch demon Behaesal himself, so like, yeah.
Not that it's a big deal or anything, since, I mean, we could probably take him.
I know that you like this stuff
Only the most evil villain ever could achieve the legendary title of our nemesis.
Maybe not 'arch nemesis' though, since like, that's currently the lord of all darkness and arch demon Behaesal himself, so like, yeah.
Not that it's a big deal or anything, since, I mean, we could probably take him.
Well screw it imma be one anyway. I'm the Dank Lord Ford and I will crush your puny group of heroes with taunts and bad jokes
Minecraft Name: Streako

Character Name: Cecil Empolan

Race: Shendar

Gender: Male

Age: 49

Skill: Mage-level Dream Lyre and Deafening Lyre mage, super-awesome performer I swear

Weakness: He is plagued with chronic bad temper and easily triggered, even over something as small as a friendly slug in the shoulder

Character App: Here!

Skype: You betcha!

IG Punishments: Not a one

How righteous are you???
How righteous am I? How righteous am I??? I'm missing half my left hand! Right's all that's left! Need I say more???
Minecraft name: Koajack
Character name: Butler (aka "The crazy lover who walks about in a clown suit")
Character race: Ailor
Character gender: Male
Character age: 22
Character skill: Skilled Nicoloan Fighter and alchemist.
Character weakness: He tends to come up with ridiculous and convoluted plans instead of just killing someone outright. For example, instead of killing someone, he might follow them around and leave little hints in places they go, and then suddenly jump out and ambush them. He embraces chaos and eccentricity instead of standard tactics and is not a straight forward thinker.
Character application: In the works :3
Do you have skype?: (It's practically required.) No, but if it's needed to keep me updated on things I can give you a different Skype and that person can text me everything i need know.
Any IG punishments?: Yes, was muted for three days with no warning for stupidly making a dirty joke in general.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: OOC, like a 6? IC, a 1
Minecraft name: Parz1vol
Character name: Arrdrreth Wyssarro
Character race: Tigran
Character gender: Attack Helicopter (Male)
Character age: 41
Character skill: "I always find mysself in placess that arre harrd to get into... And I'm big and sstrrong!"
Character weakness: Anemic
Character application:
Do you have skype?: Hey, that's pretty good!
Any IG punishments?: None.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Yes.
Minecraft name: MourningDoves
Character name: Niran Myung
Character race: Chi'ien-Ji
Character gender: Male
Character age: 35
Character skill: He's a mage-level lightning mage and a caster-level water mage.
Character weakness: Niran is extremely scared of fighting going awry, and is cautious in all his violent efforts. Because of this fear, it takes a lot to make him want to hurt a person, but he likes the idea of being "manly" even if he's not. He's also physically frail and, without magic, could probably be beaten up within 5 minutes. Finally, he's deathly afraid of water due to his inability to swim. He learned water magic mainly to make himself feel safer around it.
Character application: Under construction
Do you have skype?: Yea, it's mourningdovesart
Any IG punishments?: I was banned for erp 2 years ago. I've since gotten it removed off my /seen.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: 2 maybe???
Minecraft name: Heretics
Character name: "Deadeyes"
Character race: Ailor.
Character gender: Male.
Character age: 34.
Character skill: Was once a really good shot, with his slingshot. He still is, if he can figure out where to shoot. He's also got a pretty sweet moustache.
Character weakness: Missing an eye. Nearly blind in the other, without his monocle.
Character application: It's invisible.
Do you have skype?: Yes.
Any IG punishments?: Perma-banned for deleting massivecraft.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: π
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Minecraft Name: Streako

Character Name: Cecil Empolan

Race: Shendar

Gender: Male

Age: 49

Skill: Mage-level Dream Lyre and Deafening Lyre mage, super-awesome performer I swear

Weakness: He is plagued with chronic bad temper and easily triggered, even over something as small as a friendly slug in the shoulder

Character App: Here!

Skype: You betcha!

IG Punishments: Not a one

How righteous are you???
How righteous am I? How righteous am I??? I'm missing half my left hand! Right's all that's left! Need I say more???

An 'Ashen Elf' stands before me?
Sadly you have too many IG punishments so im going to have to reject you ty.
The lowest possible quality of jokes aside, I like the idea of this character being triggered and using deafening lyre to enhance the high pitch scream of how TRIGGERED they are. I'm going to say {PENDING} for now, but expect easy approval after we meet up IC and RP out a scene of meeting (so long as you don't prove to be an evil scumbag or anything)

Minecraft name: Koajack
Character name: Butler (aka "The crazy lover who walks about in a clown suit")
Character race: Ailor
Character gender: Male
Character age: 22
Character skill: Skilled Nicoloan Fighter and alchemist.
Character weakness: He tends to come up with ridiculous and convoluted plans instead of just killing someone outright. For example, instead of killing someone, he might follow them around and leave little hints in places they go, and then suddenly jump out and ambush them. He embraces chaos and eccentricity instead of standard tactics and is not a straight forward thinker.
Character application: In the works :3
Do you have skype?: (It's practically required.) No, but if it's needed to keep me updated on things I can give you a different Skype and that person can text me everything i need know.
Any IG punishments?: Yes, was muted for three days with no warning for stupidly making a dirty joke in general.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: OOC, like a 6? IC, a 1

Adventure awaits us both, Ailor!
Despite the silly atmosphere of this group, I'd still recommend actually having a full character name. You can ask to be called whatever you want IC, of course. I actually think his weakness is a bit lack-luster; the idea of stalking someone, giving them hints / death threats, and then ambushing them is actually a pretty decent and psychopathic way of going about things. With that said, I'm going to still say this is {PENDING}, and see how things go ICly.

Minecraft name: Parz1vol
Character name: Arrdrreth Wyssarro
Character race: Tigran
Character gender: Attack Helicopter (Male)
Character age: 41
Character skill: "I always find mysself in placess that arre harrd to get into... And I'm big and sstrrong!"
Character weakness: Anemic
Character application:
Do you have skype?: Hey, that's pretty good!
Any IG punishments?: None.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: Yes.

Hello there, furry one! You're not shedding, are you? I don't want cat hair on my armour.
Yup, this seems totally fine. Consider yourself {APPROVED}, but - as usual - I'll still have to meet up with you IC and do an introduction roleplay. If that goes fine then you're a member.

Minecraft name: MourningDoves
Character name: Niran Myung
Character race: Chi'ien-Ji
Character gender: Male
Character age: 35
Character skill: He's a mage-level lightning mage and a caster-level water mage.
Character weakness: Niran is extremely scared of fighting going awry, and is cautious in all his violent efforts. Because of this fear, it takes a lot to make him want to hurt a person, but he likes the idea of being "manly" even if he's not. He's also physically frail and, without magic, could probably be beaten up within 5 minutes. Finally, he's deathly afraid of water due to his inability to swim. He learned water magic mainly to make himself feel safer around it.
Character application: Under construction
Do you have skype?: Yea, it's mourningdovesart
Any IG punishments?: I was banned for erp 2 years ago. I've since gotten it removed off my /seen.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: 2 maybe???

You look about as manly as my pillows. That's a compliment, by the way.

My pillows are awesome.
I like this, and can't be bothered going into loads of detail. You're {APPROVED}. Though as with all the others we'll still have to meet up IC and do an introduction roleplay. Good stuff :)

Minecraft name: Heretics
Character name: "Deadeyes"
Character race: Ailor.
Character gender: Male.
Character age: 34.
Character skill: Was once a really good shot, with his slingshot. He still is, if he can figure out where to shoot. He's also got a pretty sweet moustache.
Character weakness: Missing an eye. Nearly blind in the other, without his monocle.
Character application: It's invisible.
Do you have skype?: Yes.
Any IG punishments?: Perma-banned for deleting massivecraft.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: π

What a glorious moustache!

{APPROVED}. Though as with all the others we'll still have to meet up IC and do an introduction roleplay. Good stuff :)
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Despite the silly atmosphere of this group, I'd still recommend actually having a full character name. You can ask to be called whatever you want IC, of course. I actually think his weakness is a bit lack-luster; the idea of stalking someone, giving them hints / death threats, and then ambushing them is actually a pretty decent and psychopathic way of going about things. With that said, I'm going to still say this is {PENDING}, and see how things go ICly.
He has a full name but he is just used to going by Butler, his full name is like uh Jacob Baptiste I think, and I will work on the weakness. I worded it badly, I meant more along the lines of 'he's too crazy to actually make a straightforward plan or do anything then normal/most efficient way'
{Recruitment is currently closed}

Until all the people who have applied are properly processed, I'm going to close recruitment.

For people waiting on IC meetups for initiation roleplay, I'm sorry to say that I'm somewhat busy IRL at the moment, but if I get online and play as Al' Righteous, I'll check to see if anyone's online and give you a PM.

@The Unknown
For people waiting on IC meetups for initiation roleplay, I'm sorry to say that I'm somewhat busy IRL at the moment, but if I get online and play as Al' Righteous, I'll check to see if anyone's online and give you a PM.
I'm the same - I should be back to full activity within a week, but until then I'll be on minecraft very little at best, possibly not at all. Sorry!
I get that its closed right now. However I needed to get this up before I forgot.
Minecraft name:
Character name: Edric Vundal
Character race: Alt-Regalian
Character gender: Male
Character age:
Character skill: Accomplished Warrior, Professional Smasher
Character weakness: Half a hand. And just a bit of anger management issues.
Character application: See Name
Do you have skype?: ryanis5yo
Any IG punishments?: A mute from 15 months ago.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?
: He's as righteous as Snoop Dawg is Sober.
{Recruitment is currently closed}

Until all the people who have applied are properly processed, I'm going to close recruitment.

For people waiting on IC meetups for initiation roleplay, I'm sorry to say that I'm somewhat busy IRL at the moment, but if I get online and play as Al' Righteous, I'll check to see if anyone's online and give you a PM.

@The Unknown

I'm afraid I'll have to retract my application. I've been kind of overbooking myself with stuff on massive, so I just don't think I'll have the time to participate in this. Also I'm not sure Francis is right for this, but I might reapply in the future as a different character. Anyways, glhf!
Minecraft name: ChensSpaghetti
Character name: I have literally no idea, as of yet. Maybe some sort of spin on the word "chivalry".
Character race: 1/2 Hamster, 1/2 Man Who Smelt Of Elderberries Again, no idea. Probably Ailor.
Character gender: Righteous Knight Male
Character age: ~30
Character skill: Sub-par hedge knight-lyness, """chivalry"""
Character weakness: Sub-par combat skills, clumsiness, sub-par intelligence, probably some other ridiculous things I'll think of later.
Character application: Nah.
-- Lol how blatantly can I rip off the Nen and Usque format haha please don't hate me (I noticed this Jack. SMH)
Do you have skype?: You have it. In fact, I have you listed as "Feminine Jack".
Any IG punishments?: Nah.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: I'm such a chivalrous gentleman that I will not boast about how righteous I am. But I'm incredibly righteous.
It seemed a great laziness and inactivity had overtaken these barren lands.
Though, finally, the current members faced proper processing; the reopening of recruitment was only a matter of time.

I've also got some college stuff to get done and I also heavily suck at this, but I suppose being terrible at my role fits this group perfectly!
Until then; I hope to see you again soon!
Minecraft name: (Just put your IGN here, it's really that simple.) avemechanicus
Character name: (What's your character called? Pls don't be "shadowlord bloodfallen" I have that name reserved.) Rerik V.I.T. Ulster
Character race: (Members of any race may join, but will not always be treated equally, because we're hypocritical.) ORcblood ailor (Northerne Baltaarc)
Character gender: (Your pronouns shall be respected, don't worry.) Male
Character age: (Not that it matters, but most members should be over 17 or so.) Fossilized prior to the invention of elves, and dirt.
Character skill: (What actually makes them useful, if anything?) Competency manifest in mechanisms, demolitions, some calibre of alchemy, assorted esoteric knowledge.
Character weakness: (Insert a non cop-out weakness. The sillier and more debilitating, the better.) Gears of mind, whether they're working in recognizable pattern or not. Just because it's killed seven men before it was activated doesn't mean it failed.
Character application: (If you have one. It's not required, but still pretty awesome.) IN need of rewrite
-- Lol how blatantly can I rip off the Nen and Usque format haha please don't hate me
Do you have skype?: (It's practically required.) Aye.
Any IG punishments?: (Yes, I'm aware I'm one of the worst people on Massive but like, still. b honest here.) No.
How RIGHTEOUS are you?: (On a scale of one to Alex.) Fought alongside Justice.