The Phoenix | Part 2 |


Jul 18, 2013
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Days had past since the showdown in the Great Hall, the blood that stained the hall was cleaned now, and the floors were polished and shiny.

Theon looked into the mirror and adjusted his new attire, a new light gray suit with a silver griffon pin holding it together below his neck. He smiled, looking into the mirror back behind him, where Anastasia stood.

"How do I look?" he asked.

"Well, certainly like a king." she replied, smiling back.

He took the pin off, placing it back into its box.

He turned back toward Anastasia, "You know..." he paused in thought, his face full of confusion, "I don't know... I don't know if I want to be a king."

Anastasia looked into Theon's eyes, concerned. "What do you mean 'You don't want to be a king'? Isn't this what we've been fighting for? All we've gone through so far? To restore your families power?"

"I mean, I suppose... but I don't really want to... I love the nation we have built, I want to rule it, I strive to continue to pave a way for a better tomorrow for us, but I don't know if I am up to be king. I'm okay with the responsibility, but the power, it just seems too much for me to take control of when it is not I that is the reason we are where we are. My father, my grandfather before him. They were kings. They founded this nation. It was the people though, that kept it running. I am one of those people. I am here because it is my responsibility to deliver justice to my people."

Anastasia looked at him both confused and understandingly.

"I am not concerned about the politics of our nation, nor the politics of the outside world. You see, I got a vision... or I believe that is what it is. It happened when I grabbed my fathers heirloom, his sword. My vision, it- it blurred out, all I saw was just blue and then next thing you know I'm living the life of my ancestors, seeing our nations history in the present time... and now, voices... voices- I hear them. They're in my head. They're telling me where to do. 'Lamplight. Chet. Lamplight. Chet.' Thats all I keep hearing!"

Anastasia was no longer understanding of Theon, she raised a brow at him, "Did you get enough sleep last night?..."

Theon sighed, "Gah, forget it. No, I did not. I decided to read..." he lifted the leather bound bible of Chet off of the polished spruce desk.

"...I decided to read this. The words and wisdom of Chet."

"You mean the religion of our ancestors past? Didn't your father deem it heresy?"

"He did- and ever since then, nothing but bad was brought to our nation. I had a talk with veteran inquisitors that have survived since the end of our days as an inquisition, and they have interesting stories to tell."

Anastasia seemed quite intrigued in what Theon had to say, but was still concerned for his mental state. "Okay. So what does this have to do with you not wanting to be king?"

"You see, I believe Insani could be much more than just a mere kingdom. I believe that there are unforeseen problems that are soon to unfold across Essalonia... problems that have happened to the nations such as ours, and it is our responsibility to use the power we have to deliver justice and knowledge to the people of Essalonia, so I propose we return to the state of Inquisition. The inquisitors believe I should be titled Crowned Prince of the Inquisition."

She looked quite surprised at this, "Return of an ages old system? You think it will work? What if the people of Essalonia dislike it?"

"I have proposed a ballot to the assembly, they have all voted in favor of the return of the Inquisition. As long as we promise to collect our dues owed by our former enemies with this power. Former Inquisitors have rejoined our nation at arms and have brought their own parties of troops with them. Our nation is ready for war."

Hours later the Great Hall was packed with citizens, soldiers, and the aristocracy of Insani waiting to hear from their leader.

The large wooden doors slowly opened, and Theon marched in accompanied by Inquisitors draped in both blue and gold.

Theon approached the throne, with two inquisitors standing on either side of it.

A servant then walked down the isle carrying a wooden box. Once the servant approached the throne, he opened it, revealing the pin Theon tried on earlier. The servant then removed the pin, carefully attaching it on Theon's clothes.

"All hail Theon Athius! Crowned Prince and Protector of the Holy Inquisition of our Lord Chet, Lord Paramount of The Greatest House Athius, Pathfinder of the People of Lamplight, Sovereign of Insani."

The crowd roared with applause, and the rest of the night was drifted away with feasts and celebration.

When late morning arrived Theon rose from his bed, gathering gear together for a journey.

He made his way down to the castle lobby, where Silvanus and John waited for him.

"We must hurry now, friends. We wouldn't want to be late to meet with Lord Wyndmire."


Theon Athius - @Genecide65
Anastasia Devereaux - @ANT1D0T3
Silvanus Aalto - @Cae_22
John Beaubien - @Ninja124r
Viscar Wyndmire - @Viscar

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