The Nuszárok Band


The Scrungle and the Bungle
Sep 22, 2018
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The Nuszárok Band


This artwork is not mine
The Nuszárok Band are an originally Szabadok and Avanthar mercenary band that finds its origins in the remnants of the Ranger Crisis of 295AC, and before then in the plains surrounding the Szabadok Capital of Szülőföld. Once serving as a centre of Szabadok culture in their homelands and on military escapades, the raiding mercenary force now comes to Regalia in search for further employment from authorities and members of the Regalian Peerage. Specialising as Cavaliers and raiding parties, the Nuszárok are a band that are familiar to the ways of war, and the merciless nature of skirmishes and raids upon civilian property, excelling in fast work and picking off straggling forces in battle, or inflicting wounds upon the morale of an employer's foes through skirmishing tactics. They are a band that bares the sigil of the winged-horse, and those that wish to bare such sigil and that show aptitude for the art of mounted warfare are welcome among their ranks.

The Nuszárok are much more than savage raiders, without mercy and honour, they express a different kind of honour than most for they are a different breed of warrior. They act upon senses of pragmatism and profit, utilising what they can to ensure that they are profitable in their dealings and in their actions, they serve themselves and those that provide them with coin for their service, and only their best will be given to those who offer their best in return.

The Nuszárok welcome all that are of a cavalier or mercenary breed, alongside those that serve in more supportive roles in their skill sets. Those skilled in medicine and tending to animals are more than welcome amongst their ranks, but skills with riding a steed are almost a must to prove yourself effective with them, though of course such skills can be taught through practise and experience on horseback, should you show merit elsewhere.

To those that wish to find themselves among the ranks of the Nuszárok, send a letter to one, Severiia A Nuszárok, by means of messenger on horse-back or carrier pigeon, or simply find them and discuss such with them yourself.


OOC Notes
The Nuszárok are a mercenary band of Cavaliers that hopes to bring together the cavalier community on Massive, and to bring light upon a heavily under-represented proficiency due to the lack of ability to express it, the group hopes to change this by bringing access to horses to the City of Regalia. Though the group is particularly intended to be a centre for Szabadok, Avanthar and Qussrakon cultures, other cultures and people may join given they show enthusiasm for acting as cavaliers, scouts, raiders or archers. Though many other skills are welcomed too, we hope to provide something for everyone!

We hope to partake in both Military and Noble progression Orders through being hired, but would also like to take up questing and mercenary work through the current systems in place to maintain activity and interest within the community, and to eventually establish a Szabadok Yurt colony / Stables within the city.


Character Application:
Relevant Proficiencies (Almost all are relevant in some way, but particularly Cavalry Combat and Light Bows are recommended):
IC Letter to Severiia and sending method:
Favourite song?:
Give me a meme to chuckle at:
Last edited:
Username: BangersandSash
Character Application:árok.79854/
Relevant Proficiencies (Almost all are relevant in some way, but particularly Cavalry Combat and Light Bows are recommended): You know.
IC Letter to Severiia and sending method:
*By way of Ethreal Owl, Garszek would send it over to her from the other side of the Yurt, it read simply as.*
"Im here."
Favourite song?: Love of my Life, by Queen
Give me a meme to chuckle at: Over Discord.