The North's Whiskers


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
The North's Whiskers


Under the shade of the neighboring trees by the Golden Willow, the quaint Northene cafe sits proudly in its colors of black and Orange. Oriented around the Velheimer culture, most of its items originate from lands North of Regalia.


*All costs 10r save for Milk and Water: (Milk is 5, water is free.)*

◊ Standard morning kaffee

◊ Standard water

◊ Standard milk

Spiced Tea
◊ Standard tea spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon

◊ A mead that gives you a sip of the Northener culture

◊ A fine ale that'll do you go for the afternoon

Varfal's Punch
◊ A strong vodka. Don't mistake this for water.


◊ Simple open-face sandwiches with cheese, meat, and tomato or cucumber

◊ Often served with an option of honey and dried fruit

◊ Rye Bread with an option of butter

◊ A slice of venison that has a gamey flavor to it.

◊ Flavorful pancake with syrup

◊ A dry, albeit tasty pancake


◊ Siselle Haagenvig: @AtticCat

◊ Valbrand Haagenvig: @Jouster

◊ All Haagenvigs
◊ Garth Viduggla
◊ Roger Hemingway

Staff Application

Character Name:
Character Race:
Skype?: (You can PM it to me via forums if you're accepted)
IC Letter:
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IGN: MippyMoo
Character Name: Mimir Jormungandr
Character Race: Al-Url (Formerly Velheimer Ailor)
References: I assume you mean people who you can refer to when seeing if you'll consider hiring me? See @Suicidium and maybe @Emo_Bunny
Skype: Yes
IC Letter:

To The North's Whiskers

I would like to apply for a job here. I might be out of my current one, and even if I keep my job, I could work here at slightly odd hours. I myself lived in the North for 30 years and am familiar with the food and drink.

Mimir Jormungandr​
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IGN: WrongChat
Character Name: Roger Hemingway
Character Race: Colonial Ailor
References: You know me.
Skype?: You have it.
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Haagenvig,
It has come to my attention that the small cafe besides the tavern is in need of bartenders, cooks, and whatever else. I think I can pour a good drink and create some entertainment well I'm at it.- People say I'm a real joke, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Anyways, I'd like to apply myself to your whisker bar in hopes to earn myself some coin and not just stand around and guard people all day because between me and you, it's rather stale.
With Highest Regards, Roger Hemingway
Battlemed Graduate
I don't really drink all that often but I'm pretty sure it's not hard to pour a drink
IGN: MippyMoo
Character Name: Mimir Jormungandr
Character Race: Al-Url (Formerly Velheimer Ailor)
References: I assume you mean people who you can refer to when seeing if you'll consider hiring me? See @Suicidium and maybe @Emo_Bunny
Skype: Yes
IC Letter:

To The North's Whiskers

I would like to apply for a job here. I might be out of my current one, and even if I keep my job, I could work here at slightly odd hours. I myself lived in the North for 30 years and am familiar with the food and drink.

Mimir Jormungandr​
To Mimir Jormungandr,

I would love to give you a chance at the North's Whiskers- though I would like to know which job you'd best fall into to! Perhaps we could have a meeting at some point when you are free?
Siselle Haagenvig
Owner of The North's Whiskers
Pending, meet IC for a meeting!
Character Name: Roger Hemingway
Character Race: Colonial Ailor
References: You know me.
Skype?: You have it.
IC Letter:
Dear Lady Haagenvig,
It has come to my attention that the small cafe besides the tavern is in need of bartenders, cooks, and whatever else. I think I can pour a good drink and create some entertainment well I'm at it.- People say I'm a real joke, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Anyways, I'd like to apply myself to your whisker bar in hopes to earn myself some coin and not just stand around and guard people all day because between me and you, it's rather stale.
With Highest Regards, Roger Hemingway
Battlemed Graduate
I don't really drink all that often but I'm pretty sure it's not hard to pour a drink


To Roger Hemingway,

It had not occurred to me to look for an entertainer! Perhaps you could explain what you can do whenever we have a chance to meet up with me- besides that you seem to fit the bill nicely for a bartender. Please meet with me at your first chance!
Siselle Haagenvig
Owner of The North's Whiskers

Accepted, meet IC for a meeting!