The New Arrival


It had become easy to overlook now what she had in life. Sat upon the swing that hung in her family's estate gardens which allowed her to peer out over to the beach and the ocean, the d'Vaud turned Ravenstad sat in contemplative thought.

She had been in Regalia for years now. There were times where she thought about returning to Anglia, or even to Opper Calem, to hide herself away from whatever it was that bothered her that particular day. But she could not. She had stated that once to her husband, who had replied to her with a look of horror and fright. It had been before they had married, but he had reacted as though he would lose the most important thing in his life if she left, and she could not do that to such a man.

The woman emitted a sigh as she cast her gaze towards the estate itself. Elaborate, gigantic. She could think of no words that truly described the building, and on such a grand day as it was, the building only stood even prouder in the daylight. This was her home now, she thought as she scanned the grounds. There she caught the eye of a maid, who seemed to already be on her way towards the Ravenstad woman.

"Lady Ravenstad," the maid said with a bowed head on approach, "brought a blanket for the little one I did."

The maid offered out a soft azure blue blanket towards the woman, who had dipped her head in polite thanks. She took the blanket, and wrapped it around the baby who laid asleep in her arms.

"Thank you. You may leave us," Czylle had replied out of her wish to spend more time alone with her newborn. The maid scurried off after bowing low once more..

It had been only a week since she had given birth to her first, and it had left her confined to the estate as nurses watched over her, ensuring there were no issues. Czylle peered down to the child in her arms, who had since began to wake and whimper at his disturbed sleep.

"Hush now," the woman sang in the Alt-Regalian tongue as she rocked the baby boy side to side. Her gaze was that of sheer love and affection as she admired her first child. He had been born with a tuft of bright, copper orange hair, no doubt a mix of the Ravenstad red and the d'Vaud blonde. She felt at ease as she continued to rock the child back to sleep.

"Bastian.. You do not know how happy you have made me in this short space of time. How elated your father and I are to have you here with us now. How your father worried for you and I. How your aunts and uncles can not wait to meet you. The things you have missed and the things you have yet to see.. Your families can not wait to teach you everything they know."

The woman turned her gaze away from the child as he had finally settled to sleep once more, and stared up towards the clouds. She thanked the spirit silently for allowing her to live through her first, and prayed that she be allowed to see him grow throughout the years. The moments silence she spared brought thoughts of her family flooding through her mind. Of her mother, who had given birth to four children in total.. Before losing her life to the last. Czylle. She had been born with her mother passing swiftly after and the young woman had not ever been able to meet her. To learn from her and, now that she was older, she silently blamed herself for all of it.

Shaking the images from her mind with some tears of regret creeping down her cheeks, she was alerted too at the sound of footsteps. Each cheek was dabbed with a corner of the babies blanket before she turned to greet the visitor. Stood not five feet away was Erwald. In his casual purple outfit with dishevelled hair and a tired look about him. He had spent since Bastians birth caring for both the baby and his wife whilst she recovered, and he was greatly lacking sleep. It did not stop him from beaming with pride as he looked upon the two.

"Do you mind if I join you, my lady?" Erwald asked, his voice quietning mid sentence on realizing the child slept.

"You may," Czylle had replied as she carefully shifted along the seating of the swing.

Erwald crept in besides her and draped an arm around Czylles waist to hold her secure. With the opposite hand he held tight onto the handle of the swing, and very gently began to sway them back and forth.

The two sat in a blissful silence whilst the birds chattered away around them and whilst the waves crashed against the shore. Never had each been so content with their lives until this moment.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two broke the silence in unison.

"How perfect this is."


  • Czylle and Erwald had a baby named Bastian Erwald Ravenstad,
  • Czys had been absent from the city for a week or so,
  • Patriarchs of the family, Vulmar (@Tiber_ ) and Hamelin (Suicidium), as well as Erwald (Battlebrawn), were allow to know that the baby was born. Anyone else should directly be told ICly.
  • This took place somewhere before the Ravenstad trial because dates.
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