The Molotok Pakt


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Sep 26, 2012
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The Molotok Pakt.
Union of Vladno Interests
"All for Vladdom and the Fatherland"
"Све за Српство и отаџбину"

"Boyars meet in the presence of The Potniks to sign their treaty of defence" - April 306AC.


I - Introduction
II - Interests
III - Leadership
IV - Deeds of Valour
V - Application form
VI - Membership


I - Introduction & Basic Information.

The Molotok Pakt is an Interest Group; serving as a Political Lobby for the primary issues faced by Vladno, noble and common alike; an institution of cultural education, and central institution of Vladno thought and philosophy. The Pakt was signed by Noble Houses Bolshekov and Kostolansky, in joint effort to reinforce the sovereignty, independence, and self determination of Vladno land, amid the crisis of The North. The Pakt centers itself in 'Tsargrad' (Regalia Proper.) in hopes of spreading Vladno soft power within the courts of The Capital.


II - Interests of The Pakt.

  1. The defence of The Vladno homelands, of Svetlost, Etolia, Brégz
  2. The protection and spread of Vladno values and ideals
  3. The removal of Woman from Political Ministries
  4. The Loosening of Weapon Laws
  5. The Restricting of Racial Laws
  6. The Loosening of Slaving Laws
  7. Introduction of Cultural Laws
  8. Tightening of Faith Laws
  9. Further Inclusion of Church within Secular Governance
  10. Reformation of Tax Laws to allow further leniencies for Vladno Lords


II - Leadership.

Grand-Sovetnik: Boyar Bohdan Kostolansky

The Grand-Sovetnik serves as the primary functionary, dealing with cultural and political matters within Tsargrad and The Court. The Grand-Sovetnik conducts public relation and outreach, garnering the hearts and minds of The Vladno people far from home, along with the implementing of proposed social policies.

Grand-Voyevoda: Boyar Radoslav Bolshekov

The Grand-Voyevoda conducts all military matters in the name of The Pakt, controlling the joint forces of The Vladno Union. When the joint lands of The Vladno come under threat, The Grand-Voyevoda acts with swift reprisal upon those who would taint the sacred land of Vladdom. The Grand-Voyevoda controls The Military and Guard policies of The Pakt, ensuring Vladno ideals are maintained within these elements of life.


The Sovetniks work beneath the Grand-Sovetnik in the creation of social policy, and implementation of Vladno ideals within Court Life. They manage the event roster of The Pakt, and ensure that Vladno holidays and festivals are conducted within Tsargrad.


The Voyevoda aid in the command of The Grand Molotok Forces, combating the enemies of The Vladno peoples. They may lead divisions or wings of The Grand Force, ensuring the fullest efficiency of the defensive armies combat ability.


The Initsiirovat' is the very base member of The Pakt, holding affiliation and loyalty to The Union. The Initsiirovat' is welcome to the many meetings of The Pakt, and is able to partake in discussion and contribution to policy.


"The Soviet convenes on a matter of grave cultural importance: headed by The Grand Sovetnik" -306AC.


II - Deeds of Valour.

A record of valorous deeds enacted in the name of The Pakt.

-April 306AC. -

The Pact is formed by Boyar Bolshekov and Boyar Kostolansky.


IV - Application Format.

House Name:
House Leader:

IC Letter:
Character App:


V - Members Roster.

House Bolshekov @AntonVoron
House Kostolansky @Cajetan_

Emil Dragovich @Inquisitater
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