• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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The Mistresses Of The Halls Present: Palace Conduces


Sep 9, 2015
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- The Mistresses o
f the Halls present -

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As the Imperial Palace welcomes the Regalian nobility again, the Mistresses of the Halls would like to cordially remind the peerage about the expected standard inside the Palace. Our conduct must come into line with His Imperial Holiness' expectations, and the conduct we expect of one another. Thus - Rowena van Fryse and Fabienne du Poncaire usher a return to conduces, to stalwartly preserve the standard set by His Imperial Holiness inside the Imperial Palace.

The violation or neglect of Court Protocol inside the Imperial Palace will result in penalties most severe, appropriate and dependent to the situation. Remind yourself, dear reader, that you are a guest inside the Emperor's home. Faltering in any of the conduces is a proper insult to His most gracious hospitality. None should ever forget that reality when dwelling in His gilded halls.


GENERAL ETIQUETTE || to understand one's conduct.
Etiquette; a necessity to uphold standards and prestige. Good conduct reflects something from the inside - an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self. The Mistresses of the Halls encourage any courtier to adhere these rules and read them thoroughly through, for they are a crucial backbone to civil society and order within the Palace.

  • With regards to the Emperor;
    • Never speak to the Emperor first. Bow and keep posture until given permission to speak first.
      • Commoners may never speak to the Emperor without first being introduced by a noble, who must also wait for permission to introduce a commoner.
    • Never speak to the Emperor without an introduction.
    • Never sit while the Emperor is standing, and always stand up when He enters the room.
      • An exception is made for the physically infirm and crippled, who must nonetheless bow before the Emperor.
    • Always bow to the Emperor in every greeting.
      • After His departure, one must bow again with each re-entry of peripheries.
    • Never disagree with the Emperor's statements.
      • An exception is made if He gives the "Right to Counsel", which gives the person permission to politely disagree and correct His statements.
    • Never tell the Emperor what He should do or what He should think.
      • An exception is made if He gives the "Right to Counsel".
    • Never argue the Emperor's decisions.
    • Never turn one's back to the Emperor.
      • An exception is made if the Emperor's own movements would force this to occur.
      • Always back away from Him while facing Him in a bow.
    • Never under any circumstance touch or approach the Emperor within 6 feet of his personal circle, unless one is given an invitation.
    • Never insert one's self into a conversation of the Emperor, without being given prior permission to speak or be involved.
  • With regards to Imperial Blood;
    • Never speak to Imperial Blood first. Bow and keep posture until given permission to speak.
    • Never speak to Imperial Blood without an introduction.
    • Never sit while Imperial Blood is standing. It is however not necessary to remain standing while Imperial Blood chooses to sit.
    • Always bow to Imperial Blood in the first greeting of the day.
    • Never disagree with the statements of Imperial Blood.
      • Although it is permitted to request "Right to Counsel", which gives the person permission to politely disagree and correct their views.
    • Never tell Imperial Blood what they should do or what they should think.
      • Although with the "Right to Counsel", the person is permitted to recommend an alternative idea or plan.
    • Never argue with Imperial Blood decisions after they are made.
    • Never under any circumstance touch Imperial Blood.
    • Never insert one's self into Imperial Blood conversation, without being given prior permission to speak or be involved.
  • With regards to Dukes (or higher);
    • Always use the correct title when addressing a Duke (or higher).
      • If one does not know the correct titleage, use the commonly respectful "your Lordship/Ladyship" until corrected otherwise.
      • This is relevant to everyone, including spouses and family members.
      • Omitting one's title is permitted for political purposes, but is universally recognised as an insult to the other's legitimacy and/or relevance.
    • Never speak to a Duke (or higher) without being introduced to them prior.
      • Those of equal or higher titleage do not need an introduction, nor do Government or Military officials.
    • Always bow or curtsy to a Duke (or higher) in greeting.
      • It is only necessary to greet a Duke this way once per day, regardless of how many meetings are held that day.
      • Those of higher status may disregard this.
    • Never outwardly disagree with a Duke (or higher) or question their decisions.
      • It is however permitted to counsel by respectfully stating an objection.
      • Those of equal or higher status may disregard this.
    • Never tell a Duke (or higher) what they should do or think.
      • It is however permitted to request the right to make a suggestion or present an idea.
      • Those of equal or higher status may disregard this.
    • Never touch a Duke (or higher) without their express permission.
      • This includes spouses and family members.
      • Dukes (or higher) may only be touched with their consent, and that only through gloves or a napkin.
  • With regards to Untitled Nobles and Nobles lower than Dukes;
    • Always use the correct title when addressing a noble.
      • This is relevant to everyone, including spouses and family members.
      • Siblings or cousins should never use nicknames in public.
      • Omitting one's title is permitted for political purposes, but is universally recognised as an insult to the other's legitimacy and/or relevancy.
    • Be polite when disagreeing or arguing with a noble.
      • Although nobles of higher rank are free to disagree or question them however much they prefer.
    • Never touch a noble without their express permission.
      • A noble of any rank may only be touched with their consent, and that only through gloves or a napkin.
  • With regards to physicality and familiarity;
    • Public displays of affection from any nature beyond the holding of hands or linking arms is considered vulgar.
      • This also includes the use of nicknames, physical displays of affection, or actions normally reserved between relations.
    • Nobles should acknowledge familiarity and not infringe on the personal bounds of another.
      • Strangers are encouraged to address each other by their surname, whereas friends and family members may address each other using their first name (naturally with appropriate titleage).
  • With regards to language and speech;
    • The current courtly languages are Common, Ithanian, Lëtz, Calem and High-Anglian. No other languages may be spoken on Imperial grounds.
      • To audibly speak in any other non-court language in front of other nobles who cannot speak it is often a way to insult the intelligence of those around, or else insult the hospitality of one's hosts.
    • A noble should never swear on Imperial grounds unless for a very necessary effect, though preferably not even then.
  • With regards to commoners;
    • Commoners should always endeavour to leave enough space between them and their superiors while present on Imperial grounds.
    • Commoners should always stand and vacate seating for nobility, unless expressed otherwise by their superiors.
    • Commoners must be given reasonable respect, though respects may be disregarded if the commoner in question shows any signs of disrespecting.
    • Fraternisation towards commoners is strictly forbidden.
      • Flirting, fornication, debauching and other interactions normally reserved with close relations are strictly forbidden towards commoners on Imperial grounds.
  • With regards to servants;
    • Servants must always tend to the needs of and obey their host families first.
      • A servant may never be forced to serve someone they do not work for unless this is commanded by the Emperor, Imperial Blood, or court dignitary.
      • It is up to the discretion of the noble if they will serve the entire group present at the function, or just themselves.
    • Servants must always stand when in service.
    • Bringing House guards to the Imperial Palace is considered as a universal insult to the Emperor's hospitality and the entirety of the Imperial guard.
    • Fraternisation towards servants is strictly forbidden.
      • Flirting, fornication, debauching and other interactions normally reserved with close relations are strictly forbidden towards commoners on Imperial grounds.

DRESS CODE || to understand one's dressage.
The Imperial Palace mirrors a representation of Regalia's nobility and simultaneously reflects an image to the rest of Aloria. While rules are set in place to preserve modesty and prevent crude displays, it is the earnest hope from both the Mistresses of the Halls that the peerage will celebrate their creativity and flourish with garbs that rival the biggest fashion houses.

  • With regards to all nobles;
    • Nobles are expected to wear presentable civilized styles.
      • This involves wearing or using clothing or accessories that the Emperor might deem barbaric, uncivilized, unclean or otherwise are a glorification of things the Emperor is against, or are against the Emperor.
    • Pious officials are expected to dress accordingly and are recommended to wear the traditional garbs for the faithful of their particular piety.
      • For women, this is a wimple or veil that entirely covers the hair but not the face.
      • For men, this is the wide beret with a white goose feather, or a chaperon.
    • Crowns, coronets or circlets are strictly forbidden from being worn.
    • The colour Tyrian Purple is strictly forbidden from being worn.
    • Wearing any weapons (even concealed) is strictly forbidden.
  • With regards to men;
    • Men can show certain parts of the arms and chest as per the new Imperial Guidelines on Summer Fashion. Consult the following chart when considering one's dressage for summer.
      • Full coverage is however still considered classy and dignified and should be encouraged when dealing with dignitaries or official state business.
      • Gloves are not required, but extremely recommended. Bare hands can be seen as unclean and may infringe on other court protocol interactions.
    • Men are expected to appear cleanly and kempt.
      • Beards must be cleanly combed and not hang loosely.
      • Top hair must be brushed or combed out of the face to not cover the forehead.
      • Long hair must be tied into a ponytail or done up in a clean bun, never braided or hung loose.
  • With regards to women;
    • Women can show certain parts of the neck, clavicles and shoulders as per the new Imperial Guidelines on Summer Fashion. Consult the following chart when considering one's dressage for summer.
      • Full coverage is however still considered classy and dignified and should be encouraged when dealing with dignitaries or official state business.
      • Gloves are not required, but extremely recommended. Bare hands can be seen as unclean and may infringe on other court protocol interactions.
    • Women are expected to appear their age.
      • Hair may never touch the forehead. Bangs must be tucked or brushed away.
      • Long hair may hang loosely, but it is extremely recommended to either braid, tie, roll or otherwise conform the hair into a piece or style on the top or back of the head.

PALACE ACCESSIBILITY || to understand one's place.
The Imperial Palace is a dwelling place for the divine and the most noble of people, with great halls of light that will follow the sunrise and shine out to all corners of the globe, so they might all see the glory of Regalia. With that however, comes limitations and certain conditions for people to abide.

  • With regards to (vassal) nobility;
    • All nobles are permitted to enter the Imperial Palace at any moment in time and dwell in the social spaces defined by the Mistresses of the Halls.
      • An exception can be made whenever dictated by the Emperor, Imperial Blood or any court dignitaries.
      • Nobles may announce their arrival at the Imperial Palace and organize impromptu gatherings without the presence of the Mistresses of the Halls, however should refrain from hosting large scaled events inside the Palace's walls.
      • The Patriarch/Matriarch of a noble family will be partly responsible for the actions of their House members and vassals, and any infractions will also reflect on them.
  • With regards to commoners;
    • Commoners may be present in the Imperial Palace only if they are attended by a member of the noble peerage.
      • A noble should always vouch for a commoner's conduct. The noble in question will be responsible for their actions, and will receive a penalty should the commoner breach court protocol.
  • With regards to servants;
    • Only identified servants may be present in the Imperial Palace, and only when accompanying their House of employ.
      • All servants must be clearly identified through uniform when working underneath or on the visible behalf of the family.
  • With regards to the Occult;
    • All Occult (even those that are noble) must be assessed and interviewed by the Mistress of the Halls first before they are granted entry on Imperial grounds.
      • Any occult wishing access to the Imperial Palace should contact either Rowena van Fryse or Fabienne du Poncaire to conduct an interview.
      • Occult may be barred entry for a myriad of reasons including mutations, powers, abilities and/or nature of affliction.
    • The Occult may under no circumstance use their ability or power inside the Imperial Palace.
      • The use of Occult abilities or powers in the presence of the Emperor or Royal Blood will result in immediate summary execution without trial or mercy.
  • With regards to the prohibition of access;
    • The Mistress of the Halls reserve the right to ban certain members from entering the Palace, and concurrently revoke it by their own judgement.
      • The prohibition of access will mostly stand on ground of a severe breach in conduct, violation of the Regalian Law, or complications regarding the current political climate, but they may also have its reasons beyond that.
      • Appeals to revoke prohibitions of access should be sent towards either Rowena van Fryse or Fabienne du Poncaire.
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This list may be subject to change and should be consulted frequently.


OOC Notes:
  • Big list of rules! But a necessary one for roleplay inside the Imperial Palace. Most of it is taken from the court protocol page, with only a few additions and clarifications added to not get things confused. We'll enforce these pretty strictly, so please make sure you've read up on everything that is relevant to your character.
  • The Imperial Palace will be open for the public soon at /tp Imperial, which means that nobility can walk in and out the palace at their own leisure for day-to-day social roleplay. While Bunemma and I will host mini impromptu events and gatherings, we also strongly encourage people to take their social calls and meetings there! The palace also makes for a great location to plot and scheme!!
  • Commoners and the occult are allowed entry on certain conditions. Please consult the relevant parts on the page!
  • If you have any questions, please send either myself or @Bunemma a DM!
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With the opening of the Imperial Palace, the Master and Mistress of the Halls would like to remind visitors of the following matter:

Any type of aberrant(*), noble by blood or not, must conduct an interview with the Master/Mistress of the Halls first if they wish to enter the Imperial Palace. The building is protected against aberrants and will sound an alarm if they enter without a certified token, so please see either Fabienne du Poncaire (@Halsi) or Rowena van Fryse (@Bunemma) if this is relevant to you!

(*) This includes but is not limited to mages, sorcerers, silven, Sihndar, Manathar, draconic aligned, archbloods, cahal, sanguine, undead, and anyone with mutations.
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The Palace Conduces on dress code have been changed accordingly to the new Imperial Guidelines on Summer Fashion. The following conduces have been added to the document, signed and officiated by the the Mistresses of the Halls:
  • Men can show certain parts of the arms and chest as per the new Imperial Guidelines on Summer Fashion. Consult the following chart when considering one's dressage for summer.
    • Full coverage is however still considered classy and dignified and should be encouraged when handling dignitaries or official state business.
    • Gloves are not required, but extremely recommended. Bare hands can be seen as unclean and may infringe on other court protocol interactions.
  • Women can show certain parts of the neck, clavicles and shoulders as per the new Imperial Guidelines on Summer Fashion. Consult the following chart when considering one's dressage for summer.
    • Full coverage is however still considered classy and dignified and should be encouraged when handling dignitaries or official state business.
    • Gloves are not required, but extremely recommended. Bare hands can be seen as unclean and may infringe on other court protocol interactions.
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