The Ministry For The Magi


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Ministry for the Magi

An Introduction
The Ministry for the Magi operates as a government sector dedicated to the creation of laws surrounding the preternatural aspects of Regalia's populace, from the innate and uncontrollable states of being of Silvenism and Vampiric Brood-birth, to the voluntary disciplines of Magic and Vampirism in full. As well as this, the Ministry offers avenues for state-loyal Aberrants to make use of their abilities in service of Regalia and the Great Way through documentation of their abilities and the bestowment of special dispensation that provides legal clearance to make use of any powers beyond the norm they possess.


For Aberrants:
>To allow Aberrants to serve the state in a safe and legal manner.
>To cultivate an in-depth record of each Aberrant's abilities for the purposes of monitoring and ensuring maximum efficiency in state service.
>To enable state-loyal Aberrants to exist safely within the city and access as much legal credibility as can be afforded to them.
For the Public:
>To lay to rest the concerns of commonfolk in regards to magical phenomena, and bring about a public mindset cemented with knowledge and logic over superstition and misinformation.
>To allow military and noble assets to easily and fluidly make use of the powers of Aberrants in matters of war and city service.


  • Secretary for the Magi:
    • Aeralaanys Rhylovhas.
  • Vice Secretary for the Magi:
    • Vhilomir Kade.
  • Clerk for Demonics
    • Position unfilled.
  • Clerk for Vampirics
    • Position unfilled.
  • Clerk for Bestiforms
    • Position unfilled.


General Information

Information for Aberrants and Magical-Adjacents

>When seeking special dispensation in any form, Aberrants should contact the Secretary for the Magi via letter providing good examples of state service and sound argumentation as to their viability to possess legal freedoms.
>No more than one third (rounded up) of all known-of Mages may possess White Mage documentation at any time. This is at first glance a bottleneck on the possible number of White Mages; it is intentional. Only those Mages trusted to be of absolutely no harm to the state and reliable when called upon by the state to act are to receive White Mage documentation.
>Any possessors of Magical Artefacts are expected to report their possession to the Ministry for the Magi, and submit the Artefact for study and verification of the authenticity of their Artefact, and to avoid theft and destruction of Magical Artefacts to the greatest of their abilities at all given times.

Information Regarding Aberrants
>Registry of Recorded Mages & Court Magi
>Registry of Special Dispensation Holders
*For the purposes of ensuring Artefact safety, Artefact-holder names will not be made public.

Information for Potential Employees
>When seeking employment by the Ministry on any level, applicants should contact the Secretary for the Magi via letter providing proof of education, demonstrating good understanding of their expected discipline. Further, applicants should be free of a criminal record, or have exceptional indication of reformation.

To the Secretary for the Magi Aeralaanys Rhylovhas,
I write to you today to apply for a position within the Ministry for the Magi. I am well versed in the identification and curing of the sanguine, werebeasts, and possessed individuals. I have worked in the Calderliga Union for several decades as an arcanist alongside local authorities to identify magical artifacts, chart and prevent the spread of the Sanguine and Shattered Curse, and assess the risk posed by Silven, Broods, and Phantasma upon their entry or capture inside the Calderliga Union. In recent times, I have acted as a scholar within the Regalian College helping to educate the public on the nature of various arcane phenomena and entities. I believe that with this experience I can be of use to the Ministry for the Magi.
Alexis Morgan
To the Secretary of Magi;
I am Zzenzallo, Sage of Karfanth and I have come to approach you with an offer of services to the Clerk of Beastiforms. I am well versed in the beasts of Regalia, including the Doughall and von Kerle bloodlines of vampires, all Soul Shards and Werebeasts. I have witnessed these beasts in person and I am able to tell Winter Seasons vampire to an Ursarr werebeasts. As a young child I was introduced to vampires an Werebeasts and ever since then I have been interested in the beasts of Regalia and how truly dangerous they really are to the public. For example, Isldar are much more likely to suffer from Werebeasts because of all their soul power, which the beasts feed off. I have no criminal record anywhere in Ailoria and never once have I been considered an aberrant, no aberrant has wronged me so I would also have fair judgement. This where I'll end this letter, I hope to meet you in person too.

-Zzenzallo the Traveller
Sage of Karfanth