Combat Guild The Military Society


SalemSlot Owner
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score




Wirtem: Die Militärgesellschaft
D'Ithanie: La société militaire
Skodje: Militärsällskapet
Lëtz: Militäresch Gesellschaft
Daen: La Sociedad Militar
Anglian: De Militaire Maatschappij
Gallwech: An Comunn Armailteach
Hellas: Η Στρατιωτική Εταιρεία
Dressalo: La Società Militare
Kriv: Військове товариство



Established by veteran members of the Marshalry Cabinet of the Regalian Empire, the Military Society is a closed members' club for both retired and active Military folk. The society wishes, as its single objective, to enable Officers and other Military members to meet and exchange views on all matters, thus not only the Military. As with all organizations associated with the Marshalry Cabinet, the Military Society is the traditional home to some of the most conservative minds of the Empire. However in recent times this has started to change as more progressive, liberal and young Officers have joined the Imperial ranks.

Despite its association with the Cabinet, the Military Society is not an official State organization, and not financed by it in any way.

Admission, Meetings & Hierarchy:

The Military Society is open to everyone who serves or has served in the Regalian Military.
As with leadership, the Military Society follows the Hierarchy of the Regalian Military. One cannot be dismissed from the Society unless it's confirmed by the higher patents.
Meetings happen regularly at either the Military Academy or the Imperial Palace. Any member may summon a meeting, or host a event, for whatever purpose they have.

  • All members are asked to be dressed appropriately, preferably in their military uniforms.
  • Keep your hands covered at all times, the usage of gloves is obligatory.
  • Facial hair is optional, however there are some rules to it: Full beards are reserved to officers such as Generals and Admirals only; Field Commanders and Field Officers may only keep a mustache, sideburns or trimmed beards; Auxiliary Units may not grow facial hair.
  • Behave according to your standing. Nobles are asked to maintain their noblesse oblige.
  • Always address each other with the proper title.
  • Knights fall under Auxiliary Units, and may therefore join the Society.


- Field General Yngvarr Viduggla
- Field General Ardige Viduggla
- Field Commander/Engineer Erwin Braunschweiger
- Field General Nataria Blárach
- Field General Adal von Kepler
- Lord Protector Riftan Vaedra
- Field General Florian du Poncaire
- Lord Protector Lynmard Lomstedt
- Field Commander Allestane Vikstrom
- Field General Viviwynne Gwentyr
- Field Engineer Ellisif Vikstrom


Apply form:

IC name:
Military patent (General/Admiral/Captain/Commander..etc):
Discord (to contact you):


OOC Disclaimer:

This is some sort of gentleman's club for the military, except for all genders and races alike, as long as they have served or serve in the military. This group was created with the future progressions in mind, to keep an active rooster of every active officer that may take part of war progs eventually, and also to give Lore staff an insight of who and whose not interested in this niche of roleplay.
I'd like to thank @kirishark for discussing the idea with me and also @HydraLana for offering himself up to host DnD inspired table events!

Meetings are public to all members, at all times you can just ping on discord and invite someone to come roleplay with you at the Imperial Palace (/tp Palace) or the Military Academy (/tp MilitaryAcademy).

As for skins, the old Cabinet skins are available here. Steve and Alex version. But you may bring your own personalized military skin if you wish.


Last edited:
IC name: Riftan Vaedra
Culture/Race: Ailor
Military patent: Knight
Age: 23
IGN: AlienDark12
Discord (to contact you): AlienDark12
IC name: Baron Lynmard Lomstedt
Culture/Race: Ailor, 'imperialized' Wirtem
Military patent: Knight
Age: 28
IGN: Simslp
Discord (to contact you): You have it
IC Name: Allestane Vikstrom
Race: Ailor
Military Patent: Commander
Age: 26
IGN: Yui_Drax
Discord: random.unknown
IC Name - Ellisif Vikstrom
Culture/Race - Velheim Ailor
Military Patent - War Engineer and Chemical Arms Dealer
Age - Mid-Twenties
IGN - Ameritriot (same disc)
IC name: Viviwynne Gwentyr
Culture/Race: Breizh Ailor
Military patent: (Retired) General
Age: 75
IGN: NebulaePrimo
Discord (to contact you): NebulaePrimo

IC Name - Ellisif Vikstrom
Culture/Race - Velheim Ailor
Military Patent - War Engineer and Chemical Arms Dealer
Age - Mid-Twenties
IGN - Ameritriot (same disc)

Both accepted and added to the roster. Will add you to the discord soon.
Minecraft Name: Pellegrino di Orazio.
Character Race & Culture: Wirtem-Azzizzari Ailor.
Military Background: Imperial Army General.
Character Age: Fifty-five.
Minecraft Username: SignoreScafuto.
Discord Username: scafuto.