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The Medes Fleet Brief


Lesser Noble
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Citizens of Regalia.

It is by my authority as Holyarm of the Reliquary-Valldal that the Captains of the Medes Fleet be charged with Blasphemy due to their heinous amounts of damage to Fornoss Temples, Altars, and the rightful practice of the faith.

Further, I request the palace charge the Fleet Captains and Officers with Piracy, as their act committed was against Imperial Soil. I ask that the Palace seize their vessels upon sighting and lock them to port. In this way, the monetary cost of their actions may be deducted from their holds and years of the Captains and Officers for the unaccounted costs. Further, it is requested they be charged either as enemies or as traitors for their declared annexing of the isles from the Regalian Empire. The crew selects new leadership that pledges their loyalty to Regalia as She has to the Asha people against the continued threat of slavery.

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund
Lady Protector,
Countess of Fornhavn,
Holyarm Reliquary-Valldal
For the first time in... forever, a brief missive is written in response by a Claw of Khannar:

Lady Protector,

Perform your duties for the destruction of temples as is your Reliquary mission, for they were indeed razed in the mining efforts. However, I must express that you were misinformed in bringing forth a call for treason charges, for at no point did the Corsairs ever declare an annexation of Eriu-Innis.

The declaration of "liberation" was in regards to freeing the island from Allorn occupation, after the Allorn took its king hostage and hoped to use Eriu-Innis for their own twisted ends. The Medes Corsair Fleets even expressed that they intended to depart upon completion of the mining operation, this is not something declared by one who intends full annexation.

Declare the reprehensibility of the mining if you must, in this I will not stop you, but I warn that to break this alliance with treason charges threatens us all.

Claw and Scion of Khannar the Basalt Death
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It could probably be surmised from the haphazard placement of this response to the original notice that whoever did it probably had a few too many.

To the Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund,

I reply to your address with heavy eyes and a splitting headache after perhaps one too many drinks. Allow me to clear the record for you as to the nature of the situation in Eriu-Innis. The timeline of events goes as follows below, in a very paraphrased manner, and one that I will potentially amend with a second letter when I can write without having to dictate to a quill.

  • Eriu-Innis was never part of the Regalian Empire. It has been a separate entity, though with close ties to the Empire through an extensive system of trade routes and emerald mining (which was still very much one sided!).
  • Some bumbling aristocrat who managed to make themselves the Chancellor didn't think, and removed Eriu-Innis from the Naval Trade Accords, or some other such document named like it that gave them access to Regalian ports and trade
  • More bureaucratic buffoonery
  • Eriu-Innis was effectively cut off from the Regalian Empire. The Allorn Empire seized the King, and holds him in captivity as far as anyone knows, also de-facto annexing the isles as a result of their occupation.
  • Some time passed and another government official sicked the filthy pirates onto the Isles so that they'd harass the Allorn and not let them have one of the most strategic island chains in a theoretical war between the Allorn Empire and Regalia
  • The Corsairs pillage and destroy Eriu-Innis, upending centuries of culture of freed slaves from the Allorn Empire in a sick twist of irony, and now come to port to sell their ill-gotten gains.
The bilge rats have done nothing wrong legally. Go break a pirate's leg if you're so up in arms about it. Or better yet, hang the bastards. Go to the meeting tomorrow that Sera Xera requested so you might be informed. That goes to anyone reading this!

With genuine hatred for all Corsairs,
Cadwyn Mac SeaghƔn Uƭ MhƔrtain
Wydd-Knight of Penn Calon Werdd
((After the DMs for this:)

IC Changes:
- The Charge of Blasphemy remains.
- The requested charge of Piracy and Treason struck, but it is clear it was still part of the original document.

Edit part 2 (440pm)

Regalian Citizenry,

After investigation, it was confirmed that due to ƈriu-Innis not being a member of the Empire nor protected by the Navigation Acts, the actions of the Medes Fleet are outside the Jurisdiction of the Reliquary Order. Thus, the charge of blasphemy is rescinded.

However, I encourage all houses in favor of re-establishing the Navigation Acts to contact me by letter or meet in person so that such a petition can be presented to the Crown and then asked of to the leadership of ƈriu-Innis.

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund
Lady Protector
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh
Holyarm Reliquary-Valldal
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To the Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund,

How often it seems that House Mekrov, and so myself, stands in opposition to almost every action of which you take in recent time. To utilize the Reliquary's postion to identify, through any loophole and /lead/ pipeline, 'Blasphemers' is ridiculous. Pirates, yes, however these Pirates had not only outcasted the False Elven State from their unwarranted occupation of the land but also were rather benevolent to the people of the land. Anyone who refers to this Elven State as even an 'Empire' should self-reflect, and pay penance to the Emperor by daily prayer within the All-Beacon Temple for their disrespect to the Regalian Empire's authority as the future ruling Empire of the entire world.

In essence, you are seeking to punish these Pirates for something that we as Regalians [even if it was primarily the Foreign Chancellery] asked them to do, kick out our political opponents, the False Elven State that seeks to bring about their former Empire that they lost the right to claiming their own. While their strip mining of the land is unfortunate, the land is still there. The civilians present on the land are not executed on mass, nor were forced to leave their homes through violence. If anything, these Corsairs are perhaps the most benevolent Pirates I have ever seen.

If you truly cared for Eriu-Innus, you would instead lobby for additional funds to flood the local Regalian Port Markets so that we could reacquire the lost minerals of the land through peaceful trade. Something that would not only benefit the Corsairs who have benefitted us, but honor the agreement that we have signed. I am appalled by the lack of conviction, the fake moral high ground that you have chosen to stand on, and the poorly hidden Pro-Elven sentiment that has been displayed by any Noble or Regalian Citizen that stands to support you.

Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov
Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order