The Massivecraft Holocaust

What should be done with the vampires?

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Proud orthodox
Dec 26, 2012
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As you all know the vampires are now genocide victims. I personally HATE vampires, but does that justify mass murder?
....Someone is not like the others -phew- At least your nice.
The basic rules of the Crimson Inquistion is curing before culling.

The more gung-ho Inquisitors are just that, gung-ho.
Kill them. But only if they try to enter Regalia, they have no right to soil the holy city with their diseased hands. If they want to be cured let them, but if they want to stay to their Vampiric ways, then kill them.
I don't understand why so many people seem to be getting so aggravated by vampires being hunted. They are humans who's very nature has been warped by a disease of black magic.
I think the mass "murder" is quite justified because almost all vampires are supposed to be mass murderers, you don't let serial killers run loose, you capture, try and execute them if they prove guilty or kill them if they resist and you can't capture them.
Perhaps the Regalia law is wrong by being so quick to judge each individual, but almost all vampires are supposed to be evil. If they are not, they are usually doing the whole bloodthirsty thing wrong.
Im personally considering putting any obvious vampirics into rp slavery... But that's jut me.
RP Point of View: This Genocide MUST stop! Banish them, but do not kill them!
IG Point of View: Good god, I leave for 2 fricken days and this is what happens...
It isn't a genocide. If a band of hunters joined together to stop the zombies and skeletons that plague the wilderness, would that be a genocide too? You folk riddle me. They are simply protecting the good people of Regalia from a menace. The best defense is an offense, and we are destroying them before they destroy us.
It isn't a genocide. If a band of hunters joined together to stop the zombies and skeletons that plague the wilderness, would that be a genocide too? You folk riddle me. They are simply protecting the good people of Regalia from a menace.
"Nay, it is not. However, I find the 'Inquisitors' too bloodthirsty for the good of Regalia. Soon innocents will be imprisoned and executed without fair trial, just on the suspicion of them being vampiric. I've seen it before."
It isn't a genocide. If a band of hunters joined together to stop the zombies and skeletons that plague the wilderness, would that be a genocide too? You folk riddle me. They are simply protecting the good people of Regalia from a menace. The best defense is an offense, and we are destroying them before they destroy us.
Now compare it to the Nazis:
Nazis: "It isn't genocide, it's cleansing the world of filth"
Crimson What's-its: "It isn't genocide, it's cleansing the world of filth"
I don't like how the Holocaust is, but it's an interesting adventure. Some of the Jews survival stories... I'm getting off-topic.
tubbytundra scoffs at the little quarrel,"These, heretics, decided to bring it upon themselves to be creatures of darkness. Even if they were possessed by Mrs. Baver and forced to be vampires, then it is still their fault for not having the willpower to resist her temptation"
Killing a vampire isn't really classed as murder in a holy society. Killing vampires is cleaning the city, I do not think anyone wants a bunch of disease riddled creatures roaming our streets.
All vamps according to rp are evil. Vampires like the Heretics do their job well,, other vamps who act friendly towards other races dont act according to the lore
Holy crusade agianst the vampires? I think that's a better terminology for it. Holocaust sounds to modern, and allot of folks link that word with the prosecution of jewish people.

Let's call it a crusade.
Holy crusade agianst the vampires? I think that's a better terminology for it. Holocaust sounds to modern, and allot of folks link that word with the prosecution of jewish people.

Let's call it a crusade.
Well in Hebrew the word means Destruction. And "Holo caust" in greek is "Whole burnt". So its not exactly modern.
Haha cute run to her expecting help and she will tear you limb from limb vampire or not.

Mmm.. Just like I tore a nice chunk out of you when you and your pitiful master tried to invade my territory. How does it feel, having to fight me alone like that? It must be quite the adrenaline rush, knowing that pain and suffering is inevitable.
Vampires are hated I know but we are still part human. We don't deserve to die all the time. the lunatic vamps should not the kind and well behaved with their appetites and manners. The vampires now are more nicer than distant ancestors.

Vamps now are compared to those in the dark times.

Dark Times - Death every where. Vamps hated

This current time - Sly vampires walk the streets and are hated. People now days think we are just as cold blooded as the old ancestors.
Mmm.. Just like I tore a nice chunk out of you when you and your pitiful master tried to invade my territory. How does it feel, having to fight me alone like that? It must be quite the adrenaline rush, knowing that pain and suffering is inevitable.
Wait wait wait! Do you need a psychological expert ? Hmm... More likely both of us do... Hmm
Lol, I'll have been called rasist many times becouse of my hatred against vampires.[DOUBLEPOST=1369378577,1369378539][/DOUBLEPOST]I know that post was random...