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The Massive Archive is a project designed to reminisce on, recollect and ultimately retain the past, present, and future of the minecraft factions RPG server, Massivecraft.
Started by Vidaar the project originally aimed to collect all of the history and lore of the many factions that have passed through Massive over its almost decade long existence. The project has since broadened to archiving Massivecraft as a whole.
There may be negative feelings people harbour for Massivecraft or its mods but this Discord is about celebrating all we loved about the server and all that kept bringing us back and that is worth remembering.
The project is unofficial, filled out by current and previous players of Massivecraft, curated by the librarians (Admins) and shared in by all.
Without the players Massivecraft and by extension this Discord are nothing. Please use the below link to invite any old players who aren't already in the server.