The Many Rejections Of Captain Silver Albatross


Bad Cop
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hey guys,
Me and celticwitch were PMing and she suggested I put up a list of rejections from my RPing. So, being the awesome guy that I am, I did. Here goes:
  • Corn Alriena (Corn Alriena); Let down lightly. (Still not giving up though, lulz)
  • Faewyn L'Thandruil (Faewyn); Taken.
  • Mace Erodieth (CosmicMace); Was RP drunk, and she guessed correctly.
  • Nyssa Heretic (EatTheWeakness); Ignored my drunken slurs. To be honest, I would too. Also, I think Taken. (Hm, I'm seeing a pattern here...)
  • Ayla Dark (celticwitch); Let down lightly, and taken.
  • Shikia Lynn Shred (Lenkagamine1); Had a single encounter before realising that she had a husband.
  • Katherine Aquila (@Shortz45); Fought my friend mid-date and she left.
(I also think there are a lot more than this. Tell me, please.)
So, in summary, if there are any good female RPers who can use punctuation and capital letters, and is also single in-character, find me before I look like any more of an idiot. :)

Lol. That's kinda shameful.
You're obviously out of their league! Not like they're out of your league or... anything...
Did you eventually find someone? Wait, never mind don't answer that question. :P
LadyHeretic's character is not technically taken, she's just very chaotic.
Hey guys,
Me and celticwitch were PMing and she suggested I put up a list of rejections from my RPing. So, being the awesome guy that I am, I did. Here goes:
  • Corn Alriena (Corn Alriena); Let down lightly, before finding out she was taken.
  • Faewyn L'Thandruil (Faewyn); Taken.
  • Mace Erodieth (CosmicMace); Was RP drunk, and she guessed correctly.
  • Nyssa Heretic (EatTheWeakness); Ignored my drunken slurs. To be honest, I would too. Also, I think Taken. (Hm, I'm seeing a pattern here...)
  • Ayla Dark (celticwitch); Let down lightly, and taken.
  • Shikia Lynn Shred (Lenkagamine1); Had a single encounter before realising that she had a husband.
(I also think there are a lot more than this. Tell me, please.)

So, in summary, if there are any good female RPers who can use punctuation and capital letters, and is also single in-character, find me before I look like any more of an idiot. :)

Corn Alriena - No idea who that is.

Faewyn L'Thandruil - Surprised you even tried, she's too good for everyone xD

Mace Eoridieth - No idea, I know who it is, but she shouldn't be so picky ;) She's getting old you know ;)

Nyssa Heretic - You asked out a Heretic -Facepalm-

Ayla Dark - She shouldn't be so picky :P

Shikia Lynn Shred - No idea who that is.

Goodluck mate!
Hey guys,
Me and celticwitch were PMing and she suggested I put up a list of rejections from my RPing. So, being the awesome guy that I am, I did. Here goes:
  • Corn Alriena (Corn Alriena); Let down lightly, before finding out she was taken.
  • Faewyn L'Thandruil (Faewyn); Taken.
  • Mace Erodieth (CosmicMace); Was RP drunk, and she guessed correctly.
  • Nyssa Heretic (EatTheWeakness); Ignored my drunken slurs. To be honest, I would too. Also, I think Taken. (Hm, I'm seeing a pattern here...)
  • Ayla Dark (celticwitch); Let down lightly, and taken.
  • Shikia Lynn Shred (Lenkagamine1); Had a single encounter before realising that she had a husband.
(I also think there are a lot more than this. Tell me, please.)

So, in summary, if there are any good female RPers who can use punctuation and capital letters, and is also single in-character, find me before I look like any more of an idiot. :)

Corn Alriena - No idea who that is.

Faewyn L'Thandruil - Surprised you even tried, she's too good for everyone xD

Mace Eoridieth - No idea, I know who it is, but she shouldn't be so picky ;) She's getting old you know ;)

Nyssa Heretic - You asked out a Heretic -Facepalm-

Ayla Dark - She shouldn't be so picky :P

Shikia Lynn Shred - No idea who that is.

Goodluck mate!
Corn Alriena - No idea who that is.

Faewyn L'Thandruil - Surprised you even tried, she's too good for everyone xD

Mace Eoridieth - No idea, I know who it is, but she shouldn't be so picky ;) She's getting old you know ;)

Nyssa Heretic - You asked out a Heretic -Facepalm-

Ayla Dark - She shouldn't be so picky :P

Shikia Lynn Shred - No idea who that is.

Goodluck mate!

Corn's a friend from a forums RP.
Faewyn's taken by Alex Kade, no clue why I even tried :D (Also, she's not too good for everyone, her character is known to be slow to trust people)
Mace and I have only talked like twice, to be honest.
I was RP drunk when I tried Nyssa.
Ayla's taken. Surprising, considering how they're both drunken pirate-like figures.
Me and Shikia actually only started talking because she'd heard of me on forums or something and I recognised the name Shred. Never expected it to go as far as it did. :P

Also, update in Silver's relationships: Just ended a date by fighting a friend. Adding Katherine Aquila to that list, haha.
I'm also waiting to see the women's responses to my failures. I mean, it'd be funny to see their reactions.
Corn's a friend from a forums RP.
Faewyn's taken by Alex Kade, no clue why I even tried :D (Also, she's not too good for everyone, her character is known to be slow to trust people)
Mace and I have only talked like twice, to be honest.
I was RP drunk when I tried Nyssa.
Ayla's taken. Surprising, considering how they're both drunken pirate-like figures.
Me and Shikia actually only started talking because she'd heard of me on forums or something and I recognised the name Shred. Never expected it to go as far as it did. :P

Also, update in Silver's relationships: Just ended a date by fighting a friend. Adding Katherine Aquila to that list, haha.
I'm also waiting to see the women's responses to my failures. I mean, it'd be funny to see their reactions.

Well I've recently got to know Faewyn, and I would deny that that reputation of 'distrust' is hers. She's quiet, and shy, but I think her lack of giving trust out like lost puppies, is a quality of her, as it means she's not weak.

Mace- Then ya' probably shouldn't of asked her you toots. ;)
Ayla's taken? LOL!
.__________. Wow, you remind me of that guy who always gets rejected on old sitcoms and has a date every Friday with a different girl. xD
Have you ever considered your courting tactics are perhaps not up to par and you're doing something horrible wrong every time?
Hey guys,
Me and celticwitch were PMing and she suggested I put up a list of rejections from my RPing. So, being the awesome guy that I am, I did. Here goes:
  • Corn Alriena (Corn Alriena); Let down lightly.
  • Faewyn L'Thandruil (Faewyn); Taken.
  • Mace Erodieth (CosmicMace); Was RP drunk, and she guessed correctly.
  • Nyssa Heretic (EatTheWeakness); Ignored my drunken slurs. To be honest, I would too. Also, I think Taken. (Hm, I'm seeing a pattern here...)
  • Ayla Dark (celticwitch); Let down lightly, and taken.
  • Shikia Lynn Shred (Lenkagamine1); Had a single encounter before realising that she had a husband.
  • Katherine Aquila (@Shortz45); Fought my friend mid-date and she left.
(I also think there are a lot more than this. Tell me, please.)

So, in summary, if there are any good female RPers who can use punctuation and capital letters, and is also single in-character, find me before I look like any more of an idiot. :)

Oh man... Silver i didnt know >.< i feel extremely bad for you now! Oh god. you were rejected that many times? ugh.. if it helps any ive been divorced like three times the length of this list.... :D ... D: (its bad i know...) But Shikia actually never rejected you, she was just married at the time. :/ Ask again at a later date and she might not be married. Although you probably wouldnt be able to handle her even if you tried, with Yuuki and all... XD I still feel bad for you Poor dude. :/