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The Manathar Collective: A Notice Of Change


Sep 19, 2015
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A Notice from the Realm of The Manathar Collective

As to the notice of the Regalian people, the manathar under the Leadership Of Azsh'alla Baal'ial speak out to terms of these new and strange times that we as two peoples have faced.

We come forth to speak out not as a race, but people who wish to seek change for the mistakes of the past. What rumors spread among the people, we come to answer today. We were born Kathar. This is true. We were born corrupted, filled with evil blood and evil intent. But we are not them.

The Manathar are not villains of evil blood, We are not demons, we are not our former selves. We are but people trying to make for better lives, to forge our own destiny in a new era where we can be something other than puppets to the void.

I cannot and will not speak for the Manathar people as a whole. We, like many people, do not have the same interests, however, I speak for those under me who wish for a better future. For that future, We state this.

  1. We Denounce our former empire of evil, the dread empire.
  2. We Denounce ties to our old blood and push to make a new name as Manathar.
  3. We Denounce the Kathar, and all void or exist corrupted beings.
  4. We Denounce Void Worship and all its evil, to deem it pure heresy and the patron of evil.
  5. We Denounce The criminal and Silven manathar who have been deemed Race-traitors by the Violet Order. We do not recognize them as us, and further do not recognize their willingness for change as us.

As to the grace of the Lord Commander and the Regalian Empire, We choose to serve. We choose to serve to eliminate the corruption of this world and contain its evil spread. Under the grace of the Lord Commander, my people shall serve to protect the streets of the Empire under a newly formed charter in the Violet Order's name.

For a better peace, we will right the wrongs of our forefathers for a better future.


Azsh'alla Baal'ial, Lady of the Manathar Collective
Arwen Tordove
Astaroth Tordove
Aq'uello Cionessa
Andrathath Vaell'aer
Valarosta Baal'ial
Gwelurin'ümerie Venphyra'relínni
Vularï Losayan
The notice he had discovered crumbled easily within his hands, crinked up, then discarded over his shoulder. It unfurled a bit as it laid in a shallow puddle on the street, the moon was high and gave off a light which layered over the youthful Manathar's features. His hooked tail twitched behind him as he trailed down the edge of a slumier part of Old Town, the air was humid after the rain had passed from the evening. He made no comment on this notice, just a disturbed cloudy expression etched into his features, his hands stuffed into his pockets.
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The notice had found its way into thin hands, calloused and grayed. Three eyes passed over neatly written words that denounced the void. An eldritch murmur came from the masked fiend that had been reading the declaration. The parchment was folded neatly and stored safely amongst other past declarations. The masked horror reclined in the stiff chair it was seated in and gave what it had read some thought.
Lazzul'ei Daevaar's face grew to anger and disgust,"<Sihn> Such horrible disgusting creatures shouldn't be given the chance of redemption." The Sihn-Fallar took a deep inhale, and then, exhale, before grumbling,"<Sihn> If it's true that they're free of Taint, I'd buy into this. But I can't shake the feeling there's something more to it." Lazz glanced turned to her two officers, landing her sight first on the smaller of the two,"<Sihn> Cëln, keep up with your readings. Try and find exactly what these are. Tehlmar. Get the men to keep an open ear. I want to know everything anyone hears on these Manathar."

@MippyMoo @KirbyTheVampire
"Pure and utter bullshit spouted by them to save their hides. Don't believe a word of it. They're biding their time, that's all.." Hengest grumbles to his friend @Yigit
The Apostle mused over with a cocky swaggers stride, flippantly waving off the post. He couldn't really read common anyways. As he strolled down the street, glancing from figure to passerbyer, he'd murmur to himself:

"The worlds got doer's and dont's. It's the dont's that I'm about to hear whine. OHH WELL! Sihndar never done a thing to impress anyone besides their upper lips. And good company ain't nothing but a bad company."

Stalled his tracks, pondering if there was perhaps the possibility that he was blinded by self-righteousness. He'd snort at the thought.

"Buncha hypocrites!"

"Can you blame us. You'd be outta your mind to go against the ranks of Violets and tenpennies. Can't beat them, join them."
Marissa Morgann peered over the notice with a simple hum of acknowledgement, before she sauntered away.

"Biding their time, perhaps. New friends of the Empire, also perhaps. We'll see, we will see. But their spooky shit will be kept far away from me... That rhymed."

Before she set about her merry way once again, wandering and whistling to the beat of her feet on the streets.
Tehlmar ran his Tainted eyes over the scrawled words once more as his Sihn-Fallar spoke, his purple-hued visage growing pensive, his lids falling into a narrow-eyed stare. Finally, he glanced in Lazzul'ei's direction, nodding once, as he turned to lumber off towards the rest of his kin. <Sihn> "It is nothing a simple Guardian Lock cannot determine, should an opportunity arise."
