Combat Guild The Longmaws


Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)

What is a Longmaw?

In the Hadarian Allar's ancient, and long lost home of Sendras, there exists a predator of the highest order, known as the Long Maw Saurian. This titanic creature reflects a number of virtues which many Allar across the post-Civil War diaspora seek to emulate, partially, as a way to remember their fallen homeland. These virtues include hardy resilience, physical prowess, and cunning intelligence.

It is for this reason that the Hadarian vanguard organization, known as the officially Company of Longmaws (or, the Longmaw Company), have chosen their name. Founded in the winter of 310 A.C., they are mercenaries and fighters rooted in the traditions and culture of Hadar. They are generally lightly clad, but heavily armed, utilizing their natural claws, quick movement, and superb regeneration to seize the day. While martial service is one of their primary concerns, a Longmaw is also expected to be an upstanding example of the best that Hadar has to offer, acting as an ambassador of their culture to the Empire at large, and an assurance of Hadarian norms in the city.

Internal Duties and Expectations

The discipline of any fighting force is paramount to its success, and the Company of Longmaws does not break from this fact. No member, whatever their role, is above the duties and expectations of the Company, and all are subject to scrutiny should the situation demand it. The duties and expectations are as follows:
> A Longmaw should hope to possess the virtues of hardy resilience, physical prowess, and/or cunning intelligence, and/or better themselves in the pursuit of such virtues.
> Act well to other members of the Longmaw Company; exhibit comradery, good sportsmanship, and fairness. Be more than just soulless warriors; to live well and to make war.
> Exemplify the best traditions of Hadar, and reinforce their Hadarian roots. Train and practice amongst Longmaws and other fighters, and enforce Kelahiran roles amongst kin.
> Contribute to the betterment of Hadarians everywhere, whether at home or abroad, through martial and material support. Longmaw or not, a Hadarian bleeds similar blood. The hunt is to take place alongside benevolent and positive action.

>> Especially, provide communal support for Hadarians in the city. Far from the southern homelands, Hadarians must stay close amongst their kin. Longmaws are expected to hold tight towards kin, and protect and support them when it is necessary, with no expectation of additional compensation.
> Adhere to Regalian law and the Mercenary Code while within its jurisdiction. Longmaws must remember their role as cultural ambassadors to the Regalian population. Bad faith and undesirable actions will affect and reflect back to the rest of the Company.
> Future specifications, and additional duties and expectations may be added in the future.

Membership Allocations

In accordance with the internal expectations of the Longmaws, so too do these expectations fall back upon the Longmaw leadership. It is for this reason that the Longmaw Company prides itself in fulfilling a necessary and altruistic role for Hadarians within its ranks, acting as something of a secondary home in the event such a secondary home and set of support is needed. The Longmaw Company will:
> Longmaws will be provided internal distribution of wealth from completed contracts, bounties, and other work, in accordance with the Longmaw philosophy on Hadarian betterment. Longmaws will pass payment to Company leadership for fair distribution throughout the Company.
> Longmaws will be provided with Longmaw Company housing at [INSERT LOCATION HERE]. Such housing will include basic amenities of life, in addition to Hadarian ones, such as Modra Root.

> Such housing will not be private, and is to be shared between Company members. Longmaws are expected to keep the space tidy and well-maintained, as it is each member of the company who collectively benefit from its existence.
> Such housing, amenities, and food will be made available to those Hadarians who are less fortunate in an effort to promote collectively within the Hadarian diaspora and goodwill towards the Longmaw Company and its members. This will not interfere with the operation of the Alms Ministry.
> Longmaws will be provided armor and uniform tailored to fit their form. In addition, while personal weaponry is acceptable, they may also request such a weapon be created at the behest of the Longmaw forge-partner.
> Longmaws will be provided with healing services by the Company medic. If unavailable, they will be reimbursed by a Longmaw Company fund if such healing a procedure was conducted by a private clinic, at private expense.
> Future allocations may be added in the future.

State Privileges
> State recognized Mercenary Company as of January 18th, 310 A.C., with the rights and responsibilities that come along with it.
> Mercenary armor (C) and weapons permit while executing contract.
> Mercenary badge indicating status as a mercenary, and Regalian mercenary rank.
> Ability to fulfill work approved by the Mercenary Officers, bounties on the Violet Order bounty board, without specific approval from the Mercenary Officers.
> May keep criminals apprehended decently for 48 hours, relinquishing to the Regalian Guard after the time is up.
> May assist Regalian Guard or a Noble Family in apprehending a criminal if requested.
> Must disengage for Regalian Guard, Chancellor's Contingent, or Imperial Guard if requested.
> More will be added, if more are attained.

Company Color: Green and Black

'Commander' (Rama)

  • De jure leader. Speaks to potential clientele. Responsible for overseeing general operations, as well serving as the Longmaw public voice and face.
    • Marquis Harta Diahcinta Bahtera, Rama-Nang(@ezalB )
Longmaw Company Mascot
  • A boost for morale to all members upon spotting the mascot, this creature holds a special place in the Company's structure!
    • Joy! Baskoro's good dog. Better than you in every way.
Secretary-Taskmaster (Nang or Kyat)
  • Secretary, administrator, representative.
Drillmaster (Rama, Ksat, Sang)
  • General purpose role responsible for the drilling of Longmaws. Responsible also for finding and organizing training events with other militant organizations.
    • No current Drillmaster.
Longmaw Member (Ksat, Sang, Kuat, Kyat)
  • Longmaw Pengawal-fighter. Typically filled by Ksat or Kuat, and for aquatic specialties, Sang. In keeping with Hadarian martial tradition, complex ranks, and specializations of combat roles will be applied internally.
  • Longmaw Globadier-Skirmisher. Typically filled exclusively by Kyat and Ksat. Alchemical and ranged warfare specialists.
    • None
  • Longmaw Ahli-healer. Typically filled by Kyat inclined towards medical, alchemical, and restorative engineering solutions, as well as Penyhir inclined towards healing magic. This role works on the battlefield, and off. To be an Ahli, is to be a specialist.
    • None
  • Longmaw Ahli-support. Typically filled by Kyat and Penhyir whose talents lead them to know unorthodox, yet cunning and effective solutions to problems faced by the Company, often through construction, engineering, magic, along with other useful skills. To be an Ahli, is to be a specialist.
Longmaw Pengikut (No caste)
  • Direct company supporters. Unlicensed, unpaid. No sub-roles.

Contract status, letters of inquiry, and sponsors

The Longmaw Company prides itself in providing a top-notch and effective fighting force, one unique in their efficient style and Hadarian customs. For those wishing to enter into contract negotiations for which said contract will then be approved by the Mercenary Officers, or a sponsorship deal, they need only to send a letter (contact information easily locatable (below)) to either the Commander, Secretary-Taskmaster, or for training inquires, additionally the Drillmaster, of the Longmaw Company. Payment for said contracts is expected promptly, bar extenuating circumstances or private arrangements and within the bounds of Regalian legal conduct and mercenary code.
  • Current arms suppliers and sponsors:
  • Current contract status
    • OPEN to contracts and contract inquiries.

Applications - OPEN!

To apply for Longmaw membership, please either DM via the forums or Discord, @slurmancer (.*♡ ᓚᘏᗢ ⭒.#3610) or @ezalB (Ezalb#1047) with the below information. Applicants may also reply to this thread. It is highly recommended that applicants seek out either the company Commander or the Taskmaster in-character, as applicants will be considered on an OOC and IC basis.

Information to send:
Minecraft username, Discord username (if applicable), Character name, Character sheet link, and, importantly, an IC letter (short or long) addressed to the Commander and/or the Taskmaster
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Reserved for edit-log.

  • January 14th, 2022
    • Thread posted.
  • January 15th, 2022
    • Recruited new member to the Tharozz support role, Tuzzasil Izu-Zzalass.
  • January 17th, 2022
    • Fixed grammar. Fixed formatting. 'Clarified' application procedure. Clarified Zasta title definitions. Expanded IC duties and expectations.
  • January 18th, 2022
    • Approved by now ex-Mercenary Officer Rodrigo Peirgarten. Specified new state privileges. Opened contract status. Fixed grammar.
  • February 2nd, 2022
    • Edited member list. Added Nezzall to official roster in regular member role. Fixed grammar, formatting. Adjusting state rights and contract status to adhere with latest Mercenary Officer decree.
  • May 31st, 2022
    • Been a while since I've properly updated this. Whoops. Updated member list. Updated page to reflect Allar lore. Updated responsibilities to reflect Harta's change in philosophy regarding the purpose of this company. Renamed roles to Pidato names.
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