The Leinhart Society


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
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Dedicated to exploring the Crown Isle, the Leinhart Society is a social guild intent on field and stream enthusiasts coming together to further their knowledge and skills. Ranging from hunts to mountain explorations and hikes to fishing trips, this group brings plenty of opportunities for outdoor activity with the fellow peerage. Our goal is to cultivate and preserve a traditional way of life in Regalia. It fosters an appreciation of the land, a love of nature and a deeply rooted respect for the cunning and beauty of the wild creatures that inhabit the countryside. Noble lords and their ladies who wish to escape the city streets and embrace the fresh air and vigorous exercise of these activities may find refuge and companionship in The Leinhart Society.



Membership is limited to members of the nobility and those recommended by a noble family.
Those who join will be expected to maintain the utmost standards of court etiquette.



Leonzio Wodenstaff
Runs the guild's activities. In charge of the membership, and has ultimate control over all meetings and excursions.

Hunt Master
Schedules and organizes the hunting parties.

Master Angler
Schedules and organizing fishing expeditions.

Head Mountaineer
Charts and schedules all wilderness walks.

Ladies Auxiliary Head
Sigurna Wodenstaff
Plans tandem events for the ladies to coincide with the hunts and fishing tournaments.

Standard members who are allowed the use of the guild hall and access to all events.


Those honored members of the peerage who wish to take part may pen a letter of interest to the Guildmaster.
Guildmaster Wodenstaff,

So I'm just going to cut to it then. Most of my life has been spent living in the wilderness of Drixagh and Daendroque. I cannot hide the fact that I long to return to what I am so familiar with. I had made attempts to bring hunting to the Crown Isle, but the events of Drixagh and my family respectively had thwarted those plans. I am just requesting to accompany yourself in this guild, might even be able to teach some of the others a thing or two I know.

Ingvar Norrvakt
To the Guildmaster of the Leinhart Society,
Evening, Leonzio. I'm here to request my admittance into your organization. All aspects of this group seems to pertain to what I enjoy, that is, exploring, and having a damn good time. If it helps somehow, I excel in hunting and fishing, which you might find handy if I am allowed in this group. Unlike what you might have heard of me, or seen from me, I will be sure to act appropriately if I am to be a member of your society.
Spirit Bless,
Valbrand Haagenvig,
Baron of Kopvagr
I'm sure a letter is sufficient for family, yes? You know I'm interested in such societies. I would love to be a part of yours, and even help plan the hunting parties if you'd be so kind as to let me. If not, I suppose I can take back the horse I bought and gifted to you and be just a member of your society.

Spirit Bless,
Guildmaster Wodenstaff,

So I'm just going to cut to it then. Most of my life has been spent living in the wilderness of Drixagh and Daendroque. I cannot hide the fact that I long to return to what I am so familiar with. I had made attempts to bring hunting to the Crown Isle, but the events of Drixagh and my family respectively had thwarted those plans. I am just requesting to accompany yourself in this guild, might even be able to teach some of the others a thing or two I know.

Ingvar Norrvakt
Ingvar Norrvakt,
We would be glad to allow you into our society, though with past actions of your house I do express the need for court etiquette to be followed. With that said, welcome to the society.

Spirit Bless,
Leonzio Wodenstaff

To the Guildmaster of the Leinhart Society,
Evening, Leonzio. I'm here to request my admittance into your organization. All aspects of this group seems to pertain to what I enjoy, that is, exploring, and having a damn good time. If it helps somehow, I excel in hunting and fishing, which you might find handy if I am allowed in this group. Unlike what you might have heard of me, or seen from me, I will be sure to act appropriately if I am to be a member of your society.

Spirit Bless,
Valbrand Haagenvig,
Baron of Kopvagr
Baron Haagenvig,
I will give you a proper response pending the conclusion of your trial in the coming week.
Spirit Guide You,
Leonzio Wodenstaff
I'm sure a letter is sufficient for family, yes? You know I'm interested in such societies. I would love to be a part of yours, and even help plan the hunting parties if you'd be so kind as to let me. If not, I suppose I can take back the horse I bought and gifted to you and be just a member of your society.

Spirit Bless,
That horse was gifted to Sigurna for her name day, so if you enjoy keeping your hands I wouldn't touch it or mention that around her.
Anyway, you are of course welcome within the society and if you do believe you can make these hunts truly worth everyone's time then I will give you that chance.
Spirit Bless,

[A rich piece of rolled up parchment would be delivered by hand to the Wodenstaff.]
Leonzio Wodenstaff

I will keep this short and sweet, I have no intention of sitting around sipping tea whilst the men go off on a hunt. If you put me in with those women, I won't be happy. I hope you will consider my acceptance.

[A rich piece of rolled up parchment would be delivered by hand to the Wodenstaff.]
Leonzio Wodenstaff

I will keep this short and sweet, I have no intention of sitting around sipping tea whilst the men go off on a hunt. If you put me in with those women, I won't be happy. I hope you will consider my acceptance.

Lady Ravenstad,
No one doubts your abilities and if you are sure a woman of your fine grace wishes to tread with the men then I will not deny this request. We'd be happy to have you in the society.

Spirit Bless,
Leonzio Wodenstaff
To Guildmaster Wodenstaff,

I do have a deep fondness for nature and this seems like a wonderful opportunity to escape the city walls and enjoy the Regalian wilderness. Therefore I am requesting a spot in this Guild so that I may enjoy the wilderness with many others.

Spirit's Blessings,
Marcus of House Bigge
@Timisc retracting Ingvar's application as he is no longer being played by myself. I could replace him to a different character or if you wish I can reapply with said character. Also a Norrvakt if it matters.
To Guildmaster Wodenstaff,

I do have a deep fondness for nature and this seems like a wonderful opportunity to escape the city walls and enjoy the Regalian wilderness. Therefore I am requesting a spot in this Guild so that I may enjoy the wilderness with many others.

Spirit's Blessings,
Marcus of House Bigge
To Marcus Bigge,
The society would be happy to have you.

Spirit Bless,
Leonzio Wodenstaff
@Timisc retracting Ingvar's application as he is no longer being played by myself. I could replace him to a different character or if you wish I can reapply with said character. Also a Norrvakt if it matters.
Send another letter if you could.
Guildmaster Wodenstaff,

I have heard about this organization of yours. Your kin were some of the first I was introduced to upon arriving to this city and I expect to be equally pleased with yourself. As for myself, I was a hunter for over fifteen years in Nastrond, now taking it up as a hobby from time to time. My hopes are to join you in your endeavor as it is a field I can enlighten others in.

Domitius Cornelius of House Umberlyn