Archived The Law In Regalia/ A New District.

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I think a Factory District gonna be a good idea create big factories and earn money...
Moved to Feature and Idea Discussion.
I am just thinking that a factory in the traditional sense, wouldn't fit. The first modern factory was built in 1761 by Mathew Boulton. I think it would be out of the time that the medieval universe is set in. If you are proposing a factory, in which workers manufactured items by hand without the use of machinery, then I guess it could work. This was used by the Egyptians to create large amounts of items for the pharaoh.
It is I Reaver! Here to talk about the law in this city, In my perceptive this city is turning into crime which I wouldn't really care about but le money is running out. So I'm here with a suggestion what if the city hired some guards not any dumb ones, like elite guards only the best are aloud, It'd stop filthy peasants from stealing and etc. It'd get that military district running for once.

Now for the new district part, If that first idea up there wasn't well how about a new district? The old military district would go well for a new factory district, it'd stop crime by a bit and keep beggars off the streets. And if anyone can make money it's me I could run the Factory district and trust me it'd work fine money charges could be about 50 copper a day. Out of my money or bread a day but yes a factory district would go well and I'm your man for it. ~Tatty bye Reaver.

Last I saw you pay someone for their work, you payed them in DIRT. If you where to lead this new district, I hope for the workers sake, that you are too busy elsewhere and puts someone else in command. But I like the basics of the idea. Both Guards and Factories would keep the criminals off the streets, and make money for them and the city.

-Nicolas James Bellromis
Indeed, You're correct about the dirt but she was paid in a "smart arse" way because she was never there working, And if she did. It was her talking not working, my way is you work you get paid.
I'll vote for a little of both of them.
There was, at some point, the idea of a group of guards that protected the Emperor; however, I think we've given up hope on that idea. Also, like Philly said, a factory would not work with the medieval theme we have. Factories are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too steampunk.
In my case, I'd much more prefer some factories here and I know all about them, So it fits perfect.
Punctuation my friend, helps get your point across. But that is off point, I like your idea, however many elves might disagree to this, they say factories kill the trees, mutate them. And God's be good, we couldn't have any point ears being upset now, could we? ;)
Ah indeed, Well I wasn't thinking big huge ones, I was going down the lines of crafting items stacking them.
There was, at some point, the idea of a group of guards that protected the Emperor; however, I think we've given up hope on that idea. Also, like Philly said, a factory would not work with the medieval theme we have. Factories are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too steampunk.

I've seen quite a few inventions that weren't medieval.
Though big ones would be nice, I fully understand the lore with the future, they had the old small factories back then like sewing and cotton etc.
Let the Elven and Yanar rebelion begin! >:)

No i like the idea but make sure these factories work with techniques used in our current time. (massivecraft time I mean obviously) Water, wind, maybe a form of clockwork. But! If I only see a single factory produce any unfriendly gasses or waste, Expect your district to be beseiged by a verry angry mob of the C.O.N.P and its followers! (Commity of nature's presurvation):)

Of course, No electricity. At the most red stoned powered things.
Of course, No electricity. At the most red stoned powered things.

Alright fellas, keep this medieval. We shall not use electricity, we shall use magically red blood looking glowing dust!
And it is interesting you are keeping the factory somewhat within RP aspects, but to truly be honest, it was more of a guild of a family smithy instead of big factories with tons of workers.
Last I saw you pay someone for their work, you payed them in DIRT. If you where to lead this new district, I hope for the workers sake, that you are too busy elsewhere and puts someone else in command. But I like the basics of the idea. Both Guards and Factories would keep the criminals off the streets, and make money for them and the city.

-Nicolas James Bellromis
Yeah, I don't like it either, but at least Sherburne is honest about his character by his title.
Indeed, Nothing electrical like steampunks, Jut redstone and glowstone and nothing looking futuristic. Just old looking contraptions etc.
Factories. I mean imagine a big large factory. More money, right? Guards, do rarely anything. Besides, when you have to pay the guards, you will probably lose money instead. Or you could just pay them in food. Food is what is keeping me alive. I mean, hey... I worked and I got paid in food. :D

Seems fair enough for me.
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