Petition To Make The End Server Event In Regalia An Ic, (non-cannon), Emperor-decreed Purge.

Yea or Nay?

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Shboop (finners4444)
Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hear me out,

I'm suggesting that when PVP is enabled / terrain destruction is allowed, that instead of it being just chaos, its chaos with a bit of narrative. It would obviously not be cannon, maybe just a mass nightmare for the next morning, on a new server.

The idea is that on that day IC, the Emperor makes a decree resulting in the following:
- Regalia becomes a lawless state for one day. All illegal acts are thereby legal.
- All emergency services, clinics, charters, are hereby suspended.
- Any act committed on the said day will not be reprimanded on any day following.

I'd just love to see the city in utter, IC, chaos.
- You don't have to be IC, but if you want to, you can - So why not.
- Do you not want to see all Noble families take out their anger on each other in sword to sword combat?
- I'd love to see if the Charters take up arms and form gangs, which families team up, etc.
- And what about those people who don't want the purge? Will an impromptu clinic be created? Will the good people left in this world help out the injured? Will someone defend the weak? Will they all burn down?
- Will you barricade up a house and try to survive? Break into another in a craze of kleptomania, or arson?
- Yes, I'm thinking of the Paintball/Floor is lava/Pillow fort/Blanket fort Community episode.
I like the idea of a VIP Protection system where a staffer (probably Marty) plays Emperor Cedric and has imperial guards etc in the palace. Goal is to kill him and take the city. City folk try to defend.
Sounds interesting.

Give guard charters god armour, weapons, and pots. I'd like to kill some Vigilants and Crimsons personally
Sounds interesting.

Give guard charters god armour, weapons, and pots. I'd like to kill some Vigilants and Crimsons personally
As a Roleplayer I love the idea of a city wide battle, with guards trying to defend the city, Survivalists destroying everything, and Slummers trying to claim more of the city and defend the slums. Would be a fun 3-way war. Kitting up Guards with enchanted guard uniforms so they can fight at at least low-end diamond level, and Imperial Guards with God Armor etc would be amazing. Give Rpers a smal ledge since we dont PVP ever, having those higher kitted units.
I take your proposal and counter propose with it being a mass dream of the next void invasion. We'll see if the staff team pulls together a fun little storyline if just for irrelevant fun
How about a second cataclysm? Why not break Estel again, but this time in Hadar, and the Doom of Valyria-Regalia will overtake the city. It could be as if half of the Western archipelago exploded and suffered the effects of the Doom, but the city itself has only temporary anarchy to face. In the aftermath of Doom, the Regalian Empire is destroyed and the city is left with control of only Regalia and Calemberg.

Actually, it's down to the Kade Council to operate such powers. And even then, unless resources were crippling so horrifically that they couldn't support the Law Enforcement, the only reason they'd warrant nobility killing nobility would be to shave off some expenses.

I take your proposal and counter propose with it being a mass dream of the next void invasion.

Story twist! Everyone is unknowingly a Diviner Unionist and the Kade Council get so baked on Opium that they lace food imports with it. That contaminates the city and boom! Super high city recieving messages from the Spirit itself! Although it may be possible that the Spirit is also high as hell given that most of the living Regalian Ailor are.
Jus to spawn in a dragon and call it Rikirra; winner who kills her gets a regal prize on the new server.