The Kholodovka Family.
The Kholodovka family hail from the city of Mlyat and have a distinct culture presence there as a leading mafia family. They have always had a strong presence in military and in some sense economics, using their bakery as a front to launder their winnings from regular illegal bare knuckle boxing and gambling rings. They were also known to smuggle in a lesser degree. The Kholodovka family was recently run out of Mlyat and resultantly fled to the archipelago, where they plan to exert their influence in whatever way they can.
Family Heraldry
The family coat of arms is rather simple. The escutcheon is split in two, the right half bearing magenta and black striped and the left bearing solid black. Over the pattern is the stag head of a Highland Thessaliy in silver.
Family Traits
Many of the family members are rather unspectacular. Most men aren't usually over 5'10", though most are shorter and women rarely reach taller than 5'6". Though it is without a doubt that as a result of their culture, strength and masculinity is favored. Many family members take to wrestling, boxing, and weightlifting in pastime and for sport. Hair color is usually black or brown, and eyes are also usually brown.
Family Business
The Kholodovka bakery is their main public source of income and a longstanding family business that goes back generations, though their money comes more from bets, gambling and the hosting of lucrative bare-knuckle boxing matches. The family is also known to dabble in 'Witch Hunting' from time to time, they often publicly cite their well-established history of hunting the undead, vampires and on occasion, mages.
Family Tree
Main line:
Grisha Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (69) (NPC)
Oleg Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (48) @WrongChat
Valeriya Ivanov Kholodovka (Dead)
Alexei Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka Olegovich (27) @Optimalfriskies
Kazimir Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka Olegovich (25) @Belgrade
Anastasia Annushka Kholodovka (23) @Ryria
Valentin Kholodovka Kazimirovich (4) (NPC)
Second line:
Pyotr Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (47)
Milan Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (26)
Third line:
Vlad Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (44)
Branko Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (24)
Jaroslav Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (18)
Fourth Line:
Yasenev Mlyatskiydom Kholodovka (39) @Jouster
Joseph Mlyatskyidom Kholodovka (14)
Recruitment: @WrongChat @Belgrade
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