The Khariids - The Qússrakón Clan Of Regalia


Fantasy Horselord
Oct 14, 2017
Reaction score
Big Sky Country



Our people have travelled far to be in these lands. Here, there is no Khagan, there is no Kiz-Khagan, and the clans of our homeland mean nothing.
This, we declare:
What divides us on the plains is dissolved when we cross the sea. Here, we are simply khariid - foreign - and in this we shall have our clan. Here, all Qússrakón are one kin.

This is our aim:
To live by and preserve the ways of our people in a foreign place.
To keep kinship, companionship, and mutual protection among our people.
To never forget our nutag - our homeland - though it is far from us.
To honour Aspianesi above, Jeräkesi below, the spirits, and our ancestors.
To learn from our new surroundings, and adapt our conduct to best move forward in the world as a people.​

This is our law:
Among our people, there is simply honour and dishonour, justice and injustice, strength and weakness; we do not concern ourselves with the rest. For if a man lives honourably, and justly, and strongly, by this he worships the gods regardless of what names he gives them. If one lives dishonourably, unjustly, and weakly, he does not deserve to be called one of us no matter his ancestry. Thus, even those who are not our kin by blood may become our kin by spirit. In the same way, those who are our kin by blood may become outsiders in spirit.
All Qússrakón, however, are given preference in joining the clan. Others must first prove themselves.
Though our people do not often see women in leadership or warrior roles, our circumstances in this new place dictate that we may bend this tradition; such things may be allowed as the need arises.
Beyond this, only the laws of our gods and traditions of our people must be followed, so long as one does not bring undue trouble to our kin by breaking some other foreign law.

We hope that we may call you kin also.

OOC Info
The Khariids exist to:​
Provide an incentive to create Qússrakón characters in the first place.
Provide a community for Qússrakón characters and their players.
Provide a basis for an authentic RP experience of the Qússrakón.
Breathe life and flavour into the Qússrakón culture based on lore-compliant extrapolations from knowledge of real steppe nomad cultures both historical and modern.
Give Qússrakón a more unified place to affect the world of Regalia in a unique way.​

To join, either approach a member IC or shoot me a message on the forums. Always feel free to message me with any questions you have!


Membership and Hierarchy

Kiz-Khagan: Empty. Though we are a clan, we are currently too small to truly claim to have a Kiz-Khagan.
Noyans: Yesügeiin Surlegtei, @Eronoc

Soldiers: Empty
Members: Empty

Art: Unnamed by Ganbat Badamkhand. More of his work can be found at his DeviantArt.
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