The Ithanian Response


A ragged wanderer.
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
United States
The Ithanian Response

"Nous ne pouvons pas entendre avec la chanson du dragon, nous devons donc crier!"

"We can not hear with the song of the dragon, so we must shout!"


The Ithanian Response is a dragon resistance group formed after the chaos of the city began to grow rampant. With the inability of the guard to properly establish order within the city, many had turned to this form of vigilantism. One such guard, Charles de Nodier, had been away during the attack on the Black Tower. With the news of the falling of his own commander and the lose of his brother to the possession he felt on edge. There was no other choice to be made but to congregate what allies he had, and of course make new ones - and rally them to both secure his commander and return his brother back to him - unharmed!


IC Letter
This would be strewn about the city on flyers, sheet of paper in the wind, but mostly focused in the slums
Zh pdb eh hqhplhv, zh pdb eh iulhqgv, zh pdb eh vwudqjhuv - exw wklv vwdqgv wuxh: zh duh doo xqlwhg qrz. Hqwhu wkh irujrwwhq odqg, ilqg wkh uhg pdq klv sdqwv iodplqj, kh vkdoo eh frqvxplqj wkh gulqn ri shwwb phq zlwklq d pxvhxp ghglfdwhg wr idovh. Vshdn vxfk: "Wkh gudjrq'v qhvw lv diodph." Kh vkdoo ohdg brx wr brxu ghvwlqb.

Underneath this strange scrawling of letters was written:

"The dragon slept at 3"


Headmaster Charles de Nodier

Spymaster N/A

~La Résistance~


It's Caesar Cipher btw
As Ben clanked over the parks bridge, a flier would flap in his face, it seemed to come from the slums entrance. He pulled it away to read.

"I know what it is like to lose a brother Charles..."
He looked ahead, his bright, Jade, green eyes flickering in the dim light along the bridge.
"You have my support, pour la Resistance!"
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