The Ironspire Regiment | Violet Order Charter


An Unfortunate Scotsman
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
St Andrews, Scotland.
The Ironspire Regiment.webp

Ironspire Regiment.webp
The Ironspire Regiment was formally established in the year of 307AC, on the day of 19th of February, under the commandership of Lord Rodrigo Peirgarten, officialized with the approval seal of Lord Commander William Howlester. A Law Enforcement Charter, handling the the daily duties of upholding peace within the Empire and ensuring the protection of Regalian Citizens.

All Ironspire Guards utilize permits and rights that are granted to them by the Violet Order, giving them the ability to carry out their duties and tasks as required of them. Their reputation and behaviour plays a large part in their work and all Ironspire Guardsmen are expected to keep in line with the law themselves.

As of recent, the Command of the Ironspire Regiment has changed hands to Commander Aurelius Krupp after the recent death of Ex-Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten.

Charter Rights.webp
The Ironspire Regiment holds the standard rights and permits that are provided to the Guard Chapters of the Violet Order. These rights and permits are used by the Guardsmen of the Ironspire Regiment in order to properly carry out their duties as the guardsmen of the City of Regalia. To utilize these rights and permits for selfish or corrupt intent is to be viable to dishonorable discharge from the Violet Order, likely entailing consequential repercussions.

  • Ironspire Regiment holds the right to patrol the streets of Regalia with use of half-plate armor and weapons.
  • Ironspire Regiment holds the right to enforce all Regalian Law.
  • Ironspire Regiment holds the right to apprehend, arrest and imprison those in breach of Regalian Law.
  • Ironspire Regiment hold the right to stand guard outside of proprietary businesses for payment.
  • Ironspire Regiment holds the right to stand guard on the bridges to Old Town.
  • Ironspire Regiment holds the right to stop, search and detain individuals entering and leaving Old Town.
  • Ironspire Regiment holds the right to issue bounties on any non-noble criminals.
Guard Hierarchy.webp

Commander Aurelius Krupp.

The Chapter Commander is the highest rank in the hierarchy, and commands over the entirety of the Ironspire Regiment. The Commander upholds the right to recruit and demote as they please, to arrange the ranks of the Ironspire Regimenet and to ensure the stability, activity, and prowess of the Guard Chapter.

Captain Audric Kraus.

The Chapter Captain is the second highest rank in the hierarchy, and holds permission to command the Officers and Guards of the Ironspire Regiment. The Captain may oversee the Officers and the Guards, may arrange training events, lead arrests and operations, and must always report to the Commander.

Officers Valtin von Dietrich & Fathiyaa.

The Officers of the Chapter are above the Guardsmen, but below the Commander and the Captain. The Officers have technically the same responsibilities as the other Guards of the Regiment, but they hold the permission to order the Guards to do tasks while performing operations, arrests or duties.


The Chapter Guards are the regular guardsmen of the Regiment, and the manforce. Their responsibility is to maintain peace in the streets of Regalia, to perform their duties with honor and loyalty. The guards are expected to be obedient to their higher ups, and to obey commands.

Guard Recruitment.webp
Before applying, one must ensure that they are eligible to enter the Violet Order. All male characters must possess at least 15 proficiency points in Combat skills, and all female characters must possess at least 20 proficiency points in Combat skills.

If you are eligible, believe that you will be adequately active, and wish to apply to enter, then fill in the format provided below and comment on the thread.

(Mandatory to be provided, can be PM'd if necessary.)
Have you ever been punished?:
Character Name:
Character Application Form:
(You must have one, but it doesn't need to be approved.)
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp: (Mandatory to be written.)​
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IGN: Bittigirl
Discord: Provided
Punished? Never
Character Name: Bittiera Giralin
Character Application Form:
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp:
To Commander Aurelius Krupp:

I have recently heard that the Ironspire Regiment is in need of new recruits and I believe that I could provide a valuable service to the Regiment. I am highly proficient in combat with heavy weaponry, especially battle-axes, and I am a decent archer. I believe that respect is an incredibly important thing to uphold and I am ready to serve and protect the people of Regalia.

If accepted, I would uphold and enforce the law as well as follow orders as requested. I would help to improve the lives of the many citizens of Regalia and make the great city much more safe.

Thank you for your consideration.

-Bittiera Giralin
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IGN: HigherAltidude
Discord: You have it
Have you ever been punished?: Nope
Character Name: Tarquinus Krupp
Character Application Form: Under re-review right now
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp:

I'm seeking employment, utilizing my skill as a Knight and my familial ties makes this the most logical choice. I am looking forward to working with you as my commander, if not. I do know where you sleep at night. However, I doubt it should come to that, no?
Your cousin,
Tarquinus Krupp
IGN: Sheeple_Herder
Discord: You've got it.
Have you ever been punished?: Nope.
Character Name: Irina von Dietrich
Character Application Form: Irina
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp:
To the esteemed Ser Krupp.

I have just returned to the Holy City after some time away, and I am seeking employment. I have skills in extra heavy combat, unarmed combat, and I also have some medical skills that could be utilized. As a knight of the Lion Pelt, I am bound by oath to have a liege lord, and this just might be the perfect opportunity to fulfill that. I look forward to working with you if you'll accept me.


Irina von Dietrich.
IGN: Bittigirl
Discord: Provided
Punished? Never
Character Name: Bittiera Giralin
Character Application Form:
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp:
To Commander Aurelius Krupp:

I am applying for your Regiment once more in the hopes that I could be accepted into such a fine order of guardsmen and women.

I am highly proficient in combat with heavy weaponry, especially battle-axes, and I am a decent archer. I believe that respect is an incredibly important thing to uphold and I am ready to serve and protect the people of Regalia.

If accepted, I would uphold and enforce the law as well as follow orders as requested. I would help to improve the lives of the many citizens of Regalia and make the great city much more safe.

Thank you for your consideration.

-Bittiera Giralin
IGN: Simple_Enigma
Punished? Never.
Character Name: Leonello dei Olzolli
Character Application Form:
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp:

To Commander Aurelius Krupp

I am applying to your Regiment, The Ironspire, due to a recommendation from Audric Kraus and Tarquinus Krupp.

I have been fighting in war's ever since I was fifteen. Only missing out on one due to a leg injury however I have fully recovered. I was apart of the Chrysant War. My General said that my determination was 'Refreshing in such dark times'. The next battle I faced was the Ranger Crisis as I joined up with my brother. Salvatore dei Olzolli who is already apart of the Regiment.

I am a well trained fighter, starting my fencing lessons ever since I was a young boy. This means my weapon of choice is my Rapier. However I can use most swords, if not my fists will always come into play. I am a keen listener, obedient and willing to follow every order given to me by those in charge.

Thank you for your time.

- Leonello dei Olzolli.
IGN: Pellaeon
Discord: You have it
Punishments: None
Character Name: Urijah Jamesson
Character Application Form:
Letter to Commander Aurelius Krupp:
I've noticed this Violet Chapter has fallen under your command. Therefore, I'd like to be apart of it. I have plenty of experience with guard work from times past. I'll have utmost loyalty towards your leadership and all.

-Urijah Jamesson
IGN: Monkeydog13
Discord: Monkeydog15#1190
Have you ever been punished?: No
Character Name: Renée de Cardois
Character Application Form:ée-de-cardois.74692/
Letter to Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten:
I've noticed this violet charter and been impressive with the work of all the guards. I want to join and help the city way I can. My name is renee de Cardois. I have experience with the La Legion de I' Aigle. I would love to join you and help protect the city from threats
IGN: Monkeydog13
Discord: Monkeydog15#1190
Have you ever been punished?: No
Character Name: Renée de Cardois
Character Application Form:ée-de-cardois.74692/
Letter to Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten:
I've noticed this violet charter and been impressive with the work of all the guards. I want to join and help the city way I can. My name is renee de Cardois. I have experience with the La Legion de I' Aigle. I would love to join you and help protect the city from threats

This thread is inactive. Please repost the application here.