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The Imperial Times ~ Issue Twenty-one


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox
Saturday, 11 April, 308 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Twenty One




~ 9 April, 308​

Starting first with a crucial question for you, sir: What is the goal and purpose of your administration?
"First and foremost I believe it to be critical for me to deliver the Regalian Empire from this pandemic before I start worrying myself with legacy. I am still working on resolving the issues which I have inherited from my predecessors. After this crisis is over, correcting those matters will be the first topics on my agenda."

On the current crisis, it was mentioned by Reverend Henri de la Riviere during a past interview that neither the churches nor the nobility had resources to move to combat the threats, although there were reports of Waldmark peasants fighting in their towns. What will the Government do to aid the still afflicted regions?
"The entire archipelago is suffering from the incursions of these 'clickers.' I have been attempting to coordinate with some of the more powerful nobility in the capital to share their resources with those who have been most impacted, as that is the most that I can currently do. Unfortunately, the personal agenda of some apparently outweighs the wellbeing of the Empire."

Is there worry amongst your Cabinet and Secretariat that Anglia may be suddenly struck hard, reproducing a famine on scale with the Anglian Mist? If so, what preparations have the Government taken? Will this mean Anglia takes precedence over other regions in receiving Government aid if it is forthcoming?
"Aid will go to where it is most needed. If Anglia is suffering more than the rest of the Archipelago, then my personal focus will be on Anglia, and vice-versa."

Do you think an economic or budget crisis will arise considering the impact on moving trade goods the crisis has made? Has the feudal structure been compromised?
"I believe that the resilience of the Regalian Empire will shine through this crisis like it always does. I believe that after all the death and destruction which has come as a result of this tragedy, the Empire will emerge stronger. I do not believe that significant economic and social downturn will come as a result by the end of this."


Drawing of a Waldmark town, where reports of fighting against the clickers have come


Shifting focus to International Affairs: has the Government been monitoring the Dread Empire's military movements to guard against a surprise attack while we are focused elsewhere?
"If the information which I have been provided is to be trusted, which I am confident that it is, the Dread Empire is currently imploding. Self-cannibalizing itself to the likes of which it has never done before."

Is the Government satisfied with the Northern Union's conduct and their upholding of the treaty thus far?
"The crisis has made it difficult to properly measure the impact of the peace treaty. What is known however is that Viduggla is still in debt 90,000 regals to the Regalian state."

Do you believe the treaty will stand long term?

"It was made with that intention, so yes."

Will the Government be resuming talks with the Altalar principalities in the near future? Would the Empire return the Elven Crown if it is made a demand?
"While I do intend to reopen negotiations with the Rie Principalities, doing so in the current climate is impossible. As for the crown? That is a matter which I must deliberate on, and do not have an answer for at this moment."


Turning to domestic affairs unrelated to the crisis: You have recently formed an Inquisition. Are you confident that the federalized command structure will be successful? Will this version stand the test of time?
"I have placed my trust in them to handle affairs appropriately. If my trust was misplaced I will have no qualms in overturning my decision. I have made it clear to the inquisition that their purpose is not to just 'blunt the ears of elves' but to protect the integrity of Unionism and purge heretical Void Worshippers. If they succeed in doing that, I will consider it a success."

Furthermore on religion: What is your stance on Dragon Worship and other magic and aberrancy? There are mentions that a Dragon Cult has Government support now.
"As so long as they are practicing their religion within the parameters of what the law permits, then I have no qualms with Dragon Worship. As for the Occult? I trust entirely in the wisdom of our Emperor and believe that he has set appropriate expectations in his Imperial Decree of the Magi."

What exactly brought about your request to the Emperor to handle Milena du Brierust as guilty of treasonous offences?
"The Co~~ The Baroness was in contempt of multiple laws. She was withholding information about the Clicker crisis from the government, was in possession of heretical tomes to do with Vampirism, Werebeasts, and the Arken, and is still suspected of being in cahoots with the Lich: Xilithrum.

To top all of that, she attempted a disgraceful act of bribery which only demonstrated her guilt further; 30,000 regals for her innocence. 30,000 regals which she could have been using to help the poor and downtrodden, but attempted to use it for nefarious deeds instead.

If she is still suspected of a crime, then why is there no ongoing investigation?
"No further legal actions can and will be brought from this point onwards on these charges admitted to, as per the demand of the Emperor. If however she reoffends, then we can take action."

What of Press Rights? Can we expect formal regulations of the Press in the future now that it seems newspapers are becoming a more prevalent fixture in Regalian life?
"As long as the Press is not spreading vitriol and propaganda against the Peerage and the Government, the Press will be free to continue to act as it currently is."

[Official Bulletins]


~ 11 April, 308


Xilithrum OR Xilthruum

AKA 'The Lich'


REWARD: Choice of 5,000 Regals;

Purged Criminal Record;

OR Pardon of Criminal Activities



~ 11 April, 308​

Although the current clickers crisis has impeded the flow of trade, feudalism remains alive and well with some noble houses attaining satellites into their sphere of influence. As of the government report from last Monday on the prevalence of Clickers throughout the Archipelago, regions Basta & Irvelle, Narlas, and Amelland are declared at zero activity. Others have yet to be affected at all, still others heavily affected with activity rates climbing as high as 25%. While these percentages change frequently and are likely out of date by now, what is sure and true is the lasting effect of the actions taken by certain houses to secure satellite provinces.

Acting shrewdly and with enough haste to beat out competitors, House Viduggla sphered Kattepüutan while House von Drachenburg beat Typhonus to Blüchner and House Slumberwood secured Rumvalia. It is not an opinion to say certain houses are falling behind in the Great Game. With such increasing aggrandizement from formerly small powers, will the old titans stand firm or be replaced by a new elite as some already have like Typhonus by von Drachenburg?

[International Affairs]


~ 9 April, 308​

As mentioned by the Lord Chancellor himself in the above interview, the Dread Empire appears to be "self-cannibalizing". It remains to be seen whether this is a mere restructuring for a bigger and more powerful Empire (essentially a purge) or if it is actually the collapse of the Kathar menace. It is unknown if there are contingencies and/or military plans for the Regalian Empire and Commonwealth to fully invade and conquer the weakened Dread Empire once our own crisis has passed.

But what are the repercussions of such a collapse? Firstly, the Ithanian Kingdom, Daendroque colonies and the Rie Principalities will be significantly less threatened. Secondly, Regalia will be in a good position to launch military offensives owing to our foothold of land gained from the previous war. However, Regalia is not the only actor on the world stage: the aforementioned Rie Principalities may full well take advantage too, whilst the Kathar is disorganized, and seize some land or whatever wealth could possibly be generated from that cesspit of an imploding Empire. Perhaps the Kathar will become slaves and taste their own bitter whip.

Whatever the case, the geopolitical balance is shifting and Regalia must certainly take note.



~ 8 April, 308​

The ability to mold and shape silver is a vital component in the repertoire of any jeweler worth their salt. It is one of the most versatile and attractive metals ever introduced to the craft.

Silver continues to be a mainstay in jewelry that utilizes its shining, almost lunar, appearance to enhance the air and mien of its wearer or the gemstones set within it. The cool tones of silver contrast with and highlight the color of richer, more vibrant gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, and jade. This makes silver the optimal metal for displaying such gemstones and showcasing their vibrant colors.

In addition to its uses in highlighting gemstones, silver is vital in pieces that aim to draw attention or 're-frame' the aspects of a wearer's appearance with silver and kadite or solacrox, being used to make the wearer's features emerge sharper and paler or brighter and softer. Silver's unique coloration and appearance when refined, allows it to reflect lighting onto the wearer's features or, when unrefined it can make the wearer appear dark and brooding. While silver can be used to great effect in tandem with gemstones, it is also effective in pieces wholly composed of silver.

Silver's malleability allows it to be formed into unique shapes and patterns; this is particularly convenient in making silver collars or armbands which can then be formed into unique patterns and styles which would not be possible with other metals due to their brittle natures and tendency to chip. Thus making silver the prime metal for replicating patterns found in nature such as vines, leaves, trees, and roots. Silver is a metal able to take on almost any task or requirement with great success and its employment in utensils, jewelry, and art continues to produce results unlike those of any other metal. All of this makes silver one of the most versatile and fascinating metals in our empire.

~Merdoc Slumberwood



~ 11 April, 308​

As of current, our economic situation is grim. However, with the transfers of supplies to deal with the clickers, various ties and future business partnerships have formed within the past two weeks. Undoubtedly, each house has been seeking out allies to help them rescue their lands from the Clicker plague. His Eminence, Lord Chancellor Delmotte, has begun to make plans to secure the economic bastion of the Archipelago, Pays-Sud, (revealed in a private meeting) which is promising in and of itself. The competence of the nobility and aristocrats in handling the crisis at hand is admirable. An example of such would be Grand Duchess Black planning to send aid to the North in the near future, and Sol Avalorn's coalition of Aristocratic families such as von Duerr and Al Ramoran. These coalitions will likely carry over after this crisis invariably ends, leading us into another revolution of business and bolstering of economics. In addition to the fine leadership of the Emperor's appointed governors, various commoner trading companies are assembling, such as Gochnipunchi, Weissmann, and Brass Moor, meaning there will be competition for the private markets after this. It looks glum now, but to reap the benefits of our long, winding road, we must continue to toil and work hard, stay strong, and await the light at the end of this dark tunnel.

For a further and fuller understanding of the markets, I refer you to the recent release of the Brass Moor Company's second monthly economic report.

~Abelhard Latimer



~ 9 April, 308​

Beginning with the major shift in how our faith operates, how has the Tenth Creed fundamentally altered Unionist practices? Will Masses be held differently by Churches?

Pippin: "The Stalwart Defender adopts most of the doctrine of the Sancellist Church, as it has been the doctrine favored by the faithful for centuries. It is still viewed as the proper form of worship, which is why we keep many of the traditions."

Henri: "As my Brother Reverend has spoken, we adopt the traditional views of the old Sancella, involving the function of Mass as it has been for generations. However, the Tenth Creed does not give clear instructions for worship, only that worship be done in blessing to the Spirit. But make no mistake. The Second Creed does give us instruction for how worship is to be done, while the Tenth allows for expanded interpretations of the faith.

As it was written, For the Great Way to remain on the correct path, all must endeavor to pray, worship, and act as examples of the Code of Union. Man, woman, and child must pray three times a day, come morn of dawn and come dusk of night. Priests shall administer prayer times, five times a day for those unable to meet dawn or dusk mass.

Pippin: "The Archdiocese in this regard follows the cultural notions of people such as the Genevaud, Calderlige, Leutz-Vixe, and New Regalian. Faithful who value the concepts of hard work as a duty to progress the Great Way."

Henri: "This is the baseline of the faith, prayer to the Spirit as it is known. The concept of Mass is largely left to those who form Churches with the blessings of the Spirit. Our belief within the Archdiocese is to remain pure and true to the concepts of prayer so any Mass conducted is an expansion of these daily prayers. No more and no less."

Pippin: "Our focus is on the scriptures as revealed to Holy Theomar by the Imperial Spirit."

Henri: "As going beyond the scriptures borders blasphemy and heresy."

Will the loss of the Sancella in favor of different churches harm the Unionist message? That is, the loss of a distinctive unified and authoritative voice and body?

Henri: "There is a distinctive unified body and voice. The Creeds are all still canon though many sinners make claim to interpret the Tenth Creed negates all the former Creeds. Such is not true. And to state even further, those who seek to interpret the faith without the proper period of studies are not fit to make interpretations.

The Creeds are equal to all churches, it is the role of the individual church to make their interpretations to reach their community. For a unified Ailordom is the desired outcome as this allows for the Empire to prosper.

Pippin: "There is not one human but many Humanum."

You say to reach their communities and that you follow certain cultures. Does this not conflict with the Emperor's desire for Imperial culture?

Henri: "As the Emperor does not make this claim by the investment of the Imperial Spirit, it is not validated. As the Emperor is the host of the Imperial Spirit, he is still a man, mortal and owned by his own thoughts and feelings, just as he had prior to his ascension to the Imperial Seat. It is the Spirit that desires for individual Churches, as it is written in the Tenth Creed. The Spirit's Will comes before all. While we believe in the divinity of the Emperor, that divinity is derived from the Imperial Spirit."

You mentioned before, 'doctrine favored by the faithful', does this mean the Church will be taking a more presbyterate approach? Letting the commoners a say in the Church?

Pippin: "In what way? There have been congressional councils of laity that handled the secular affairs of the church. The clergy will continue to be the preachers of the holy scriptures. The concept of favored by the faithful follows the intent of the Tenth Creed. All advocating for interpretations to suit the needs of the multitudes of Faithful."

Henri: "No, if you recall what I had said, only those who have conducted the necessary studies are permitted to interpret the Creeds and these persons are the sole interpreters of the faith, per the Sixth Creed. That being said, each culture has it's own persons who enter these studies. An Ithanian, a New Regalian, a Daen. All come from differing backgrounds, all having differing viewpoints of interpreting the Creeds and the message of the Imperial Spirit. However, that said, the Archdiocese believes that those who are fit to interpret the Creeds derive themselves from the Sancellist teachings within the Calemberg Dom. An atmosphere dedicated to religious study and interpretation."

Pippin: "As well as the other Seminaries from the old Sancella."

Henri: "Only by fully investing one's life to the Spirit and its message can one seek to understand what is meant by Ailordom in pursuit of the Great Way."

Do you regard any churches as astray from Orthodox Unionism? If so, how and why?

Pippin: "The Diviner Heresy. Hence why they have had the Clastic Law removed from them."

Henri: "Beyond that I cannot speak to this. There are many who have formed splinter cults and other heresies laced with sin. To divide them all and judge them is not my place, only to profess the true faith. Some may feel they have the proper studies to interpret the Creeds and the faith, but this is not fully explained by the Spirit under Theomar, only that those who study the Scripture can guide. By what degree and by what means? How long? And is one form of study correct? This leads me to believe that there can be many false doctrines."

Pippin: "Blessed Henri III did, however, confirm the Sancella Seminary as a proper means to become ordained to teach the Scriptures."

Earlier I mentioned institutions. As you have no doubt heard, the Inquisition has returned by command of the Lord Chancellor. So I have a number of questions to that:

  1. Is it the Lord Chancellor's place to create a religious order; would it not fall under the Conclave's jurisdiction despite the Chancellor's power to charter organizations?

Henri: "The Chancellor may create whatever Order he wishes. This Inquisition is the arm of the Church which the Lord Chancellor belongs to. Its enforcement is purely for State Law. The Crown Isle is not beholden to a single church as it is the central meeting grounds for the Conclave."

  1. Secondly, they are allowing women as I believe past inquisitions have. What is your stance on women in religious orders, especially the inquisition; do they have a place there?

Henri: "This Inquisition does not represent the Archdiocese so I have little to say in regards to its function."

What about the ongoing Clicker Crises? What has your Church done to alleviate any suffering? How do you view these beings?

Henri: "These are demonic beings, no doubt caused by an increase of magical and unholy acceptance and unity within the Crown Isle. This leniency and allowance for the arcane and those who tempt devils and demons for their powers has allowed this scourge to exist. As for what my church has done for the suffering, such cannot be done. No Church can move resources at this time, nor can the nobility. We are helpless to aid those who face destruction by the Archdemon. All we can do and have continued to do is offer worship and guidance to those who seek it. Each of my reverends are free to discuss the faith and to morally guide those who seek us."

Pippin: "Though with that said, we have heard our congregations fighting in their homelands against these demons as we speak. As a combined force, they are holding the evil at pay as our nobility utilize their means to aid them."

What does your Church stand for?

Henri: "A pure and unified Ailordom. Free of aberrency and sin, not to be tempted or controlled by demons. For it is a pure Ailordom that has built this Empire and it is a pure Ailordom that will continue to advance it. Full subjugation of the lesser races of Aloria and destruction of all heresies, the magics and other such powers alike. Only by this can we reach salvation in the Everwatch, with the Great Way fulfilled."

Pippin: "A stalwart defender to the faith."

Does this mean you believe only Ailor should be First-class citizens?

Henri: "Yes. We understand that there is a great deal of politics at play, but we believe that Ailor exist above all else and should be deferred to as such."


Drawing of the ceiling of the famed Calemberger Dom



~ 11 April, 308

The Novel Inquisition​

On its first day of activation, April 9th 308 AC, the Inquisition faced criticisms and allegations of blasphemy. Supposedly, the Inquisition performed the Sacrament of Rejection without a Curate or Reverend present in front of a crowd. An internal investigation ensued, aimed at finding out who performed the Sacrament if any was performed.

The investigation found Inquisitor Marcel Faber to be the one who supposedly performed the blasphemous act and put out a verdict as follows: The Inquisition, specifically Inquisitor Marcel Faber is not guilty of performing a Sacrament of Rejection on a Kathar without a Curate or Reverend present. The allegations were the culmination of a misunderstanding.

The incident according to the investigation transpired as follows:

Members of the newly formed Inquisition went on a patrol through Regalia, specifically the Slums. During this patrol, a Kathar was encountered just South of the Hidden Dragon's West entrance. The Kathar was subsequently beat (Entirely legal due to their civil status) for its void worship and was brought to the Stronghold for public humiliation as punishment as void worship is a crime according to the Fifth Creed. Its ears were clipped and it was brought to the steps of the Stronghold for its punishment. By this time, a crowd had formed as a crier had been sent out to form a crowd, which included Archbishop La Riviere and a few members of the nobility. What was believed to be the Sacrament of Rejection was then performed by Inquisitor Marcel Faber. Specifically, Marcel Faber told the Kathar to "rebuke their faith, and swear allegiance to the Ailor, the Empire, and the Great Way." However, the purpose of this public act was as an act of punishment in the form of humiliation. The Inquisition did not intend to make the punishment seem like the Sacrament of Rejection. Admittedly, sometime during or before the punishment, a member of the Inquisition announced that they were going to perform the Sacrament of Rejection. The purpose of that announcement was to inform the crowd that the Inquisition were going to have the Kathar undergo the Sacrament of Rejection under a Reverend after the public humiliation concluded.

Sincerely, this misunderstanding was unfortunate, and will hopefully never happen again.

Oratario Ode,

Albert Kreiburg


~11 April, 308​

  • In the evening at 8, House Slumberwood will host the one-time show of the Duke and Duchess of Balaur. Written by one Wan-Xia of the Regalian Institution of the Performing Arts, this opera will have a critical reviewer there to judge.

  • House Haagenvig will host a two-day Chivalric Tournament for the Regalian Knightly Orders from the 18-19 April.

  • The Ben Jones Talent Show will appear at 2 pm tomorrow.





Theopold Kreiburg subscribes
To the Editor of the Imperial Times,

In regards to your political piece on the spread of clickers across the empire, I take offence at how you trivialise the current crisis to a race between houses for power at a time when every family has been encouraged to unite together to defeat a common threat.

I similarly do not appreciate your attempts to pit houses against each other in the same piece, when Houses Typhonus and Drachenburg both prioritise the safety of our people and those in the neighbouring states of our lands. If this is the stance that the Imperial Times will take on such important matters and makes the noble peerage of Regalia out to be selfishly competing for power rather than encouraging cooperation across the city, then I shall be recommending that the people of Regalia cancel their subscriptions in favour of receiving their news from sources that lack such a blatant personal agenda.

I hope the Imperial Times will see their faults and improve upon such for the next issue to ensure we as an empire remain strong during these trying times.

Yours sincerely,

Klaus Typhonus
Great Steward of the Imperial Household
Count-Palatine of the Imperial Court
Member of the Chancellor's Advisory Council​
Dame Anika Kreiburg writes to the author of the paper to put her on the list of subscribers.
The dwarf would look at the news in disbelief "Noble worked with Lich? Worked against goverment? And she was still pardoned by emperor? This is such a bullshit. If I done even a half of it, I would have lost my head" The dwarf would angrily throw the paper into corner
"The young and inexperienced of the peerage can say what they will about the titans of old, for at the end of the day, the House Typhonus doesn't require a washed up newspaper to make its political statements for them." The Grand Elder grunted to the small crowd of advisors, sliding the issue off to the side of his desk. "If Drachenburg has found it necessary to hide behind a newspaper, perhaps he was right to separate himself from Calemberg. We don't suffer cowards well here."
Louis Delmotte frantically looks between Typhonus and Drachenburg, and then to a withered up piece of paper titled 'Providence that Protects.' He frowns.

@LumosJared @FireFan96
The Viridian Knight walks past the boy handing out papers, shaking his head.

Harald von Drachenburg doesn't read the newspaper because he doesn't believe in the power of the press. It is a pedestrian past time for those lacking the capacity for free thought. He ponders picking up gardening as such would bring him joy as he reaches old age. And the pride to step out from his cottage to see his work in full, glorious bloom.

The knight quickly shakes the thought as he continues on his patrol of the city. But he will come back to the thought on the garden later.