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The Imperial Times ~ Issue Fourteen


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
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Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox
Saturday, 13 July, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Fourteen​




~ 9 July, 307​

The Lord Chancellor has formed a Cabinet distinct from her Secretaries and in which membership will rotate periodically at her whim. While members of this fresh Cabinet possess no new titles or responsibilities, they are selected to fill an advisory role to the Lord Chancellor. There has been some criticism of this new group, with those opposed to it pointing to her Secretariat as enough. However, others have countered that as Lord Chancellor, one must seek advice and wisdom from all places possible, so as to execute a more informed policy.


~ 5 July, 307​

In an attack on the Peerage as they gathered in the Howlester Estate, the Manathar attempted to murder nobility. Lord Commander William Howlester has issued the following statement:

"Citizens of Regalia,

This afternoon, as many would already have heard, the collective nobility gathered at the Howlester Estate were subject to a wicked and abhorrent attack spawned and conspired by evil elements stemming from the demon malformed individuals who call themselves 'Manathar'. The Violet Order have investigated and concluded the usage of void magic from multiple known Manathar individuals and mages which was used in an attempt to strike down my House and the combined nobility that were celebrating within Howlester Estate as a retaliation to a public punishment issued on their kind this very evening with intent to slaughter my kin and the honorable Regalian Peerage in a plot most hellish and foul. In response to this brazen terror attack, these so called 'Manathar' will be rounded up summarily, declared 'Persona non Grata' and subjected to the Emperor's Justice.

Furthermore, with the decline of order in Old Town and in response to the growing vampiric threat, I hereby revoke the full prohibition on Violet Order Guardsmen patrolling Old Town, effectively immediately and made permanent in an effort to protect the weakest of us all and ensure that the Emperor's Holy City is no longer subject to the ungodly filth and void tainted degeneracy that seeks to tear us all asunder. Summarily, the Violet Order enlists the assistance of the various Knightly Orders and Mercenary Groups to assist in the Law Enforcement's pursuit of the Manathar and those that seek to hide them from the Emperor's judgment.

May the Spirit protect us all in this dark time.

Signed and officiated by seal of Lord Commander:

William A. Howlester"​


~ 9 July, 307​

Lord Chancellor Constanze du Brierüst has added four new statutes which further delineate what is regarded as treason to the Emperor and Empire:

I. "To knowingly act in any manner which threatens the integrity of the Empire, its administration, officials, peerage, the citizens within it, or the Emperor himself, is treason."

II. "To knowingly plan to act in any manner which threatens the integrity of the Empire, its administration, officials, peerage, the citizens within it, or the Emperor himself, is treason."

III. "To display hostile intentions toward the Empire, its administration, officials, peerage, the citizens within it, or the Emperor himself, is treason."

IV. "Such charges of treason are to be punished by incarceration, forfeiture of any or all titles and positions in the case that an official or noble of the Empire is deemed treasonous, and may be punished by execution in cases deemed severe enough: this requires the mutual, signed agreement of both the Lord Chancellor and Lord Commander."

In the same missive, the Lord Chancellor announced that Jared Kade had sought to oust her from her position and institute himself as Lord Chancellor. In keeping with the new statutes, Jared Kade was declared stripped of all titles and office by the Lord Chancellor and became officially wanted for arrest. On the evening of the same day, after Jared Kade's release from Greygate prison, he released a public statement:

"I'd like to thank each and every soul I worked with as Secretary of the Faith. Crushing violent Isldar, spearheading the Inquisition, and bridging Unionist gaps was a great joy and honor. With that said, I'd like to make three notes before I retire for the evening.

I. I was not harmed or touched when brought into Greygate, and the Violet Order showed me nothing but professionalism in their handling of my short-lived case. I commend especially Rodrigo Peirgarten and Julius Peirgarten in that regard.

II. As my release shows, I have committed no crimes, before or after these laws were put in place minutes after a meeting of government officials took place. During our private talk in Greygate, the Chancellor agreed as such, and spoke of many grand plans and ideas for the Empire. I trust she will do anything she can to see them through.

III. The Chancellor's response, with these sudden amendments to what defines Treason and my firing as Secretary of the Faith, was to the idea that government officials would write a letter to the Emperor humbly requesting he re-evaluate the current government positions. This, in her eyes, is nothing short of Treason. The public should be aware of that. Spirit bless you all.


~ Jared Luchs Kade

Brother-In-Arms to House Kade"​


~ 8 July, 307​

An earthquake struck the Hegemony last month, collapsing a silvermine with workers still inside of it. A call was raised for aid in the region and all honorable knights rushed to aid the mine and the affected area. It is reported that the Viridian Order was the first on the scene. It is also reported that the Archduke of Basta himself went first into the deep mine without fear. The reconstruction of the region remains ongoing and may need charitable donations to continue.

The Adventures of Matteo and Mercedes:

Issue One​

It was when I first left the Raven's Rest Inn that I realized this day would be the start of a different sort of adventure. The weather outside was gloomy, dark and full of heavy clouds blocking out the blue sky. Although one would feel a sense of melancholy from the clouds, the sun was visibly shining through, brightening up much of the surrounding area. I looked towards the stables on my right by the city gates far in the distant and spotted my love, Mercedes, standing in shining armor with bright colors that could only indicate a Matrais Knight. I gripped my crossbow and started down the path towards her with my Anglian Shepherd, Augustine, bouncing behind right on my tail.

The town of Carroburgen was the biggest city in the Veer, though it did not rival the larger, bustling cities of the mainland like Axford or Calemberg. Nonetheless, the Anglian streets were well-worn, with houses made of strong wood and hardened stone. As I walked through the town's Main Street, the Carroburgenian atmosphere slowly returned to me- one known for its calm joy. I saw the Inns that had many people swarming in and out of them. To my left, I heard laughing children watching a comedy, and also heard the shouts of vendors at the stalls all in the city calling from every direction. "Getcha peaches! Peaches!" a voice cried from across the street, "Meats, fresh meats!" another called.

As I further went down the avenue, the townsfolk began to smile at me and thank me for my service. Earlier that week, I caught a few notorious bandits known to rob traders on their way to Carroburgen with Mercedes. The Duke of the Veer, His Grace Gallus Tyrannian, had been much pleased by my work against the bandits that he had asked I be taken into his service. I gladly accepted. This morning, a letter arrived bearing his stallion seal that asked that Mercedes and I go south to keep the peace there. More and more townsfolk began to swarm me, handing me free peaches and chatting about how I was such a pious man to help the townsfolk. After thanking them for their gifts and fearing I would drown in well-wishing, I continued to walk towards the stable.

My destination of the stables was finally reached. Mercedes gave me a warm smile as Augustine jumped on her. "Ah, there're my two favorite boys," she laughed to herself, petting Augustine's head, "Are you not the most handsome dog?" Augustine jumped off of her and began to sniff around at the horses. Mercedes was a slender, yet strong Dressolini woman. Her skin was olive with black hair in a Matrais bun and rich brown eyes that always pierced my soul. Her armor was plate, with a rainbow sash going across her chest from her shoulder. She was rather gorgeous, truth be told.

"Matteo," my love asked me, "one of Duke Tyrannian's retainers informed me we are to go his Castle and speak to him before we head for the south towards Baron Carwell's old lands. We can get there by midday if we are to leave now."

I nodded to Mercedes and embraced her, calling for the stableboy shortly after to fetch our two horses. The stableboy, who was rather slow to my call, eventually brought out my black warhorse, Striker, and Mercedes' white palfrey, Steadfast. I handed a tenpiece to the lad for his trouble and then together with Mercedes and Augustine, we headed for the Tyrannian Castle, Arce Sepulcrum.

--written by Enzo Celso and edited by Elias Holt

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