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The Humanization Of Nadina Haaven


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds

An Announcement from Nadina Haaven


29th October 307AC.

"Greetings citizens of Regalia,
My name is Madame Nadina Haaven, former co-director of the Medical Union of Regalia, and founder of the once-prestigious Alchemia Order. Some may also recognize me for my former apothecary work and servancy to some of Regalia's noble and aristocratic families.

The last many of you may have seen of me was when I disappeared abruptly from the public eye after the untimely dissolution of The Medical Union; a conclusion with which I feel nothing but deep regret and sorrow for. I have spent bordering a year now in prayer, contemplation, and further study to improve my organizational capabilities, and feel that now is the time to return to my duties. In this announcement, I endeavor to explain the circumstances behind my arrival and outline my plans for the growing community."


Humanization, Devotion to the Imperial Spirit,
and dissociation from the Haaven Family

Approximately one month ago, I sought the advice and blessings of a highly talented and exalted individual, blessed under the Unionist Dias of Faith. While I endeavour to keep their identity anonymous to prevent undue harm coming to themselves or the Holy Grounds in which this blessing happened upon, I feel it is my duty to explain the change in my appearance and the future of my soul.

Through deep prayer and complete devotion to the Imperial Spirit and His blessed entities, I have formally renounced my Non-Human form in ways both physical, mental, and spiritual. No longer shall my appearance or name reflect the once-Yanar of Niantha Aalvienta, Hallevandeia, or Haaven. My body and blood are Human, and I have pledged to serve Humanum and the Great Way until my mortality reaches its end--a Human in all but elevation--and pray for a second chance at reaching the afterlife. Such transformation has come from the result of complete faith towards Unionism; it involved no trickery, heresy, or Voidism to the knowledge of all consulted Scholars. I expect only to be treated as a fellow servant to the Imperial Spirit.​

From this point onwards until I earn an appropriate family name, I wish only to be known as 'Nadina'. Servant to the Imperial Spirit, Humanum, and the Holy Crown Isle.


The future of The Medical Union, Apothecary, and Servancy.

I wish to publicly state that it is no longer my intention to take leadership of The Medical Union or any of it's subsects, neither create a new, competing medical organization of my own. I believe that the current medical regiments and independent doctors serving Regalia at present are doing a perfectly adequate job, and extend my dearest gratitude and well wishes to them in preserving Regalia's health and safety. I declare only to offer my knowledge and funding to the bright entrepreneurs already in the sector of medicine, as well as guide any potential organizations in creating a strong and lawful foundation for their businesses.

It is without a doubt that the passion for alchemy and medical development still burns within me. As for the potential return of The Crown Apothecary and shop, for now I cannot say; however, I will continue to work with local charities to put my expertise to use in stocking the frontlines with high-quality medicines and remedies. For those with an interest or business in nursing, alchemy, or medicine, I invite letters requesting advice, funding, and the supply of produce.


It is my greatest honour and delight to once again begin serving the capital city in which I was raised and developed my skills. Please send any letters or inquiries to the desk of Lord Vhilomir Kade I, who I am presently indebted to serving, and addressed to Secretary Nadina. Thankyou for your patience and time in reading this announcement."​


Secretary to Lord Vhilomir Kade,
Servant to the Regalian Empire.

LOVELY ART BY @Catannine

A former colleague steps with a cold, echoed step of the cane in the Drachenburg estate in Dragenthal. He would emit a sinister grin on his aged lips, the wrinkles pulling back as he spoke, "Very good, Madame Secretary, very good."
"A Yanar.. to an Ailor. Mm." Reverend Harhold sat in contemplation as he read the various sentences over and over, "Thank the Spirit there is a Diet scheduled soon." He transitioned from frowning, to furrowed brows, to raised brows, before he placed the piece of parchment down on his desk, "This anonymous individual as well. Who are they?" He thought, before sitting back in his chair and taking the address up again, reading once more.
"Disgustin'." One Orc commented at the decree. "No matter what ye say ye are, y'were born a plant. All yer doin' now es stealin' an immortal life from yerself tae fit en. Feckin' freaks wit' their race-changin' ways. Go back to the forest."
"Whatever it is, I'm still allergic to tomatoes," one man would say.
"People remove permanent brand scars from their cheeks, regain their eyesight, they transform from a Yanar to an Ailor, and I can't grow my FUCKING ARM back!" Rodrigo yelled at his own stump as if he was expecting it to talk back to him.
*Fathiyaa's eyes teared up as she heard the news, with a laugh she whipped her tears away grinning from ear to ear.*
"My dear Nadina. It would be good to catch up with you if I ever get the chance."​
"People remove permanent brand scars from their cheeks, regain their eyesight, they transform from a Yanar to an Ailor, and I can't grow my FUCKING ARM back!" Rodrigo yelled at his own stump as if he was expecting it to talk back to him.
maybe if u ask nice enough
"I don't understand what warranted this change, it seems.. odd, out of the blue. Hm— It's good to know she's back, at the very least. It's a shame she isn't contemplating bringing back the Alchemia.. That was the only time I ever enjoyed my work as a chemist and a nurse.." Freya rambled beneath her breath, a small frown placed upon her features. She shook her head slowly, retiring to pondering the matter in curious silence for the remainder of the day.
"I've never had the privilige to know you too well save from what others told me n' the expectations people have to be a little bit more like you. It's nice to see ya finding your own sense of place, even if it's a shame to see you leave your old identity behind. All the power to you, Nadina! The Yanar will be safe under my watch, don't you worry one bit." The spunky plant raised a glass (of milk) to nobody in particular as if to solidify that promise, and chugged it up by her lonesome self.
Fen'nan squinted at it and scowled,
"Oh please no more bloody Ailor unionists," she groaned. "Someone give me a void-worshipping Allar. THAT would be interesting."
Veta looked up to Val's exclaiming, holding her tired head up with her hands. "Hey, calm down- Wish I could change my fockin' face." She replied only to go back to resting her head on the counter with a huff.
