The House Of Diplomacy


Captain Regalia
Sep 27, 2017
Reaction score



Established in 308 by one Maximillian Black, The House of Diplomacy is a guild based around the recruitment and proper usage of the bright Diplomats of the Holy City.

Lending their talents and skills to any Noble family or Organizations with the coin. Every Member of The House of Diplomacy is skilled with their words, as well with a pen. If it's a treaty you need handled, a business deal sealed, or anything in between, one of our advisors might just be able to assist you.


Headmaster: The leader of The House of Diplomacy, who handles the hiring process, as well as all decisions related to the House.

Held by: Maximillian Black

Vice Headmaster: The person in charge with taking over the Headmasters duties in case of his absence. And has partial say in most decisions made by the Headmaster proper

Held by: Vacant

Secretary of the House: The person who can accept jobs and distribute needed diplomats accordingly. Their say isn't final however, since any job can be overturned by the higher ups.

Held by: Vacant

Diplomats: The lifeblood of the House, these are the men and women who use their Diplomatic skills to go on missions assigned to them.

Held by: Vacant

Requesting process:

If you find yourself in need of one of the Houses lovely and skilled Diplomats, all you need to do is send a letter either over the Forums or over Discord (More reliable option, TheMoistestMan#4621) or meet with any of the higher ups IC!

Application process!:

Character name:
Character sheet:
Bans, Jails, Mutes?:
IC Letter to Maximillian Black:​