The History Of Crime - Calling All Crime Players! New And Old!

Discussion in 'Roleplay Discussion' started by Conflee, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Hello! To cut this brief, I was trying to remember the name of an old gang and crime char hit m up, and we started talking about old crime stuff, and I realized the more people that quit, the more and more of this amazingly stupid and fantastic history we lose. So this post is, very briefly put, a call to action for all older gang leaders, gang mates, crime players, sewer dwellers, etc to rally together and try to construct a good, mostly accurate history of Crime in Regalia. From the birth of the Sewers to now.

    Some people I remember doing gang stuff:
    @Malvs @Sozzer @NChulingeth @KiddingAround @moonbrother @TheDongler and ill toss an @Witchblooded because I know your Silven was involved in stuff, and... @Aespair you run gang stuff now but I dont know if you did before either, I vaguely remember something about it.

    Try to keep a rough date, month/year wise, and include as much detail as you can for context stuff. Ill dig through it all to try and write it out into one megapost eventually if this gets enough good stories and such.
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  2. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    A few more tags I remembered: @Mayaran you owned one of the Noble Cisterns if I recall. @Eccetra you ran the Nenyarina so you probably have some insight. @Jack_Castle you can the Crows before I got really into gang stuff too. And @Lord_Immortal you an the Mossy Poss
  3. Malvs

    Malvs who knows

    Apr 10, 2013
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    The initial crime/gang boom started in February of 2016, if I remember correctly. @Sozzer 's Usque Galenas was the catalyst, at least in my opinion. That was also when I started the Jin-Tao, led by my old character Ume Saito. I cringe when I think back to those earlier times, but my 15-year-old self thought everything was amazing. Anyway, right around the time I formed the Jin-Tao, gangs and crime organizations started to pour onto the forums. Sewer RP was rampant. Stuff was happening left and right. I remember the first iteration of the Beggar King conflict most clearly; it was probably the most significant event to strike the gang community at the time. It sparked a pretty large conflict between my gang, Usque Galenas, the Mossy Poss (if memory serves), and probably more that I can't remember at the moment. I don't remember how long after the crime RP surge it was before the Beggar King stuff started, but it wasn't that long. Sifting through some older progression posts might elucidate things a bit, if they're still available.

    So yeah. That's my contribution. "The beginning," I guess. Things very well may have gone down before that (i.e. The Kindred), but I wasn't involved in the crime community before then, so I can't attest to that. As far as I know, that is when crime RP as we know it today was born.

    I could probably give a much more detailed account of the early Silven activity, but not all of that falls under "crime."
  4. ZiggyStarDusted

    ZiggyStarDusted *lute music stops*

    Aug 8, 2016
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    I remember the vintage sewer tavern was once held up by these people that wore all purple / scarlett and one of them was called Grape! They were a gang of sorts I believe..
  5. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Those were the second people to run it if I remember, the old Usque. Originally it was just the Mossy Poss.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. CainsTedTalk

    CainsTedTalk Desert Creatures go brrr

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Old Jackal gang, best Gang. I’ll put my two cents in here when I get off from work.
  7. Tibertastic

    Tibertastic Man of the People

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Kindred and Windvale pirates. 2015.
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  8. ezalB

    ezalB Student of Hydration Supremium

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Those were the days man, those were the days.

    I remember my poor Beguiled Vampire got wrapped up in the whole war in early 2015, however sided with Windvale seeing as he had no clue he was a Vampire. Those were good times. I remember that, after the Songaskia occupation had lifted, Christopher Black would often visit the Windvale Tavern (This was before there was an official sewer tavern, mind you. The Windvale Tavern I suppose really started it all.) I remember that on more than one occasion, we took Shayin hostage. Or something. There was a dwarfman, and plenty of other members, notably Chalden, a very swole Tigran played by Terrence29 before he was banned. I vividly remember the numerous raids between Windvale, and Kindred who lay just down the road. I personally am unsure how this gang ended up vaporizing. The name of my character who was associated with this was Hann Adair, an Etosian Ailor.

    Additionally, in the months before June of 2016, there was the Mekett hive, Xir'tfx. This hive was started by me, and Parz1vol, however Parz1vol is the who truly took charge. We swelled to around fifteen semi-active or active members, and were at least of some influence in the old sewers for some time. We survived the flooding, becoming Vissi pirates who stole people's hats, and we even once assaulted some Crimson Guard in retaliation. We stole his hat too. The gang unfortunately fell apart due to OOC reasons, and eventually the lore was changed so drastically that there was no putting it back together. I miss this gang the most. The name of my character here was R'chxta, a Vissi.

    The earliest crime/gang RP however I remember participating in that was atleast semi-organized was with @Caelamus and two of our friends. We were Crelin, and, possibly were the first Crelin, seeing as it was around the end of August to November, 2014. There were a few of us, and on more than one occasion I believe we kidnapped some Klienfolk, and maybe a Talar who may or may have not been scalped. We hecked around a little bit, and the last I knew of the Crelin gang was sometime in early 2015. The name of my character here was Xoric, a Crelin naturally.

    The last time I participated in Gang RP was in late 2016, with my Maiar who was briefly enslaved by @SilentEndurance 's slaver gang, whose name I cannot remember off the top of my head. The name of my character here was Leilani.

    I suppose if I really wanted to go back as far as I could remember, in terms of organized crime.. the earliest thing I participated in was a group of Undead and Vampires in late 2013, and we romped around nearby the Golden Willow. I believe I killed someone, and then myself was killed. It's very fuzzy, but I believe at one point we may or may have not started a riot in the middle of the tavern. I believe my character was 'Sarek Neval'. I had just finished watching the original Star Trek, and had no idea how to Roleplay. Don't give me that look!
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
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    #8 ezalB, Mar 11, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
  9. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    I feel like this is a good place to plug... The Mossy Poss is now doing art commissions xD We've transcended the Sewer scene, to provided people with pieces of questionable art.

    But yes, after the Mossy Poss Tavern had been around long enough, and people had somewhat begun gathering in the sewers, a whole lot more crime started picking up. It was fun to watch whilst it lasted. I suppose in a way, the Mossy Poss was initially intended as how the Dragon is now. With some occasional instigation from Myrnin Thane or Don D. Dredd (Formerly Don Yoku). They were ousted eventually by the Usque, and due to me quitting at the time, did not retake that tavern.

    There were several alliances forming or breaking constantly. Between the Jin-Tao, the Usque, uhh "The Red Base?" and more.
  10. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    Fun fact, previously before the Mossy Poss Tavern was named as it was. (Name inspired byyy Jon? A member of Staff at the time) It was called the Sin's Retreat. However, due to Myrnin Thanes uncanny resemblance of Melodias from the Seven Sins (Anime), it was strongly advised this be changed.

    Am I admitting several years ago I was a weeb? Maybe. Am I still one now? I think the art speaks for itself.
  11. Pugsly10

    Pugsly10 The Black Sheep

    Feb 14, 2015
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    What about Red Sewer Base? ;( hh
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  12. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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    I mentioned the Red Sewer base!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. Ailethi

    Ailethi neighborhood milf lover Supremium

    Dec 2, 2015
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    @Yigit For a Great gang, as well.
  14. soapboxstage

    soapboxstage a muppet of a man

    Aug 20, 2016
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    In some of the last days of the sewers there was a roaming gang of wulong. About 4 of them would walk around. They had one man that was brains of the operation, one more scrongy one that was more of a wild card, I believe a giant muscular one that acted as their muscle, and a few more I can't remember. They hanged around the dueling pit and got into a few conflicts. I can't remember but one might have been a vampire. They dissappeared with the sewers though, as did a majority of crime roleplay and animal race players. I tried to join them, but they disappeared before I got a good char going.
    #14 soapboxstage, Sep 14, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2018
  15. Kibaa

    Kibaa Regalian Senator

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Running La Ganga with @Silent_Ruler was the most amount of fun I've ever had on massivecraft. Even though La Ganga met what I believe to be the most grim fate of all 2015-2017 gangs, they are in my opinion the most successful. It is true that we would constantly lose ground against Usque Galenas, but our actions outside of the sewers were some of the most thrilling roleplay I've ever been in.

    From literally imploding Greygate Castle and eliminating over half the guard population, to raising a militia with Freya Lo's permission only to aid Fort Kronau with it, to surviving through the anarchy that was the great Sewer flood (where La Ganga actually ended up allying with its sewer rivals and creating some of the best roleplay ever, shoutout to Sozzer and vegemite), to infiltrating the Nenyarina grove and burning it up from the inside out! Those were the damn days.

    To put it bluntly now, crime roleplay sucks. It's nothing like how it used to be. I hate to complain about it, because I myself wouldn't know how to fix it anyway. I think it's just all the crime roleplayers left the crime scene.
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  16. Gwyndo

    Gwyndo Scottish Egg

    May 11, 2013
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    The Blackmark gang tho
  17. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Gonna give this a fat bump because I've started work writing it all out in a timeline. Some people's dates are very clearly off, but fortunately I recorded Falish's execution so I can use that the straighten the timeline out since that happened a while before the Mossy Poss was taken by the Usque.
  18. Beetletoes

    Beetletoes Regalian Prince

    Jun 1, 2014
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    Dude I remember during the flood, you guys brought in a fuckin cannon and took control of one of the cisterns. My Chyga got a bunch of people together to go raid you and got BTFO
    Good times
  19. Beetletoes

    Beetletoes Regalian Prince

    Jun 1, 2014
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    Was that the one lead by the Ur? It was Black-something but I can't remember the full name.
  20. Beetletoes

    Beetletoes Regalian Prince

    Jun 1, 2014
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    Also don't forget vamp klein mafia
  21. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Anyone who was around for the Vampire attacks on the Dragon District etc last year I think it was? HMU with DEETZ

    Also heres the timeline so far for anyone interested. If you have any details to add, especially like I said for events after the Dragon Crisis and WAY back when Windvale and the Kinded ruled the old Sewers, please fill me in. I'm going to write this out as an IC history when it's all compiled, so it should be a pretty cool RP resource.
  22. studsonsc

    studsonsc the only son.

    May 6, 2013
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  23. DolittleGuy

    DolittleGuy Scrungo Enthusiast

    Aug 20, 2015
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    ah yes...... poppy knocking out shane marth in one hit with a cast iron skillet........ @Katiesc
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
  24. Mandyy_

    Mandyy_ Who am I? I'm the magical Mandy!

    Aug 20, 2015
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  25. CharmedHexes

    CharmedHexes Refugee

    Jun 23, 2019
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    Back in 2017 I was in the sewers in Regalia, with the old colored bases. I owned Red Base and in all honesty my character was half insane, cannibalistic, and yet the most kind in the gang and as he had the deepest pockets he was co-leader. I forget who was there besides @Pugsly10 as Falish, a true leader who was blonde, a minor who did erp and gave Pugsly a ban, Enzo as Shiro, and my ex who was banned for public erp. Yeah.... murder, sex, and slavery at the red base as I luckily went inactive and others got banned. The character’s name was Rajul Nashar and had formerly been Robert Narreja, a mongrel Ithanian Ailor raised to think he was Qadir and celebrate Orc culture... God was I dark.
  26. Brit<3

    Brit<3 Chief of the Damned

    Aug 12, 2018
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    Anyone remember the Harbingers gang ?
  27. Pugsly10

    Pugsly10 The Black Sheep

    Feb 14, 2015
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    excuse me it was CRIMSON because of the old spider-boy Songaskian Vampire infection that has retired from lore. Also, p sure it was 2016-15.

    And yes. Very chaotic, very crazy, very... Very cringy. Edgy beyond belief were we.

    I just remember assaulting the Golden willow with a gang of Wulongs, throwing a spear and screeching. Might be a diff thing tho.
  28. Winterless

    Winterless The MVP of Romance RP

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I love crime
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  29. MyCatBubbles

    MyCatBubbles Massivecrafts Schizo

    Mar 15, 2014
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    your inner australian coming out
  30. Winterless

    Winterless The MVP of Romance RP

    Jul 19, 2014
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  31. CharmedHexes

    CharmedHexes Refugee

    Jun 23, 2019
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    When they were nestled at the base was only 2016. And around that time is when Rajul joined in.
  32. Shendar

    Shendar cursed?

    Aug 20, 2019
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    There was the Laena T'arcana Shendar tribe in late 2016/early 2017, relating with a bunch of Dulofall stuff
  33. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Damn.. I remember running a small cult of teleporting shadow mages back when Shadow Magic was still a thing.. Good times. This was.. 2014-15 I think.. Might be wrong but damn.
    #33 ScaledSupremacy, Aug 22, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019
  34. Shendar

    Shendar cursed?

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Shadow Magic was the shit!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  35. CainsTedTalk

    CainsTedTalk Desert Creatures go brrr

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Dra’lonias will return one day

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