My name is Captain Winston Warrick. A genius man with an incredible knowledge of machinery and engineering. I am known as the leader of the S.P.Beauty that traveled the thousand seas and lands. Searching for my destiny and my dreams. It wasn't easy how I first started as a young lad which I didn't had a choice. So this is my story.
My parents were killed in front of my eyes by a black figure that was standing in the middle of the room. All it said was "Voy a encontrar algún día." Meaning "I will find you someday." Then vanish into thin air, leaving me crying on my parent's side. I never knew who it was ever since that day. Every night I get these nightmares about this black figure, wondering who it is behind the darkness. Then one day, I ran away from my hometown leaving everything behind. I traveled many mountains and cities until one day. I made a ship that can fly high into the skies. At first I didn't know what to call the ship, but without thinking. I called it the S.P.Beauty named after my parents. Simon and Paige Warrick. I set sail recruiting people from all over the world. I been through battles and wars with my crew. Nearly reach the edge of death. Survived these hellish days and still continue on my journey. But, the reason I traveled these many lands and seas is because I am searching for the darkness. The monster who killed my parents. Here in Regalia I shall wait until the day has come where I face the bloody demon. I will say exactly what it said "Voy a encontrar algún día." Meaning "I will find you someday."