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Played Character The Happiness Demon

This character is actively played.
Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Hapi
  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech — Unbound Spirit
  • Age: ???? - Looks to be early 20's
  • Gender / Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, It
  • Religion: None
  • Occult: Exist

Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Dark Purple
  • Skin Color: Blue
  • Hair: Peach
  • Height: 5'4 / 162.56 cm
  • Body Type: Slim
  • Additional Features: Horn on the center of her forehead and a horse tail she likes playing with.

Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Trickster and Illusionist

  • Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
  • Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
  • Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).
  • Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)
  • Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.

  • Languages: Whatever language of the culture they shift themselves to look like.

Plot Hooks:

Mischief and Mayhem

This spirit simply doesn't take anything seriously. They like to goof off, joke around, and sow a little mischief here and there. If there's chaos, she's right there. If there isn't, she'll just cause a problem. Because she's chaotic, she takes the side of whoever serves her bit the best. Sometimes she'll work with you if it seems interesting, sometimes she'll work against you. However, if you catch her interest enough, then she'll stick by your side if only for her own self interest.​


She was spawned from the Happiness Arken at a once famous theater. As a spirit, she would help maintain the theater out of sight, and to make the Happiness Arken's performances even more beautiful than they already were. She came to admire the Arken and that admiration soon turned to love. However, she kept those feelings to herself until one day the Arken stopped showing up to the theater. With the hope of one day earning their affection, the spirit maintained the abandoned stage. Still, the Arken never returned as did no more guests. She believed, one last time, that what was missing to draw the Arken back was simply a good show. She announced a performance at the soon to be reopened theater. Still out of sight, she used her illusions to draw a crowd until opening night. There she revealed herself and the crowd panicked. Never had she expected such a reaction, only imagining the love they had for the Arken would be bestowed onto her. She didn't understand the hostility and couldn't preform as she was attacked. In a rage, she made an audience of corpses instead. From that moment, love turned into pure hatred for the Arken. She fled the theater then and made her way to Regalia, now living by her own whims. Only worried about entertaining herself.​

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Dexterity
Defense Stat: Magic
[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

Strength: 0

Constitution: 2
  • Status Endure
  • Rage Counter
Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 7 - Cutthroat Stance
  • Cutthroat Backstab
  • Cutthroat Target
  • Cutthroat Dodge
  • Cutthroat Flank
  • Theft
  • Improvised Attack
  • Sharp Reflexes
Faith: 0

Magic: 5
  • Magic Warp
  • Magic Cleanse
  • Magic Shove
  • Magic Disengage
  • Magic Snare
  • Shapeshift Pack-Magic Variant (free)
  • Mind Control Pack-Magic Variant (free)
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