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The Growing Thicket Of Brambles


Who knows, maybe she is mabyelline
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
United States
Roleplay Guilds
The Pale Flame Lounge

This letter can be found pinned on various announcement boards, though they are more prominent in areas of the city where Mages are known to hang around or to live.

The letters that have found their way to our homes and announcement boards are a disturbing force, something that many of us could agree on. First it was the conclusion of the Honor Trial, now the 'Undeniable Truth' from the Ministry of Truth that was supposed to help those who were once Afflicted. What was once a caring hand has turned into something stern, something filled with hatred. The same can be said of the Knights, an assembly that was once revered as a protector has now begun to stir fear within the hearts of many.

Whatever the conclusion and whatever path was intended or not, this is where we find ourselves. We have been met with forces of hatred for those who bear the title Mage, for those whose ears are pointed, for those who are gifted in the ways of the Occult, for those who are not Unionists or the correct Unionist. Some of us would be willing to say that the Kathar are corrupt and should be watched closely. Many of us would be willing to agree that the Afflicted must be cured and those of the Afflicted that cannot be cured, may need to meet their end. Many more of us are against working with Demons– either as a servant or a contractor.

However, what we are not against are the races of each person. We are not against the practice of the Occult for good. We are not against the loving and "appeasement" of Mages. The hate that is being nurtured is dangerous. The ideas of "good-standing Mages" may have been good-willed at first, but now we play a dangerous game that flirts with the persecution of anyone known to be a Mage, to be a Neiflen, or to be in love with any of these categories. There are undoubtedly more to be listed here, that is a certainty. These examples are simply the ones that are made openly and with a sense of righteousness.

It cannot be said for certain what this will mean for those of us who are Mages, Neiflen, "appeasers" of Mages, or those who are vaguely Occult. All that can be said is that there is fear being bred, that this hatred will undoubtedly grow into a thicket of brambles. Chop away such thorns where you can. Avoid paths that are overgrown with such brambles. Prepare to travel another path if the thicket becomes too overgrown to manage. Watch carefully over the ones you love, as thickets are not always needed to snare a person.

With Wishes of Safety,

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Loyal Servant of the Empire

Despite what the Lothar may say.
A young Mage, with long ears some might compare to knives, had stopped by one of said announcement boards on their walk home from their night out, as they had gotten used to seeing the occasional important post, especially recently. They quickly spied the letter, slowly reading over it with a growing excitement.
Why should knights be feared, not as protectors, but as intimidators?
Why should all Occult folks be grouped together under one negative label?
Why should Neiflen be ostracised and othered?
Why should said group's partners be attacked?

The young occultist looks around, making sure nobody's watching, before pulling a thornless rose out of their hair, and pinning to board next to the flier. As they continue on their way, they place these flowers onto as many announcement boards as they can find.

This letter can be found pinned on various announcement boards, though they are more prominent in areas of the city where Mages are known to hang around or to live.

The letters that have found their way to our homes and announcement boards are a disturbing force, something that many of us could agree on. First it was the conclusion of the Honor Trial, now the 'Undeniable Truth' from the Ministry of Truth that was supposed to help those who were once Afflicted. What was once a caring hand has turned into something stern, something filled with hatred. The same can be said of the Knights, an assembly that was once revered as a protector has now begun to stir fear within the hearts of many.

Whatever the conclusion and whatever path was intended or not, this is where we find ourselves. We have been met with forces of hatred for those who bear the title Mage, for those whose ears are pointed, for those who are gifted in the ways of the Occult, for those who are not Unionists or the correct Unionist. Some of us would be willing to say that the Kathar are corrupt and should be watched closely. Many of us would be willing to agree that the Afflicted must be cured and those of the Afflicted that cannot be cured, may need to meet their end. Many more of us are against working with Demons– either as a servant or a contractor.

However, what we are not against are the races of each person. We are not against the practice of the Occult for good. We are not against the loving and "appeasement" of Mages. The hate that is being nurtured is dangerous. The ideas of "good-standing Mages" may have been good-willed at first, but now we play a dangerous game that flirts with the persecution of anyone known to be a Mage, to be a Neiflen, or to be in love with any of these categories. There are undoubtedly more to be listed here, that is a certainty. These examples are simply the ones that are made openly and with a sense of righteousness.

It cannot be said for certain what this will mean for those of us who are Mages, Neiflen, "appeasers" of Mages, or those who are vaguely Occult. All that can be said is that there is fear being bred, that this hatred will undoubtedly grow into a thicket of brambles. Chop away such thorns where you can. Avoid paths that are overgrown with such brambles. Prepare to travel another path if the thicket becomes too overgrown to manage. Watch carefully over the ones you love, as thickets are not always needed to snare a person.

With Wishes of Safety,

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Loyal Servant of the Empire

Despite what the Lothar may say.
Once again a one eyed Fin'ullen arrives to post another bit of graffiti, this time a bit more long form. It reads "Sometimes to deal with racists, bigots and nobles that don't give a rats about you, you need to rip them out, root and stem. No more."