The Grey Fool's Regrets

I saw the light at the end, and I ran for it. I bloody ran like a coward-- there were still others in the Under. I...I was one of the first out. We all got out...No, I'sn't thinking of them, I was thinking of myself. 'Teroa, Gwenion; if I never see them again, bloody Void, if I never see my wife and son again,' that's what I thought to myself. That's why I ran. But I also waited to make sure they all got out. May I be forgiven-- I waited for'em.

I watched each face as the sunlight hit it, terrified faces that I could tell felt the same guilt I did. As Santi drew into the light, I reached to clap a hand on his shoulder. I didn't know many of those there, but I knew him and 'Renzo. Those two'd gotten out, at least, and most others. We all were pouring into the street, confused-- Spirit must've smiled on us, 'cause no guards were abouts. Everyone was trying to find each other, and some were hurt bad.

Eventually, we realized that two were missing. Bloody Void. We'd left two of'em down there, in that hole. I could still hear Greygate collapsing, could've looked right over my shoulder and seen its spires sinking. They were dying even as we stood ou'there, licking our buggin' wounds and hoping we'd see'em come staggering out. Spirit, may they rest, we stood there waiting, hearts pounding desperately. No one else came. No one else.

The whole time, some fools in hoods just...stared at us, there. I'unno what they wanted, but with those eyes, methinks they knew what we did. 'Renzo said to fight'em, and I was one of those uninjured, so I got ready to cast. They ran off right quick, but I still dunno what they wanted. He said they were sanguines, but there's no way that's all. They were watching too carefully. And besides, what'd they be doing right under the morning Sun? Sanguines, pah.

'Renzo wanted to celebrate. How could he want to do such a thing at a time like that? Even if people'dn't died, we all barely got out. Spirit, to be joyous at that...I went home to rest and see my wife and son. I needed'a hold'em.


No, I didn't know how many'd die. Void, I never even thought of it. It was just...somethin' we were doing. So many people died. Void, so many people. What's the count they're thinking? 1400? Void, Void, bloody buggin'...Why did we do it? What did it accomplish?! Now people're just scared. Nothing else. It was a waste. Everyone lost, and nobody even knows why!


Lorenzo knows. And Santiago, too. They planned this. They knew it would happen, and they knew how many people would die. Void...But why'd they want this? It'd've been better off ne'er happening. Now 1400 are dead. Bloody Void.
I killed 1400 people.
I ended 1400 stories.
I can't even write that number out, and that's how many are dead because of my actions.

I wish somebody'd kill me so I don't have to keep looking in water pails and seeing my reflection. The grey fool who killed 1400 people without even thinking about it. What happens if I go off and kill more?
What happens if they do?