The Great Throng Of Monster Hunters


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
After Lord Kade's speech, much of Regalia is abuzz with fear and dread of the strange monsters that have been seen around Regalia and it's surrounding wilderness. However, a call to action has been made by an Url named Sithembisa. It has been posted around the city, and says:

"My Url brethren, I call upon you in Regalia's time of need. We must band together to stop the beats spoken of by Lord Kade. Our superior tracking ability and strength makes us perfect for hunting down creatures, such as the Dopplemaan, Greebleglok, etc. These creatures stalk the city and the wilderness making it unsafe for the meek and timid, and even for the strong and able-bodied.

I call upon the Urls of Regalia to form a throng with me, and combined, we shall patrol the isle in search for these beasts, to send them back to the void where they belong. This holiest of cities needs to be defended, lest she fall to the monsters void-bent on destroying her. That is what I, Sithembisa, ask of you. I am not hard to find, due to my Giraffe-like head and dark skin. Seek me out, and I shall give you the details you need.

For the other races of man and elf who are susceptible to the embrace of the Oorl worm, I encourage you to take on your new form as an Url to protect this fair city. Your eyes shall be opened to the new way of living, and to your newfound strength and freedom. That is all I have to say."

Basically, I am looking to form a throng of Urls to protect the city from the monsters spoken of by Pericuriam in his speech. I encourage people to join with their existing Urls, make a new Url character, or turn an existing character into an Url (though the latter may be undesirable to most). We wish to defend the city from these creatures, keeping the citizens safe. I have already spoken to Pericuriam in-character, and his character gave my Url permission to do whatever he felt was necessary to keep Regalia safe. Basically, the only rights we ask for are:

A. The right to carry a weapon in the city to attack these monsters and THESE MONSTERS ONLY. (Don't worry, we won't be going around attacking Thiefy McThiefypants for pick-pocketing. We'll simply report that to the guards)

B. The right to wear a uniform of a purple and yellow scarf to distinguish ourselves from the rest of Url-kind.

C. The right to patrol the city in case of the event of these creatures attacking.

Any of these rights could be negotiated.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to ask any questions. Have a Massive day!
A letter arrives to the Noble Manager's office:

"To The Emperor:

My Lord, I am Sithembisa. I am writting to you to ask for an approved guild charter. I am an Url, and wish to form a throng, who shall be dedicated to the hunting of the monsters sighted around the city.

These creatures pose great threat to the safety and well-being of Regalia's citizens, and I feel as though the Url race's hunting and tracking skills shall prove useful, especially in the tracking of the Dopplemaan, which proved to be of considerable concern to the citizens at the lecture during which these creatures were revealed to the public.

Though I was not previously an Ailor, but instead a Songaskia, I still see Regalia as my home, and She must be defended at all costs. As such, I wish to form this guild, to be know as "The Great Throng of Monster Hunters", to hunt these creatures to extinction. I write to ask for my guild, my throng, if you will, to have rights that the common man may not have. These rights include:

The right to bear arms within the city: without proper weaponry, these creatures would prove difficult to defeat, and even deadly. So, I ask of you, my Lord, for the Throng to be granted the right to carry weapons. These weapons will be used upon the monsters only. They shall not be used in law enforcement, and any member using them for such purposes, shall be guilty of vigilantism. Any reports of law-breaking shall be reported to the proper authority.

The right to wear uniform within the city: our group would be hard to spot without proper uniform. I wish for us to wear a purple and yellow scarf, bearing the insignia of a red lion. This will be worn at all times, on or off duty, to distinguish us from the rest of Url-kind.

The right to patrol and investigate within and around the city: the guild would be nothing without the ability to patrol for any sightings, or for the ability to investigate any reports, of monster sightings. At our headquarters, located at number 2, Tavern Plaza, we have a missive board where any sightings can be reported. These will be for us to investigate, and contracts may be given out to members to complete in a timely manner.

The right to information on the beasts and their activities within the city: our guild would be unable to perform our job correctly unless we had access to the information on these creatures, including and beyond the information presented to the public. As such, I ask for access to any remains of the creatures, for us to gather a scent to better track these creatures down. Without a sense of smell for these creatures, they may be difficult to track. It is especially of importance to have access to the Dopplemaans, so that they may hopefully be recognized before they have chance to murder the person they take the form of.

I do hope these rights are not too much, and that you, my Lord, shall accept our charter. I thank for for taking to time to hear my plea, and bid you a good day.

~Humbly yours,

((@MonMarty ))