The Great Journey Of 307 Ac - Part 2: Serpents Summoning

Their boat was not the only one, but it was perhaps one of the largest. All around them along this sandbar-like island were Slizzar. Many had already shifted into non-Human forms, their colored showing itself and making up a discolored rainbow. On other nearby islands, other Slizzar also existed in the same state of talk, meeting, making fires and preparing. Henric ensured that their ship was secured before turning to them all. He told them all to be merry and joyous, as was the time, but reminded them that tomorrow morning he expected them all to be back at their vessel so they could proceed back to their transportation home. He then continued to enter into his natural form after a brief disrobement, his full length and red-to-yellow tendrils appearing. He would then move off, though mentioning that if any newcomers so wished to join him, they could.

He weaved in and out of the crowd, leading the likes of Ssenli, a female Slizzar from their group, and Rhett through their own kind before he came to his targets: two Slizzar still in Semi-Shifted form.

"My friends…" Henric began in Zasta, and they all fell into earnest conversation as the two companions conversed with Henric and his own two companions.

But soon, the time was near, and heavy bells were rung across the different islands. All the Slizzar then turned toward the waves. An almost eerie hum began, an ancient tune, as they began to enter the water between all of the different little islands. Some slithered, some walked, but as they all slipped under the waves, the sound grew far more powerful. The tune wafted up and down, a hypnotic sound, as darkness slowly claimed the sky. The Eclipse in the sky that happened every January 5th had begun and was set to be one of the longest in recent years. But beneath the waves, a great and beautiful place opened up to the Slizzar.

In its prime, Ssasrakand had stood high above the waves, a towering temple to the Deep Sea Serpents and the Faith of Ness. Now, underwater, its majesty was tarnished but not destroyed. The central tower was half-tumbled, with a spare few spires still pointed upward and easily touched for anyone swimming at the surface. Deeper down, the vast courtyard that had stood around the central tower and had once been filled with gardens of both water and vegetation now grew only sea plants. Their emerald green, ribbonous tendrils wafted lightly in the marine currents. Then, there were the walls that had once surrounded the temple. Low but beautifully decorated, they now lay against the sandy bottom.

The Slizzar changed their voices under the waves. From humming, it evolved into a beautiful series of tones as all approached their holy site and as the sun continued to grow darker. Just then, lyrics began to be added and an underwater ballet of sorts commenced. A rapid, fluid reenactment of Nessrassian mythology played out, with dozens of Slizzar slipping into the scene as the entire gathering narrated the event in rolling, rhyming Zasta. Red and black tinged Slizzar formed Isskarno, green and yellow made Ssaliden, red, pink and orange made Karidssa, white and black formed Kakonissa while blue and white made Vailess. The Slizzar who participated swam and danced like schools of fish, the ground of Isskarno "eating" the other smaller groups as the song continued to describe the traditional mythology. Far above, a single Slizzar hovered, one of the few who wore robes of any kind. These were robes of golden silk and the figure, in a Semi-Shifted Form with yellow tendril-hair remained above the swirling display. But at last, the final Ssepston to be devoured was Kakonissa, and it was at this moment that the Eclipse began.

The song immediately stopped, the water filled with total silence as Isskarno had consumed all and was alone in his power. His massive form swam around and down while everyone watched on in silence. But then, it was at this time that the single Slizzar came down like lightning through the water and right into the formation of Isskarno, bloated and giving all Slizzar within it room enough to swim. But with this action, the form of Isskarno opened, Ssaliden's group making first contact with the golden Slizzar and they immediately tore three of the billowing silk fabric pieces off of the costume. They gave them to the other Ssepston groups, and soon all were now circling and swirling as a chanting melody came up from the Slizzar, all in Zasta, which formed a mighty noise. "And so all the Gods were reborn as divine! And Isskarno was bruised but not killed! And Ssaliden became even more crafty! And Karidssa became even more beautiful! And Kakonisa became even more treacherous! And Vailess became the greatest whisper in the world!"

Then, the entire group exploding into a new Zastan melody that practically shook the water, a unison of angelic voices. "Oh come oh come, return to us our Gods, restore us all to what we were before! Give the gift of eternity upon us, grant us life uplifted, oh Gods oh Gods, come back to us!" Then, the melody continued, with other lines, overlapping each other but many were now quieter in their singing as they mentally added their own prayers to the whole attempt. Some at the edges of the group turned outward, to the small passages between the islands that led out to the sea, hoping for one of their Ssepston to return...but just like every year since the fall of the Essa Empire, none did. The eclipse now began to end and so the attempt to summon the Ssepston also did, with a final long crescendo note that ended into relative quiet.

Minor cheers came up from the gathering as everyone began to slowly disperse, with chants of "May He consume them all again!" and "May they forever battle!" stated intermittently. The water dancers took a break, lazily swimming and speaking amongst each other, many were complete strangers but had joined in the presentation either on a whim or a will. It was never planned for beforehand, merely having evolved into a natural and well known orchestrated dance since the first one occurred in 300 AC, a bit of added worship to the gods to try and compel them to show themselves. Slowly though, everyone came to leave the water and return to the sands. The real party was about to begin.
OOC: There are three parts to this story, and you can read the other two parts here (Part 1) and here (Part 3). I hope everyone enjoyed having a read and consider making their own Slizzar character in the future. If you do, feel free to message me, I have plenty of useful information and documents to help you out. For all those Slizzar out there who are NOT in this post, please contact me! I would enjoy to try and include you in my Slizzar group.
Tag list for those in the Ophid Union: @HoshiWomp @NoRezForYou @HereticTakao @EagleEyeKK @Havsbris_ @PuffyPigeon @The_Western_Fox @Chiruda @AngelWho2013