I - Introduction
II - Ranking Structure
III - Membership Application
Formed by the Nodier twins, this establishment believes in the utterly true fact that some people are more civilized than others. That while it is the duty of the civilized to teach these savages the ways of orderly conduct - it can be tiresome. So, the brothers founded this club to ensure that whenever the dung of the city has those of higher calling in a disheartened mood, they may find a place to fall back upon. Having stumbled upon tales and documents of an older club much akin to the design of this one, the older twin, Charles, began replicating much of the ways of old in order to ascertain a sense of foundation in old roots.
All members of the organization, other than the twins themselves, are kept secret. A dress code is required within the establishment in which one is always required to be wearing a mask to conceal their identity. This allows all men and women within to focus more on the social aspects of life, rather than focusing on the political side of life. An escape from the dull atmosphere of The Assembly, the Consul, or noble duties. A uniform to wear is also provided to any who join so they may not be identifiable from their regular attire.
An artist's depiction of the fabled noble woman who founded the original Golden Peacock.
Ranking Structure
Les fondateurs
The administrative head of the organization, The Founders.
Classe de noblesse
The noble class of the organization, only obtainable via blue blood.
Classe commune
The common class of the organization. Given to any who join that are not of noble birth, but still show a civilized demeanor.
La classe ouvrière
The staff of the socialite club. Either applicable to any servants of nobility within the organization who've requested membership, or those who wish to directly serve the organization.
Classe inférieure
Those of non-ailor race, but who have been championed by someone of Classe de noblesse to be allowed entry into the club.
Membership Application
Simply fill out the below application and submit via conversation to either myself or @Eremophobia
- IG Name:
- Character Name:
- Class applying for:
- Character application (N/A is allowed):
- Discord / Skype:
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