• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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The Frontier Armada Is Recruiting

A notice was pinned on public boards, addressed to the people of the Empire.


The Frontier Armada seeks brave and loyal Regalians to serve on its ships; to carve their paths into the history books that will one day speak of our battles on the seas and along the coasts against the Songaskians in the Second Hadravian War.

In particular, the fleet is seeking individuals with the following skills:
  • sailors;
  • navigators;
  • gunners;
  • men with experience at fighting in close quarters, who can follow orders and maintain order, and who are eager to learn the ropes on a warship;
  • naval officers and captains;
  • carpenters, surgeons and chefs.

For all enquiries, contact Lieutenant-Admiral Christopher Black in person, or pen a letter expressing interest. All applicants will be required to have their relevant documentation in order in relation to past experience and qualifications (i.e. an approved character application).



Grand Revain of Narlas
Lieutenant-Admiral of the Frontier Armada
Grandmaster of the Open Ocean Merchant Guild​
Dear Grand Revain Black,

I'd love to work on your ships, better stick with people that I know. We should talk soon.

Sincerely , Tanoro Viduggla
P.S I asked for Lizzy's hand in marriage.
The letter was written in a neat Common with watercolor paint,

Christopher Black,

Hello, Mister Black. I wish to join your group. I'm not much of a fighter since my crippling in 289 but I've got my experience on ships and can cook and heal where necessary. Please consider my application and we can speak in person about any details.

Be well,
Mama Yahdga
The letter ended with a small butterfly elegantly painted beneath her name.
Lieutenant-Admiral of the Frontier Armada,

I'm writing this letter to, hopefully, allow me to be in the Frontier Armada. I know the seas well, as what taught by uncle, Alvaro. Though compared to him, I have much to learn, but I know what to do well nonetheless. Hopefully you'd consider my letter.

Spirit Bless you and your war effort,
Oskar de Santigo
Lieutenant-Admiral Black,

I am writing to request that my crew and vessel be allowed to join the Navy vessels of the Frontier Armada. We have recently returned from our first cruise and our success has made us eager to join in further battle for the Empire.

My deepest thanks for your consideration,

Captain Konrad Heinrich, Regalian Navy, the Furious
Lieutenant Admiral Black,

I write to you now to request that I be placed under your command in theFrontier Armada. I am a retired Maritime Commander and have much Knowledge on captaining ships, as well as fighting in close quarters. I hope you'll consider my request.

Spirit Bless,
Javier Enriquez de Santigo
Dear Grand Revain Black,

I'd love to work on your ships, better stick with people that I know. We should talk soon.

Sincerely , Tanoro Viduggla
P.S I asked for Lizzy's hand in marriage.
The letter was written in a neat Common with watercolor paint,

Christopher Black,

Hello, Mister Black. I wish to join your group. I'm not much of a fighter since my crippling in 289 but I've got my experience on ships and can cook and heal where necessary. Please consider my application and we can speak in person about any details.

Be well,
Mama Yahdga
The letter ended with a small butterfly elegantly painted beneath her name.
Lieutenant-Admiral of the Frontier Armada,

I'm writing this letter to, hopefully, allow me to be in the Frontier Armada. I know the seas well, as what taught by uncle, Alvaro. Though compared to him, I have much to learn, but I know what to do well nonetheless. Hopefully you'd consider my letter.

Spirit Bless you and your war effort,
Oskar de Santigo
Lieutenant Admiral Black,

I write to you now to request that I be placed under your command in theFrontier Armada. I am a retired Maritime Commander and have much Knowledge on captaining ships, as well as fighting in close quarters. I hope you'll consider my request.

Spirit Bless,
Javier Enriquez de Santigo
Letters of acceptance were sent to each of the above applicants. Accompanying the Viduggla's was a little picture of a hand-drawn mallet.

Lieutenant-Admiral Black,

I am writing to request that my crew and vessel be allowed to join the Navy vessels of the Frontier Armada. We have recently returned from our first cruise and our success has made us eager to join in further battle for the Empire.

My deepest thanks for your consideration,

Captain Konrad Heinrich, Regalian Navy, the Furious
To the Captain Heinrich,

I write to accept you into the crews of Frontier Armada. Welcome, and may your time with us be filled with honour and glory. Your crew members, however, will be required to each, individually apply in order to join. Please send them my way if they wish to pursue such. Similarly, at this time, your vessel will not be required as you'll be working on one of our glorious naval ships.​

Glory to the Empire,
Christopher Black.​
To the Captain Heinrich,

I write to accept you into the crews of Frontier Armada. Welcome, and may your time with us be filled with honour and glory. Your crew members, however, will be required to each, individually apply in order to join. Please send them my way if they wish to pursue such. Similarly, at this time, your vessel will not be required as you'll be working on one of our glorious naval ships.
Glory to the Empire,
Christopher Black.​
Receiving the letter, Konrad is somewhat uneasy about leaving the Furious, but the Navy knows best, and his excitement about joining the armada overcomes his unease, and he stoops back to his desk to pen a reply;


It would be my deepest pleasure to command, or even merely sail upon, one of the vessels of your fine Armada, and I hope to prove myself invaluable to your Lordship.

Spirit Bless,

Captain Konrad Heinrich, Royal Navy, Frontier Armada
Dear Lieutenant Admiral Black,
To work on your ships would be a great honour and would be an adventure of a lifetime for me. Even to do a small bit, just to be there would be great.

Spirit Bless

Aaron De Girard
Dear Lieutenant Admiral Black,
To work on your ships would be a great honour and would be an adventure of a lifetime for me. Even to do a small bit, just to be there would be great.

Spirit Bless

Aaron De Girard
To Mr. De Girard,

We will require to see some documents relating to your past experiences and qualifications (i.e. an approved character sheet) before we can accept you into the Frontier Armada's ranks. Please supply such documents at your earliest convenience, and then we shall speak more.​

All the best,
Christopher Black.​
To my dearest friend Grand Revain Christopher Black

I think you know well that I'm aching to join the war efforts. I'm ready to travel off to war, and I'd love it if you let me come along your armada.

Darius Silevon,
Captain of the Tiger's Fang
Dear Lieutenant Admiral Black

I would like to serve in your armada. As you know I am a dismissed Inspector Admiral and a current Wing Admiral. It would be an honor to help.

Alfons Birkwood
Wing Admiral of The Regalian Navy
High Officer of the Bronze Antler mercenary organization

To my dearest friend Grand Revain Christopher Black

I think you know well that I'm aching to join the war efforts. I'm ready to travel off to war, and I'd love it if you let me come along your armada.

Darius Silevon,
Captain of the Tiger's Fang
Letters of acceptance were sent to each of the above applicants.