The Frisky Pearl Tavern

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The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
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"Tavern is the best meeting place. If one party is late, the other gets to drink."

Once a mere underground pub, the Frisky Pearl has since evolved to a much more pronounced and admired top-side tavern amongst the common folk. Whether you find the craving for a good drink, a place to rest your feet, or a spot to enjoy a fine fight and bet, you can be assured the Pearl will have something to offer you. Welcoming to all classes, the cozy interior both above and below is open to all individuals who don't seek to cause a fuss within this place of pleasure.

With the new map comes a new building! The Obscure Oyster has upgraded to a proper top-side building while still holding its underbelly for more shadier dealings and primarily event hosting, only now with a new owner and new name. Gambling, pit fighting, merc work, contracts, and all sorts of other dirty business will follow with time. However, the pub will always be open for a fine drink and banter with friends!

The building can be found within a small courtyard adjacent to the hospital and main cathedral. It rests pleasantly along the river in the southwestern portion of the city, just beside the bridge leading from the back of the Regalian Cathedral.





The owner of the establishment and overseer of the business as a whole.
Kailu Frisque (@Timisc)

Pearl Council
The heads of the business. These are the most trusted within the business and are tasked with ensuring the pub is running effectively. They observe the work of the staff and report back to the owner with any concern or praise and see his orders are fulfilled. Extra tasks are dependant on individuals and will be shared should such a person rise to the occasion.​
Heads of Staff
The various heads of the other positions. These are the people who ensure the rest of their department is performing their job to business standards and are not risking the business with their actions. These individuals are also expected to report to the council weekly with updates.​
  • Head Bartender - Vacant
  • Head Bouncer - Vacant
  • Head Entertainer - Vacant
The beating heart of every tavern. The bartenders are in charge of serving drinks and waiting tables should the need arise. These are the friendly, welcoming faces of the establishment who keep the patrons coming back again and again.
Irjhat (@ETrees)
Dhorn Borbek (@CrookedChrona)

The mediators. The bouncers are the peacekeepers of the tavern, stepping in when things get too far out of hand. They also tend to the fighting pits to ensure everything remains efficient and there are no unwanted issues.
Jusso Caill (@Vegemiite)

The life of the party. The entertainers range from singers to card dealers and anything in between, though leaving the more touchy entertainment to the brothels of the city. These individuals keep the patrons charmed and happy and offer more to do than merely sitting around drinking.



Discord is required for communication and you will receive an invite should you be accepted. Furthermore, hiring is as much IC as it is OOC. Trust must be earned and should you be rejected for any reason you can always prove us wrong through interactions.
Character Name:
Character App:
Position: (Bartender, Bouncer, Entertainer, etc. If there is a custom position you want you can pitch such in your letter.)
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: (If so, why?)
Letter: (IC letter to the owner of the business, Kailu Frisque, expressing why they should consider hiring you. Put the letter in a spoiler.)​
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IGN: CrookedChrona
Character Name: Dhorn Borbek
Character App: Here
Position: Bartender and/or Bouncer
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: Nope
Dear Mister Kailu Frisque,
I am a looking for work and I am a working man having taken up more than one job in the past. I have experience with bartending in the past for the Lunar Club, owned by Giovani, as well as bouncing for more than one establishment. Bouncing where need be can be done on my part but bartending is my focus. I am also a self-taught herbalist and medic so if medical attention is needed, I am available.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
-Dhorn Borbek
IGN: TeenySeaTrash
Character Name: Séamus Gallagher
Character App: Cheers
Position: Bartender
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: Nada
To who it concerns,
Catching wind of your bar looking for bartenders, I figured an experienced one such as myself would do you well. I've worked for several in fact, albeit small ones. Still, I can handle my business like I can handle my ale.

Séamus Gallagher
IGN: Nixces
Character Name: Essua Alvera
Character App: He's not here yet <3
Position: Bartender
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: N/a

To whom it may concern,

I pray this letter reaches you in good health, I write to you on account of looking for work. I've wandered into your tavern a few times and have befriended a few staff. Dhorn can vouch for my reliability and mature mannerisms if that is any concern. I can be a help to your establishment as I live plenty close by and can send out troublemakers if need be with as little trouble as possible.


IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Azra min Eazim
Character App: (Preferred
Position: Mascot
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: N-no
Make me your mascot, everyone loves me. I bring HAPPINESS TO ALL.
IGN: DankDan
Character Name:
Daniel Sirgrauth
Character App:
Position: Bouncer
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: No.
To who it may concern,
I am looking for different jobs in seek of coin and I found out this establishment of yours was looking for bouncers and other positions related to it. I do not have experience in being a bouncer for a Tavern, though I do have Guard experience, being an Ex-Hightower and Violet, though I do not serve anymore and I am now a Mercenary. I'd appreciate if you accepted my petition and I'll do my best to keep the unwanted out of the property so everyone's time in the business can be enjoyed.



(Sorry, typed this on my phone and it's being a lil shiet about it, so pardon the thiccer text and all)
IGN: Vegemiite
Character Name: Jusso Caill
Character App:íll.71266/
Position: Bouncer
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: No
Kailu Frisque,

We already spoke in person regarding my skills yet to redocument them for your records;
1. Warrior of the Xasters in Drowda.
2. Pit fighter of Hallonq.
3. Skilled mercenary.

I look forward to working with you as a bouncer for this establishment.
Highest regards,
Jusso Caill.
IGN: Mistles
Character Name: Aamir Ahmadi
Character App:
Position: Bartender
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: I have not, no!
To whomever it may concern!

I see you've got a hell of a pub up and running out in Old Town and, considering I live there and adore tending to bars, I was hoping perhaps I could catch a job here. I used to tend to the bar at the Lunar Club, and Dhorn did mention he could vouch for me if need be.
You won't need to pay me all too much either, because I honestly find the work to be rewarding in itself! I honestly think I can help bring in customers, as talking and inviting people in is truly something I love to do. And hey- If you ever need an extra entertainer, I'm always up for a bit of sing and dance to liven up the mood!
I was hoping to ask you in person, but unfortunately I've not seen you about, I hope you receive this letter, and I wait eagerly for your reply!

Signed, Aamir Ahmadi
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Character Name:

Tyliss Kra'zzla

Character App:

In process of being made.



Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?:


Dear Mr. Frisque

I write to you for I am interested in acquiring a job at your establishment, more specifically I wish to become a bartender at the Frisky Pearl. I have over thirty years of bartending experience, having worked in bars and taverns for most of my life. I am also a skilled linguist, which may come in handy should there be a patron who struggles with common.

- All the best, Tyliss Kra'zzla
IGN: Find out IC
Character Name: Yingtao
Position: Bartender & Entertainer.
To those who may be reading this,

I desire a place in your establishment as both or either someone behind a counter or working in entertainment. I've past experience in each role, though the only establishment I imagine you're aware of would be the hidden dragon. Rather than listing a long letter, I do hope to demonstrate my ability in person.

IGN: sllurrpp
Character Name: Elise Everstone
Character App: Here
Position: Bartender.
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: Nopee.
To whom this may concern,
I'm Elise Everstone, seeking work at The Pearl Tavern. I believe I'd be a helpful bartender, I can strike up a conversation whilst others drink and due to having basic medical knowledge, I believe I'd be able to aid those who are hurt, since I've seen some fights break out. I don't think I'll be a good bouncer due to me lacking combat skills and I barely have any entertaining talents, I hope you consider me for my desired position.


IGN: JellyTwinOne
Character Name: Ailleann Ni'Briain
Character App: boop
Position: Bartender (or head bartender)
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: Nope
Kailu Frisque,
I've noticed that you are looking for a bartender. I have visited the Frisky Pearl a few times as well and I find the location very intriguing. I believe that I would be suited for the job because I know 5 languages, so it would be easier for me to communicate with customers, and I'm a very good conversationalist. I hope you consider and I eagerly wait your reply.
Ailleann Ní Briain
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