The First Petal Falls

The first petal falls.


The faint sound of rustling paper and then the sound of the crumpling it as well as the loud beating heart is all that reaches Raina's ears. The silence within the large estate seeming to be haunting the young girl. The dimly lit room, the only light coming from the slowly dying candle on the dresser that sat snugly up against the bed. As the silence finally seemed to sink into the young girl's mind all seemed to shatter slowly. Her once strong heart slowly cracking back into its seemingly natural fragile state. In that moment she felt her breath slowly leaving her before a sickening sob left her lips as she crumpled down onto her bed. As much as she'd hate to admit, her tears still flowed even after the fragile whispered promise of not being sad she'd made earlier that day with her close friend. The already crumpled up letter still within her grasps as her fragile body wracked with broken sobs, laying on her bed.

It was already late into the night with the moon already high in the sky as she laid there in her bed. Her sobs the only sound reaching her ears for a time until the sound of familiar purring accompanied with the tickle of fur on her arm. The girl would jerk back, ready to let out a frightened scream but it quickly died in her throat seeing her eldest cousin's cat sitting there next to her on the bed. A couple of shaky breaths later as well as feeling the stickiness of fresh hot tears on her cheeks, the cat would move closer to the young girl. She'd let out a choked sob before moving to grasp the fluffy cat in her arms, her eldest cousins precious cat who had been passed down to her now that word of her death reached the archipelago. Credence, the surprisingly loyal feline moved to rub his head against the girls tear ridden cheek in almost an attempt of comfort. As the young girl struggled to stifle her sobs once more as another purr would reach her ears as the young kitten that was brought to her before Marianne left to Loiree, being told to take care of the young feline. The kitten would make its way up to curl up on her lap next to the older cat, the calmness of the two beginning to ease the young girl's tears.

As the broken sobs died down an eery silence entered the room once more besides the quiet purring of the two cats. Soon the broken girl began to pet the soft fur of the larger cat before she moved to quietly stand up after nudging the cats away from her. Raina would move to pick up the candle carefully before making her way to the door and attempting to move her way through the house to the piano on the second floor. As she cautiously moved throughout the house, nearly slipping once or twice on the stairs she had made her way over towards the piano like she had done the previous day. After setting down the candle in a safe place and lighting a couple of other candles, still being careful to not wake anyone in the house.

The young girl would sit down at the piano, carefully opening the cover to the piano keys as she moved to pick out a piece she had previously mastered before moving on to her recent song. Once she had calmed her shaking hands she'd move to let her fingers dance freely over the keys, letting the faint melody play throughout the silent house. She kept the piano quiet as she let her mind wander as she played, letting out a shaky breath before pulling away from the piano after playing the final note. She'd move to clean up the area, staying as quiet as possible before moving to step away from the room and made her ascent up to her room once more.

As the young girl made her way back into her room once cleaning up the fact that she had been awake at this hour, a faint whisper on the wind making her stop in the middle of her room. After getting over the chilling feeling she'd step over to her bed, blowing out the candle before laying back into the bed as she fell into a dreamless slumber. As the young girl fell asleep, a soft breeze blew past the bouquet of peonies and a single petal falling off and into the darkness of the room.
The first petal falls.


The faint sound of rustling paper and then the sound of the crumpling it as well as the loud beating heart is all that reaches Raina's ears. The silence within the large estate seeming to be haunting the young girl. The dimly lit room, the only light coming from the slowly dying candle on the dresser that sat snugly up against the bed. As the silence finally seemed to sink into the young girl's mind all seemed to shatter slowly. Her once strong heart slowly cracking back into its seemingly natural fragile state. In that moment she felt her breath slowly leaving her before a sickening sob left her lips as she crumpled down onto her bed. As much as she'd hate to admit, her tears still flowed even after the fragile whispered promise of not being sad she'd made earlier that day with her close friend. The already crumpled up letter still within her grasps as her fragile body wracked with broken sobs, laying on her bed.

It was already late into the night with the moon already high in the sky as she laid there in her bed. Her sobs the only sound reaching her ears for a time until the sound of familiar purring accompanied with the tickle of fur on her arm. The girl would jerk back, ready to let out a frightened scream but it quickly died in her throat seeing her eldest cousin's cat sitting there next to her on the bed. A couple of shaky breaths later as well as feeling the stickiness of fresh hot tears on her cheeks, the cat would move closer to the young girl. She'd let out a choked sob before moving to grasp the fluffy cat in her arms, her eldest cousins precious cat who had been passed down to her now that word of her death reached the archipelago. Credence, the surprisingly loyal feline moved to rub his head against the girls tear ridden cheek in almost an attempt of comfort. As the young girl struggled to stifle her sobs once more as another purr would reach her ears as the young kitten that was brought to her before Marianne left to Loiree, being told to take care of the young feline. The kitten would make its way up to curl up on her lap next to the older cat, the calmness of the two beginning to ease the young girl's tears.

As the broken sobs died down an eery silence entered the room once more besides the quiet purring of the two cats. Soon the broken girl began to pet the soft fur of the larger cat before she moved to quietly stand up after nudging the cats away from her. Raina would move to pick up the candle carefully before making her way to the door and attempting to move her way through the house to the piano on the second floor. As she cautiously moved throughout the house, nearly slipping once or twice on the stairs she had made her way over towards the piano like she had done the previous day. After setting down the candle in a safe place and lighting a couple of other candles, still being careful to not wake anyone in the house.

The young girl would sit down at the piano, carefully opening the cover to the piano keys as she moved to pick out a piece she had previously mastered before moving on to her recent song. Once she had calmed her shaking hands she'd move to let her fingers dance freely over the keys, letting the faint melody play throughout the silent house. She kept the piano quiet as she let her mind wander as she played, letting out a shaky breath before pulling away from the piano after playing the final note. She'd move to clean up the area, staying as quiet as possible before moving to step away from the room and made her ascent up to her room once more.

As the young girl made her way back into her room once cleaning up the fact that she had been awake at this hour, a faint whisper on the wind making her stop in the middle of her room. After getting over the chilling feeling she'd step over to her bed, blowing out the candle before laying back into the bed as she fell into a dreamless slumber. As the young girl fell asleep, a soft breeze blew past the bouquet of peonies and a single petal falling off and into the darkness of the room.