The Fitness and Trainer's Club
"Make the body a temple of your soul!"
Introduction Papers
The Fitness and Trainer's Clubs' main goal is to provide a easy and efficient fitness course that helps all races and both men and women to maintain a healthy body or gain a healthy body. The fee for entry and courses is 15 regals monthly. Open and daily work-outs will be open for all who join, providing: Weight Lifting, Endurance and Physic Training, Muscle and Body Building and Base-line Acrobatics and Cardio.
You will be able to find classes in the Dark Lady Emporium's Pit. Curtsey of the Ardelan Family and Boxer Iannis Ardelan for allowing the FTC to be able to use the equipment and pit to be able to have classes and training sessions. Training and Classes will be halted and stopped when the Emporium Boxing League has a tournament
Alongside basic physic training. A few on-side trainers will be there to support and lead classes.
Postions for the FTC are varied through what the person wants to keep up with, each having their own personal head trainer.
Weights & Strength
The Weights and Strength corse will follow your muscle mass and raw strength. Working well with Strongman and Muscular built people. Here you will follow through top heavy training with weights, and leg and quads exercises. You will mostly build and maintain large amounts of muscle in this class
Lead by: Markolf Siegward
Cardio and Endurance
Cardio and Endurance classes will focus on maintaining fat and strengthening O2 capacity in the lungs to allow for better endurance and maintaining of a ripped body. People in the cardio and Endurance classes will mostly follow long running courses, and basic exercises such as push ups and pull ups.
Lead by:
Acrobatics and Physic
Acrobatics and Physic focuses on the flexibility on a person and works well with getting or maintaining an average or ripped body and will help a person keep a flexible and lean body, dancing and types of yoga are continuously taught in this course.
Lead by:
This is a Work-out group of course, if you need your character to keep or actually gain a physic fit body then for a small fee you can continuously work-out in the Slum's FTC, regal pay to enter being IC of course. A person applying can also apply to be a trainer, with the right body type of course. Trainers are people that should watch over a session and help start one.
Sign - Up
IC name (Char-Sheet preferred):
Body Build:
(Optional) Trainer:
"Make the body a temple of your soul!"
Introduction Papers
The Fitness and Trainer's Clubs' main goal is to provide a easy and efficient fitness course that helps all races and both men and women to maintain a healthy body or gain a healthy body. The fee for entry and courses is 15 regals monthly. Open and daily work-outs will be open for all who join, providing: Weight Lifting, Endurance and Physic Training, Muscle and Body Building and Base-line Acrobatics and Cardio.
You will be able to find classes in the Dark Lady Emporium's Pit. Curtsey of the Ardelan Family and Boxer Iannis Ardelan for allowing the FTC to be able to use the equipment and pit to be able to have classes and training sessions. Training and Classes will be halted and stopped when the Emporium Boxing League has a tournament
Alongside basic physic training. A few on-side trainers will be there to support and lead classes.
Postions for the FTC are varied through what the person wants to keep up with, each having their own personal head trainer.
Weights & Strength
The Weights and Strength corse will follow your muscle mass and raw strength. Working well with Strongman and Muscular built people. Here you will follow through top heavy training with weights, and leg and quads exercises. You will mostly build and maintain large amounts of muscle in this class
Lead by: Markolf Siegward
Cardio and Endurance
Cardio and Endurance classes will focus on maintaining fat and strengthening O2 capacity in the lungs to allow for better endurance and maintaining of a ripped body. People in the cardio and Endurance classes will mostly follow long running courses, and basic exercises such as push ups and pull ups.
Lead by:
Acrobatics and Physic
Acrobatics and Physic focuses on the flexibility on a person and works well with getting or maintaining an average or ripped body and will help a person keep a flexible and lean body, dancing and types of yoga are continuously taught in this course.
Lead by:
This is a Work-out group of course, if you need your character to keep or actually gain a physic fit body then for a small fee you can continuously work-out in the Slum's FTC, regal pay to enter being IC of course. A person applying can also apply to be a trainer, with the right body type of course. Trainers are people that should watch over a session and help start one.
Sign - Up
IC name (Char-Sheet preferred):
Body Build:
(Optional) Trainer:
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