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The Dragovich Arrangement


catgirl enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score


15 April 306 AC
Treaty Concerning Mutual Defense of the Vladno
Hereby known as
The Dragovich Arrangement
Scribed by Ippolit Ryzanov

Translated into Common by Kesov Terekhov
By the Honorable Orders of

Patriarch Bolshekov,
Boyar of Kaldekoy, Pepellos, and Thessalonikos, Baron of the Holy Imperial State

Patriarch Kostolansky,
Boyar of Derevna-Moktoboy, Nobleman of the Holy Imperial State

I. Unification of Arms
II. Formation of the Molotok Pakt
III. The Southern Ultimatum
I - Unification of Arms
The Noble Houses of Bolshekov and Kostolansky proclaim to enter into a contract of arms, uniting their respective armies and navies under one banner. This banner shall contain the total of all available armed forces of the houses involved. It shall field under the general command of Baron Radoslav Bolshekov so long as he carries the Spirit's Grace, as determined by his brother boyars.

The banner shall serve to protect the interests of the houses involved, both domestic and abroad. Companies may be dedicated to the State or withheld for independent campaigns at Baron Bolshekov's discretion. Future expansion in arms, whether that be the raising of new levies or ships, shall be dedicated to this united banner immediately.

May the boyar's generalship be marked bloody and fruitful.

II - Formation of the Molotok Pakt
With the matter of continued waxing aggression of foreign powers abroad, House Bolshekov and House Kostolansky have seen fit to unite their interests within the Imperial State, for the purpose of advancing the wellbeing of the Vladno people. The Molotok Pakt shall be placed under the care of Nobleman Bohdan Kostolansky so long as he carries the Spirit's Grace, as determined by his brother boyars.

The titular organization shall serve as the cultural embassy and central political interest lobby for our esteemed Vladno in Tsargrad, the Holy City. It shall be the primary source of education in the Vladno way, and shall work to instill our Vladno ideals into the greater society both in morals and in law.

May the boyar's tenure be marked shrewd and fruitful.

III - The Southern Ultimatum
The tumult in the north has not gone unnoticed. The Vladno have watched as voidfire sweeps over the Archipel, with war replacing peace, with the setting of man against man. Therefore under our Dragovic Arrangement, we so declare that any attempt to bring harm to the Vladno people shall be met with unrelenting hostility. Any foreign attempt to subjugate the lands or people of Brzegz, Etolia, or Svetlost shall be regarded as a violation of Vladno sovereignty. We observe no masters but the Tsar and the Spirit. All others are pagan pretenders.

May the greater nobility heed our words, and be blessed with the Spirit's grace.
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Boyar Radoslav Bolshekov gave a succession of approving nods to the publishing of The Treaty.
"The Spirit is Vladno. And it will protect us." He confirmed.

Juliette peered over the noticed, no doubt curious about the arrangement until she reached the end- where she murmured, "The what and Spirit? Ta-sir?"