The Deception Of Peace

"Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it."
― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein



"Blackmore, hold the bloody doors!" shouted the captain, the situation growing grim by the second.
"Captain, Alexandria is dead! Northgate is on his way out!" claimed the squad medic, having to shout over the consistent banging of the boarded windows and troopers attempting to secure the house. Screaming and shouting could be heard outside, the harrowing voice of their former comrades who they couldn't retrieve in the retreat. "The door won't hold any longer! Do we have a bloody exit?!" exclaimed Blackmore, his body pressed against the boarded doorway, quickly moving out of the way when another trooper toppled a bookcase to cover the door, immediately pushing back into it after exchanging thanks.

"Alright, we have a sighting! North-east of our position is Van Etten, we can make a retreat and relocate to an outpost if they haven't got it already! Wait for the command and find a partner!" announced the captain, his words clear and asserting amongst his soldiers. He'd immediately return his navigation gear, marking a few things before beginning to pack away. Chatter brewing between the soldiers, making their preparations for the move. Soon after, they were met with the sound of swords slashing and agonizing screams as one of the barricades had breached and the other room surrounding with the horrors. Somebody shouted "Bloody stairs, now!" as what left of the crew bolted to the stairwell, the ones at the behind were quickly swarmed by undead. The first floor had been overrun.

As what left of the team crammed into one of the rooms of the second floor. After a few momentary checks, the captain was nowhere to be seen and with that, neither was the map and compass. Blackmore announced to the remainder "We're missing the captain! As the highest ranking member in this room, I am assuming control of the remainder of our forces. If anybody has any objections, speak now!" The room would remain silent, somebody testifying moments after "Let's find a fucking way out of here, now!" The survivors quickly getting themselves into action, smashing the window the room had to reveal a small roof and a small jump which would have the crew capable of getting to the safety another building due to an overhanging balcony.

They quickly mobilized, one by one they would jump and climb up the balcony until they reached their seventh man out of the fifteen remaining, the door had been breached and the undead swarmed the room. The remainder quickly had to find their bearings and move, a girl commanded "Come on! We need to go, now! They're dead already!" They began to sweep the floors, the banging became consistent from downstairs. They surveyed the rooms, gathering what weaponry and supplies they could carry before finding an open window which lead to a way out past the estate's walls. They all successfully made their exits and began to run, navigating from the direction of the sun. After many hours of mindless traveling, they found a glimpse at their saviour, Van Etten. A city in flames, their intel was false.

"Right, who do we have left? Names and roles, now." inquired Blackmore, the now leader of what was left of the Arkroma forces who hadn't retreated to Regalia. "Michaela Jackson. Trained with a sword, an active swordswoman." said one of the girls, another replying "Christine Hitch, Junior Medic. Guess I'm now the senior, non?" One of the men soon but in, waving his hands in a dismissing manner, replying "Alecs Townsend, swordsman. I beat your ass in the pit back in training, remember?" "And I'm just the cook, Mitchell Hardy." butted in another, an awkward staredown meeting the two, unknown if it was intentional to both parties. The final girl spoke, her voice nervous to being the last, answering "Natalia Taenaris, engineer. I maintained the weaponry in the castle before its demise."

"Right then, I'm Andrew Blackmore but you all know that. Van Etten is ablaze and the castle is classified as FUBAR. Our former base of operations has been overrun and it appears we are now the only surviving Arkroma forces in the entirety of Ithania. Now, does anyone have any suggestions on how to unfuck ourselves?" concluded Blackmore, the team staring at him blankly until somebody said something tens of seconds later, Hitch suggested "My hometown is not far from here, it was overrun during the first week but hopefully the undead had dispersed from the cannonfire, non? It's not far from Van Etten, it was why I was so insistent on being based here. We could set up camp in my families house."

The team agreed on the suggestion and all set a march to the town, memories of their former comrades and lives burnt into their memory as they continued, exchanging small talk and banter to try and lighten the mood although, at the end of the day, the only solution is to leave that wretched place and regroup with the rest of the fleet. Happiness is a state of mind, there is no happiness is warfare. Especially when your enemy shows no mercy nor any chance at stopping, anger is the one thing pushing you forward.

...To be continued, boyo's...
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As nightfall grew near, the sky began to fill with a black-tar. The storm clouds grew stronger as the rain began to tap at the remnants of the glass that stood in the abandoned estate which the seven had now made their humble abode for the night. The team sat around the fire they had constructed, their sleeping bags tightly webbed together along with what was left of their supplies.

"So, what's the most awkward sex situation you've all experienced?" questioned Townsend, the question confusing the entirety of the group as they'd all avert their gaze to him, a frown becoming the standard. Hitch began to raise her hand momentarily, the eyes turning on her before she would quickly avert her hand down to scratch the back of her head, a subtle method of making it look natural in some cases. Blackmore began to speak, saying "Well, once I met a Daenroquen gal. Catala, strange but pretty. So, pretty much--"

Blackmore stopped midsentence, the sound of Ithanians speaking outside had the group go into an immediate defense state. They'd all make their way to any weaponry in sight, the sound of the talking stopping as they caught wind as well. "Sortez si vous êtes vivant! Nous sommes à la recherche d'aide, s'il vous plaît!" screamed one of the Ithanians outside, the crew turning their heads in confusion. Townsend responded through the cracks of the boarding "Oi, croissants! We don't want a fight! Leave now and we'll consider letting you live!" Hitch immediately sending a scowl towards him, a shrug being returned back to her.

"S'il vous plaît! Ma femme! Elle est piégée dans notre maison! Les mendiants l'ont entouré!" replied the Ithanian, Hitch giving a quick glance between the members before answering "Nous sommes pire que ça! Je suis désolé, nous ne pouvons pas aider! Veuillez partir. Mes camarades ne sont pas aussi sympathiques que moi!" Jackson began to retreat over to the main crowd, her hand resting on the handle of her arming sword as it would bob up and down in the movement, whispering to the crew "One of them has armor, another has a crossbow. They're armed, we can't risk them giving away the location of our camp, they could come in the night and kill us as we sleep."

Blackmore nodded, his hand raising to signal the team to follow as he'd say "Townsend, Taeneris. With me, now." Slowly creeping over to the blocked up doorway, the Ithanians clearly present outside. He'd press himself up against the wall, lifting the improvised shield and sliding his in his fingers to grip the handles. Taeneris picked up one of the daggers, Townsend readying his arming sword as Blackmore began to count down with his right fingers. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Blackmore smashed through the door, the rain smashing down against the shield as the wind howled as the Ithanians turned their heads, their eyes widening as the crossbow rose to the incoming troopsmen. Thwack, the bolt fired towards the group and landing into Taeneris' shoulder, a scream piercing the storm as Townsend sword ran down the armored Ithanians figure, the blade slicing through the right side of his face taking his eye and his 'beauty' in the first instance. Blackmore charged towards the bowman, swinging the shield across and smashing him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground before beginning to kick and beat the Ithanian mercilessly until he sensed no life.

Both the Ithanians were dead, their weaponry and armor retrieved with Taenaris being the only injured with a bolt to the right shoulder. They sat in their sanctuary once more, Hitch attending to Taeneris' wounds as Jackson and Townsend repaired the barricades. The rain grew thicker and the wind stronger throughout the night, the crew huddled together in their worn sleeping bags which bore blood and dirt from the trek from their former home. They had to think back to their positive training, the bad feelings always end and when they are finished, great things come of it. At least that is what they can hope for.
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Hanging from the roof, Townsend was only moments away from death. Shouting from troops surrounded the area, buildings lighting the black roads shielded by the cover of night. He lifted his hand up to gain some height, his hands slipping from the heat of the fires around him. "Find the Arkroma operative and bring him to me! Don't let those pricks escape!" shouted a voice in the distance, the sound of armed troops patrolling the area accompanied by the moans of the undead, shambling across the street as husks of their former selves.

The rope slipped once, dropping a few inches before it wasn't holding him anymore. He quickly fell to the brick floor, his bergin filled with supplies cushioned his back and head as he experienced Einstein's general theory of relativity. He moaned some swearwords, dazed and in pain from their past experience; his eyes quickly opening as he heard words directed towards him, not that far "Something fell! It's him!" He quickly got off the floor, beginning to limp off deeper into the street until he saw an exit, a poorly constructed wooden door blocking a set of stairs.

As the soldiers got closer, armed with their sabers and longswords as the metal armor grew louder and louder. He quickly rammed through the door; splinters and chunks of wood flying down the stairs as he followed. He landed on the floor, cutting and bruising himself all across his body as he tried his best to get back up and continue his run. He took cover after he got far enough ahead, hiding in the building. He was safe, at least for now. He waited hours and hours before he heard them move out, they considered him dead.

After a few hours, the undead began to pour into the streets following the whole fiasco, luckily he was secured in an improvised safehouse; long abandoned by the state it was in. The air was warm tonight, fueled by the fires caused by the mercenaries tracking him so he left a window open to let some heat out. He stopped and began searching his bag for a bite to eat, wishing the best for his comrades still in the city, following their roles.

He searched long enough, taking out his flask filled with a fine whiskey stolen from the abandoned estates that littered the countryside and a piece of bread. He was ready to call it a night and wait for the horde to scurry off and be somebody else's problem, taking a swig out of his flask and preparing to take a bite out of the bread before hearing the lightest footsteps behind him, right behind him. He quickly turned his head, his hand reaching for his dagger but it was too late. Something hard whacked over his head as it all began to turn red, his conscious fading away. He got what he wanted at least, just not in the fashion he would have liked.

Sorry if this isn't the best of work or seems out of the loop. Very rusty and I struggle to read large paragraphs. The other two should be done within the next week for those who are still interested in reading, likely resolving a lot of the problems. If you want a character to star in this who is currently surviving the wastes or have any ideas which you think would be good for the story; hit me up and i'll try and make it happen.
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